Reviews of the Electrolux ESL94510LO dishwasher
Recently, our specialists caught the eye of an Electrolux ESL94510LO dishwasher with a narrow body. At first glance, it is very similar to a dozen other Electrolux family washing machines that were released in the last 3-4 years. But upon closer inspection, a number of improvements are evident that may prove useful to potential buyers. Let's see what reviews users left about this machine, and only then we will draw conclusions.
Alfiya, Kazan
When there are four beautiful children running around the house, you don’t pay attention to minor everyday difficulties. It’s good that my caring husband notices how hard it is for me to work around the house and makes my work easier as best he can. I recently bought an Electrolux dishwasher. I load it twice, after lunch and after dinner. Dishes are washed perfectly, especially glass. I’m also glad that after washing you don’t need to wipe it; you take out all the items already dry. I'm happy that I now have an assistant!
Sergey, Moscow
My acquaintance with dishwashers began 4 years ago. My wife and I completely remodeled the kitchen and added household appliances, in particular we purchased a built-in Hansa dishwasher with a narrow body. At first everything was fine, but then Hansa began to break down almost every month. Two years of torment and Hansa was finally sold to the craftsmen for parts.
This time I decided not to skimp and took a branded Electrolux ESL94510LO dishwasher. Unlike Hansa, it works normally - no failures, no breakdowns. What do I like about it?
- Highest cleaning quality.
- Normal set of programs.
The dishwasher is able to remember your favorite program, and it will be displayed every time you turn on the appliance.
- Low noise level.
- Low consumption of tablets, water and electricity.
- Leakage protection and start delay, and quite a long delay.
I wouldn’t want to engage in anti-advertising, so I won’t generalize by saying that Hans’ dishwasher is bad. Apparently I just received a defective copy. But my limited experience suggests that Electrolux washing machines are better.
Larisa, Chelyabinsk
Very quiet, economical and useful equipment in the household. The machine has been working for me for a year and a half now. During this time, I also purchased an Electrolux washing machine to have a complete set. I didn’t find any drawbacks with the Electrolux ESL94510LO; perhaps previous models had them, but in this machine everything is made for people. She washes any dishes and cutlery equally well.. She flawlessly washes a grater with cheese stuck to it, plates with dried porridge and cups with coffee and tea residue. Five points!
Alexander, Tambov
It's better with a dishwasher than without it. For four months now, my wife has been happy like a girl, but all she needed was to properly equip the kitchen. It's a good machine, I recommend it for purchase!
Evgeniy, Krasnoyarsk
I chose Electrolux ESL94510LO because of its floor beam function, as well as its favorite program and extra drying functions. In addition, I liked the price, and the seller assured that this machine would serve for a long time and would not let me down. Maybe so, as long as I have no reason to refute his words. 9 months, normal flight.
Elizaveta, Perm
What I hate most in my life is scrubbing pans and pots, especially when my husband throws them in the sink and forgets to fill them with water.Leftover food dries to the dishes and forms a crust that is very difficult to peel off. So you're standing at the sink, trying to clean the dishes, and you're thinking about hiring a housekeeper. This problem has not been relevant for six months now, since we purchased a dishwasher. I insisted on buying an Electrolux machine, and my husband agreed. Now I'm almost happy!
Rodion, Moscow
In the first month of operation, the spray arm of the machine flew off, breaking my favorite glass. I was very upset, and most importantly, it’s not clear why it flew off, it looks like a factory defect. I didn’t call a repairman, even though this was a warranty case. I purchased and installed a new sprinkler. Now everything is in order, the machine works well, but I’m still angry with the manufacturer, because he deceived my expectations.
Alisa, Ekaterinburg
The machine completely refuses to dissolve powder and tablets. This makes the dishes very difficult to wash. I’ve been trying to call a technician from the service for three days now, but the result is zero, it looks like I’ll have to call a specialist from a third-party office at my own expense. It's a pity for the warranty, but it's bad without a machine.
Anatoly, Omsk
Over the course of a year of use, I became convinced that the machine is only good on holidays, when all the relatives gather for a feast, a mountain of dishes accumulates and they need to be washed. In everyday use it is not needed, no matter what anyone says. Electrolux ESL94510LO is a good workhorse, so it has nothing to do in my bachelor kitchen.
Julia, Yaroslavl
I dreamed of a dishwasher for a couple of years, but when I finally bought it, I was disappointed, because it took a long time to clean and was unsatisfactory.Electrolux ESL94510LO is fully built-in, so you can’t hear or see how it works, but I would really like to look at the process from the inside. It seems that she simply sprays the dishes with water for three hours, while the powder that I pour into a special compartment does not even dissolve. Is this the machine, or is it a breakdown? Not happy!
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