Reviews of the Bosch Serie 4 SPV47E30RU dishwasher

reviews of Bosch Serie 4 SPV47E30RUThe relatively new, narrow dishwasher Bosch Serie 4 SPV47E30RU has been available to Russian buyers for some time. What are the advantages of this model compared to previous ones can be understood if you carefully look at its characteristics. However, neither the specifications, nor the detailed instructions, nor even the salesperson in the store will tell you about the nuances of its operation. How to be? You don’t need to think long, read people’s reviews, and everything will become clear.


Ulyana, Novosibirsk

This is one of the quietest dishwashers. During operation, only a quiet, uniform hum is heard, and only if you listen very well, you can distinguish splashes of water. This model has very convenient baskets. They have the right shape, so placing dishes there is a pleasure. I also like the ability to move the baskets a little higher or a little lower depending on what dishes are being washed.

If you want, you can pull out one basket altogether, then huge objects will fit down.

For those who like to overload the dishwasher bin, there is a load sensor. By the way, this sensor helps to turn on a half load if the dishwasher bin is not completely filled. This built-in dishwasher is very spacious and can fit almost all of our dishes, with the exception of the largest pots. The width of its body is only 45 cm, so it could easily find a place in the kitchen. Finally, I will say that I really like the machine, and I give it a consumer rating of five points!

Marina, Moscow

Oh, how I hate the times when I didn't have a dishwasher.I came home from work at 7 pm and spent about 40 minutes cleaning the kitchen, mostly standing near the sink with a sponge and a bottle of dishwashing detergent. Six months ago we decided to buy a dishwasher, and now I am in heaven. I come home from work and have time to lie on the couch. She has a lot of advantages.

  1. She can wash all the dishes that have accumulated in the sink during the day in one go.
  2. It has clear electronic controls.
  3. The machine cleans perfectly with a minimum amount of water. I won’t say exactly how much it uses, but the savings on water bills are noticeable, and the dishes are clean.
  4. While washing, it makes a quiet but pleasant sound. Sometimes I fall asleep listening to it while sitting in a chair in the kitchen.
  5. The dishwasher is not picky about the quality of detergents. I put the cheapest pills in it and everything is fine, no problems.
  6. The machine has a fast program. It can be turned on when you need to quickly rinse not very dirty dishes.

Tamara, Ulyanovsk

The dishwasher washes the dishes very clean, but I always buy cheap ones Econta dishwasher tablets. The quality of dishwashing is the main thing, but this is far from the only advantage of this machine. It has useful options that make me very happy.

For example, it has a start delay of up to 9 hours. This is convenient when you need to start the wash at night. It has a wonderful cutlery tray that cleans forks and spoons perfectly. The dishwasher also has complete protection against leaks. I can put the dishes down to wash while I go to the store, without fear that the neighbor downstairs will call and shout into the phone: “You’re drowning us!!!” I'm happy with the purchase!

Saveliy, MurmanskBosch Serie 4 SPV47E30RU

The machine is good, well assembled, works fine. I especially want to note the quality of rinsing.In a year I have never seen a single white stain. Even glasses are washed to a shine. Just yesterday my wife and I went to a restaurant, and the glasses there were washed worse than at home. I recommend to buy!

Tatiana, Novokuznetsk

Well done to me for deciding to buy this machine, especially since its price is quite reasonable. It cleans well, takes up little space in the kitchen, and is a pleasure to operate. I recommend to all!

Irina, Kostroma

The Bosch Serie 4 SPV47E30RU was recommended to me by the salespeople in the store, the three of them actually attacked me (they just didn’t have many clients that day) and let’s vying with each other to advertise this machine. In general, after much persuasion, I gave in and have been using it for almost a year and a half. I can say about this machine in one word – magical! Always a perfect result, and you can’t hear it in the kitchen, because it works quietly, and it’s not visible, because it’s hidden behind the facade of the furniture. Nothing better could be asked for!

It's good when store managers give excellent advice. Personally, they helped me choose the best dishwasher.

Lyudmila, Izhevsk

I really liked the machine. The door opens smoothly, the baskets slide out and rearrange easily. It is convenient to stack dishes. Five points!

Larisa, Perm

An excellent option for a family of four like ours. She can easily handle a day's worth of dirty dishes in one go. Only on holidays, when guests gather, do you have to load it twice; on other days, 1 launch per day is enough.


Yana, Moscow

Just last week they brought me a machine, but it turned out that it had problems with the water supply. I didn’t even think that the Germans had defective equipment. Now I'm waiting for them to change it for me. Bad machine and bad service from the store where I bought it!

Sergey, Verkhnyaya Pyshma

The washing machine began to fray my nerves already on the fourth day after purchase. At first, it simply froze in the first minute after turning on the program, and then it completely began to shut down on its own. They invited a service technician, he disassembled it right on the spot and fixed it in about two hours. We washed the dishes for about two weeks, then the problem repeated itself. I am absolutely not happy with the purchase and want to return the dishwasher to the store!


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