What is the difference between dishwasher salt and regular salt?
Many users are interested in why dishwasher salt cannot be replaced with regular table salt? The packaging of special products states that they consist of 99.9% purified salt crystals. So does it make sense to overpay?
Is any kind of table salt good?
Salt for PMM is a product that plays a big role in ensuring proper operation of the device. It replenishes sodium in the ion exchanger. Salt granules help regenerate the resins in the dishwasher softener.
For PMM, a special regenerating salt is sold, the cost of which is $2-3 per one and a half kilogram package.
However, many housewives rush to pour ordinary salt into the dishwasher reservoir, mistakenly thinking that this can save a lot. In fact, such an alternative will not be useful either to the machine or to the wallet. Let's figure out why.
Iodized salt cannot be poured into the PMM at all. The resin contained in the softener is an excellent sorbent material for iodine. First of all, it will collect it, and not calcium and magnesium ions from hard water. As a result, the ion exchanger will cease to perform its direct functions, and it will not be possible to resuscitate it.
Regular salt comes in different varieties:
- first;
- second;
- higher;
- extra
Many users believe that coarse table salt can be placed in the dishwasher. This is a misconception. No fraction is suitable for ensuring resin regeneration in the ion exchanger. There are two reasons for this:
- inappropriate size of salt crystals;
- too much hardness salts.
Salt for PMM is made in the form of large crystals.This size is optimal for the gradual dissolution of granules - they will not stick together in the process. Due to moderate “melting”, they ensure normal resin regeneration in the ion exchanger.
Regular salt is very fine. These granules will not dissolve gradually; they will immediately precipitate at the bottom of the container, which will subsequently stick together. The resulting “stone” will remain in the tray for a very long time, without ensuring regeneration of the resin in the softener.
The second reason is the excessive amount of hardness salts in ordinary granules. The resin in the ion exchanger will not be able to recover completely. With each cycle it will lose its properties. This will simply make your dishwasher softener ineffective.
Dishwasher salt is indeed 99.9% pure salt crystals, there are almost no impurities. At the same time, ordinary salt is not so pure; it contains carbonates and iron. For humans, these components are useful, but for PMM they are detrimental.
Therefore, salt for PMM must be special. The cost of such a product is low. With a consumption of 500-700 grams per six months, a package weighing 1.5 kg will last for a long time. The price of a pack of this volume is about $3.
Suitable replacement for special salt
A more or less suitable replacement would be reactive salt. These are crystals used as a chemical element. Sodium can be of the following types:
- "Chemically pure";
- “Pure for experiments”;
- "Special purity."
Reactive salt of all three purity levels can be used for PMM.
From a technical point of view, this option is acceptable. However, from the economic side it will not be feasible. Reactive salt is more expensive than special granules for PMM.
Also, sodium chloride is quite fine. It needs to be granulated before loading into the dishwasher.Therefore, there is no point in switching to reactive salt - you will not only have to carry out additional actions, but also overpay.
Another possible option is salt from hardware stores. It is in the form of large tablets and is used for filter elements. The cost of such a product is much less than special salt for the dishwasher. Therefore, savings can be achieved.
This salt has disadvantages. The first is that large tablets will need to be crushed to fit into the dishwasher tank. Secondly, it is sold only in packages of 25 and 50 kg. You will have to spend money one-time, but one such bag will last for 10-15 years.
Still, it is better not to skimp on PMM maintenance. Special regenerating salt is not so expensive, moreover, it is much healthier for the dishwasher, does not contain harmful impurities and dissolves gradually, ensuring the normal operation of the ion exchanger. Regular salt does not have these benefits.
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