Reviews of the Bosch SKS 50E18 EU dishwasher
Compact dishwashers from a German company are increasingly in demand because they save space. Bosch has several models of such equipment, for example, Bosch SKS 50E18 EU. How the machine performs during operation, how well it washes dishes, we learn about this from user reviews. And what this machine can do will be indicated to us by the technical characteristics, from which we will begin.
Dishwasher characteristics
The dishwasher model indicated in the topic is produced for the European market, this is indicated by the last two letters EU in the model marking. This Bosch dishwasher has been assembled since 2012. This means that users should already have some kind of opinion about it.
The warranty period for this dishwasher is 1 year.
So, this dishwasher belongs to compact type, which are often called tabletop, since many people install it on the table. The machine is designed for 6 sets of dishes, washing which consumes about 7 liters of water and 0.63 kW/h of energy. There are 6 washing modes for different types of dishes, these are:
- pre-rinse;
- auto program;
- BIO mode;
- delicate wash;
- intensive washing;
- express wash.
The machine is controlled electronically, with a small display and various indicators, including automatic detection of 3 in 1 products. In addition, users will like the function of protection against leaks and child lock. After finishing, the dishwasher automatically turns off, and during operation it makes a noise not exceeding 52 dB.
Buyers' opinion
About a year ago, we installed water meters in our apartment and a new one for electricity.When my husband and son wash the dishes, I am horrified. This is done something like this: a plate with foam is washed, and at this time the water from the tap runs at full capacity, then everything is rinsed thoroughly, wiped dry, and the water runs all the time, without turning off. And at this time someone else might call, or want to change the channel with the remote control, in general, it’s a disaster, how much water is wasted.
Despite this, my idea to buy a dishwasher was not approved, citing it as unnecessary. But then I won and set myself three selection criteria: compactness to fit on the table, gray metallic color, simple controls. Based on the brand, I thought I immediately wanted Bosch. In reality it turned out a little differently.
The Bosch SKS50E18 RU dishwasher I liked had small dimensions, but it didn’t fit on the table, or rather, it looked terrible in that place. At the same time, the microwave would have to make room. As a result of long trials, the equipment stood in the tower at a distance of 3 meters from the sink. Quite far away, which is why my husband refused to connect it. The work was carried out by a plumber who “ripped off” me $40, but there were no other options.
As expected, before turning on the dishwasher, I read the instructions, but did not understand anything. The translation is terrible, the text and pictures are spread out on completely different pages, it’s not clear what’s what. It took me a long time to figure out how to set the hardness and dosage of the products. Therefore, in order not to confuse anything, I decided to use Finish 3 in 1 tablets.
While understanding the washing modes, I came to the conclusion that it is inconvenient to put dirty dishes in baskets, since they drip and you get dirty.
Therefore, a rule was introduced - after eating, wipe your dishes with a napkin and shake off all remnants of food and debris.Arranging plates and other utensils is an art so that everything fits. The machine turned out to be too small for three people, but it still includes pots, a stove grate and frying pans. I wash almost all the dishes in the ECO mode, glass survives, pots and pans are washed.
During operation, nothing happened, the only thing is that I never washed the filter, although this must be done after each cycle. Today I corrected the situation. In general, I’m happy, it does its job and uses little water, only 7 liters. At first I wanted to look into it, to see at what stage the wash was at. I run it in the evenings, it works inaudibly, and there is no annoying signal at the end. The dryness of the dishes is not ideal, but it suits me.
Lyubava56, Sochi
I bought a dishwasher four years ago when I decided to retire. I wanted to protect my hands and get closer to civilization. Initially, I didn’t think about the Bosch brand, I wanted something simpler, cheaper, but I didn’t find what I needed. This machine can be installed anywhere due to its compactness. My son connected it for me; following the instructions, everything is not difficult to do.
Holds almost everything, both plates and pans. But plastic cannot be washed. There are five wash modes, but I only use three:
- delicate (glass);
- intensive (pots, pans) and
- normal (plates, spoons and forks).
I use different washing products: sometimes tablets, sometimes powder, and also rinse aid and salt. Everything washes out perfectly. One day, the drawing on the glasses that my son had put in the basket was washed away; as it turned out, such dishes cannot be washed. Over the years, not a single breakdown, satisfied with the purchase.
Kukutsapol, Saratov
I am a fan of various devices, unusual gadgets, dishes and other things, so everything in my small kitchen is covered up and there is no room. However, I got tired of washing dishes by hand, so my husband started doing it first. Having experienced this work himself, he happily installed the machine I bought on the countertop.
The machine is not so small, because it includes a grill, pots, and ladles. There are three in our family and we load it 1 sometimes 2 times a day. In terms of the quality of washing, I will say this: plates and mugs are washed, but pots are not always washed. Sometimes forks and spoons are not washed, but this happens rarely, so we are happy with the purchase. I had a chance to wash in a narrow dishwasher model, but it holds about the same amount and does not wash any better. And the most important thing is that you bend down to put something down every time, so I began to love my little one more.
Volanova Lyudmila
When compared with cheap dishwasher models, you understand that Bosch is more economical. It washes dishes well, most often I use the fast program, with the exception of children's dishes. It needs to be washed in hot water, this is an intensive mode. The machine fits perfectly in the kitchenette. I recommend buying it, an irreplaceable item.
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