Reviews of the Flavia dishwasher
Reviews about the Flavia dishwasher have recently flooded the Internet. The number of reviews usually determines the popularity of a particular product in a positive or negative sense, so we could not pay attention to this fact. What are dishwashers of this brand, is it worth buying them? Consumers themselves will give us answers to these and other questions.
Sergey, Tolyatti
In short, this is just a terrible dishwasher. You can say that this does not happen, but everything about this washing machine is really bad. Firstly, it started to rust after 4 months of use. And, most importantly, you can’t see where it’s rusting, but the rusty water is leaking in. Secondly, large dishes don’t fit in the basket, it’s not very easy to wash pots and pans by hand, but you have to.
I finished off the last case when I put in a three-hour wash of plates with dried food, put in as many as one and a half tablets, and what happened in the end? But in the end, out of 12 plates, only eight were washed well. How can it be? Whaaack? In 3 hours, a heap of good detergent can leave dirt on your dishes. I appeal to all buyers of dishwashers, do not step on the same rake as I did, do not buy dishwashers of this brand.
Julia, Moscow
Six months ago I bought a Flavia BI 60 KASKATA Light dishwasher. Overall it's a good machine, however, there are a number of things that irritate me. Let me start with the fact that this model does not have a fast, or at least relatively fast, washing mode. When you choose a program for two hours and ten minutes, you understand why. Even a two-hour wash does not provide the proper result; the dishes remain dirty, especially pans.It washes normally only on the long mode, which lasts for 3 hours and 10 minutes, well, it’s incomprehensible to wait so long. I'm not happy with the machine.
I would really like an effective regimen lasting 1 hour or, if possible, less.
Ekaterina, Vladivostok
I want to tell you about my new dishwasher of the specified model. What a good technique this is, it just saved me, now my hands always look well-groomed. I will never forget the corporate party last year right after my birthday. I washed a mountain of dishes, my hands became like the feet of a goose, I had to hide them from my colleagues all evening, I was terribly ashamed. Now you can forget about this, because the dishwasher copes with its duties with a solid five. I recommend this machine to all my friends.
Valery, Volgograd
This machine is quite capricious, while I got used to using it, I remembered the manufacturer and even his mother. Spoons and forks are washed badly; if you fill the baskets with plates and pots, you have to free up space in the middle so that the lower rocker can reach them, since the small upper rocker can’t cope with its task.
It is also better not to place dishes on the bottom left, otherwise the dispenser will not work as it should, and the tablet inside will remain intact, and the quality of washing will be poor. I also don’t like that there is no rinse mode; over time I felt that without it I felt like I had no hands. The machine, in general, is ill-conceived and not worth the money.
Irina, Novosibirsk
I snatched this machine at a sale at a reasonable price. I thought that if I don’t use it myself, I’ll give it to my best friend for her birthday.But when my husband saw my purchase, he immediately showed interest, did the installation with his own hands, which in itself is already strange, and began experiments on washing dishes. In general, it turned out that I bought my husband a new toy, well, that’s good, at least it will be useful, I don’t have to wash the dishes myself.
It was impossible to force him to wash with his hands, and with the dishwasher he now doesn’t trust me with dirty dishes, he’s like a golden husband.
He fussed with it for a long time, now arranging the dishes this way, then that way, he got used to it, now you trust him with any mountain of dishes, and it returns everything clean. I ask my husband to teach me how to use the dishwasher, but he doesn’t trust me with his toy. In short, I'm happy, the dishes are always clean.
Galina, Sochi
For two years I dreamed of a good dishwasher, but in the end I bought this semblance of dishwasher equipment. This dishwasher doesn’t cope with its task at all; you take the plates out of the baskets and wash them. I arranged the dishes spaciously and sorted them so that nothing unusual would get into the machine. No sense. The washing result is always equally disgusting. A bunch dishwasher tablets I tried it and didn’t forget about gels and powders, all to no avail. Bad machine.
Vlad, Omsk
I have been using this machine for 4 months, I am completely satisfied with the quality. This machine is good value for money. For that kind of money, in principle, you won’t find anything better. Five plus to the manufacturer for this model, I hope it will work for a long time.
Gorelkina Elena
This technologically advanced dishwasher is equipped with an aquastop. I liked the simple, no-fuss controls. And she washes dishes well. The downside was that the capacity was small, I would have liked a bigger car, so only 4 points from me.
Rogozin Mikhail
We have had a dishwasher in our kitchen for over a year. During this time it has never failed, the main thing is to follow the instructions and connection rules. To make your washing machine happy, you don’t need to take care of it, namely wash the filter in a timely manner. The dishes are clean after washing, but slightly damp. In order for it to dry well, you need to wait a little and not rush to open the door after stopping. We often load the washing machine into only one of the baskets, so to speak, half load. No shortcomings were found.
Kuzina Margarita
Everyone in our family liked this dishwasher, although it was made in China. It washes and dries well. They used tablets, but after them they noticed stains. We switched to separate detergents, the dishes are perfect. Such cleanliness depends on many factors: hardness settings, quality of detergent and rinse aid. In addition, you must follow the rules specified in the instructions. I also liked the programs suitable for different dishes. Overall, I gave this dishwasher the highest score.
Chugaev Maxim
This machine is so-so, I would not recommend buying it, and for these reasons:
- The drain and inlet hoses cannot be replaced with long ones, since they are attached to the machine with clamps.
- Sometimes the tablet compartment door opens spontaneously.
- After drying, a large amount of condensation settles on the walls.
Nadezhda Borisovna
I thought that you can wash dishes well with your hands, and you don’t need a machine. However, my daughter-in-law, stamping her foot, insisted on buying it, and so a miracle of technology appeared in our apartment. Now everyone is welcome, PMM, as it turns out, washes better than me. She washed the old saucepans; the old grease in the pans was coming off. I apologized to the children, now I have free time.
As for the dishwasher itself, there is no declared child lock. And the little grandson keeps reaching for the buttons. It washes perfectly even if you use inexpensive tablets. And when you follow the instructions, everything happens as it should. Can handle glassware without rinse aid. We start the wash overnight. We believe that the first washing machine is successful. Take an example, buy a dishwasher and don’t skimp, otherwise you’ll pay twice. This model had a very reasonable price.
In conclusion, it should be said that the dishwashing equipment of this brand is not of high quality, but people still buy it and sometimes even praise it. Who likes what, and whether you personally like this technique, no one knows except you. Don't be afraid to experiment, good luck!
1 reader comment
Yes, the washing machine is terrible! The dishes remain dirty and stained. You have to wash it again by hand.