How to wash things from glass wool?
Glass wool is a complex material that requires the use of specially designed clothing to work with. The glass fiber does not stick to it, and there is no need to wash the item after each wear. However, many neglect this rule and then ask the question: how to wash glass wool from clothes without ruining the item even more?
Removing glass wool from fabric
The first thing that comes to mind when glass wool gets on clothing is to wet it with water. This is strictly forbidden. It is absolutely impossible to remove glass wool from a wet surface. You will only make things more difficult for yourself. It’s also not a good idea to crumple, rub or expose clothes to any mechanical stress right away.
Before you start cleaning the item, put on rubber household gloves! The skin suffers from glass wool much more seriously than clothing.
- The first and main rule: clothes must be dry. To ensure that there is no moisture at all, take a regular vacuum cleaner and run the tube or small attachment over the clothes. This will speed up the drying process and also eliminate excess glass particles that could accidentally get into a person’s eyes or respiratory tract. If you have the opportunity to wear a mask and goggles, use it.
- Continue to dry your clothes as much as possible using any available methods. Keep it near the radiator, dry it with a hairdryer, and go through it again with a vacuum cleaner. Moisture acts as a bonding agent for glass chips and fabric fibers, so the less it is, the better.
Only after thorough drying, when the primary layer of glass has been removed, can you proceed directly to washing the item. It must be produced strictly by hand, separately from any other clothing and in no case exposing your arms!
Repeat the procedure 4-5 times, there is no need to rub or wrinkle anything, just rinse the item in clean water, and between washes, direct a powerful stream of running water at it.
After cleaning, dry the clothes thoroughly. After drying, go through the vacuum cleaner again a couple of times. You've already done everything you can. All that remains is to evaluate the result. If you are not satisfied with it, you can try to dry clean the item or, at worst, throw it away.
Important! If glass wool stains a wool item, it will be impossible to save it. It is almost impossible to remove glass particles from wool fibers.
Glass wool gets on your skin: what to do?
If you are unlucky enough to get glassy skin on your skin, you will immediately begin to experience terrible itching. Action must be taken as soon as possible. First of all, close your eyes, hold your breath and shake off your head, as there may be a lot of glass particles left in your hair.
Now you need to take a shower under strong pressure. The water should be cool, preferably no higher than body temperature. This is due to the fact that when taking hot water treatments, the skin pores become wider and this is fraught with particles getting inside. For the same reason, do not rub the skin with your hands or a washcloth, so as not to create microdamages on it.
After taking a shower, you need to dry off, but without wiping yourself, and then repeat the water procedure, but using hygiene products: soap or shower gel. Sometimes, even after complete cleansing of the skin from glass wool, the itching continues to annoy for some time. There are several ways to get rid of an unpleasant symptom:
- Wet a towel with cold water or wrap ice in it and apply it to the inflamed area. Low temperature relieves itching well;
- if cooling does not help, you need to anoint the damaged area. For these purposes, aloe, fermented milk products or calendula tincture are suitable, which not only perfectly relieves irritation, but also disinfects the skin.
A similar situation may arise after gluing walls with fiberglass wallpaper, since the same materials are used for their manufacture as for the manufacture of glass wool. In any case, try to protect vulnerable areas of the body as much as possible when working.
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