How to open the door of an Indesit washing machine if it is locked

How to open the door of an Indesit washing machine if it is lockedTo open the door of the Indesit washing machine, as a rule, you have to wait for some time: 2-3 minutes after washing or spinning, the hatch remains closed. However, if it is blocked after 5 minutes or more, additional manipulations or even repairs may be required. This situation can arise either due to a serious breakdown or due to the use of certain modes in which it takes more time to drain the water from the tank. To find out what’s wrong and correct the situation, read our article.

Opening using different methods

Let's take the simplest case: the wash has finished, but there is water left in the drum. Accordingly, the machine will not allow you to open the door. The solution is simple - run one of the modes:

  • rinsing;
  • drain;
  • spin

Wait until the work is completed and try opening the hatch again. Did not work out? Check the water drain hose for blockages. If there is a blockage, clean it with special means or a pipe cleaning cable. After clearing the blockage, reconnect the hose and turn on one of the modes shown above again.

The washing machine may not respond to commands, which is why it will not be possible to drain the water automatically. In this case, you will have to drain it manually through a garbage filter. Proceed as follows.emergency release cable

    1. Place rags in the filter area and place a basin or other container under water on them.
  1. Unscrew the plug from the filter.
  2. Discard the water.

Now you need to manually unlock the hatch lock. You will need a lanyard and a knife.Attach the string to the space between the door and the body of the washing machine, in the place where the lock is located. Next, press it inward with a knife. Then pull the lace at both ends until it clicks - at this moment the lock should open.

If you did not succeed in unlocking the Indesit washing machine using the previous method, you will have to do it literally by hand. First, disconnect the washing machine from the network. We remove the top cover by unscrewing all the bolts holding it and sliding it first back and then towards you. When the cover is removed, we reach from above with our hand to the hatch locking device. We feel for the tongue there and move it. The washing machine is open!

Some manufacturers install a special cable on their machines to open the door in case of malfunctions. There is no such mechanism on Indesit brand machines.

Why is there a problem?

Stagnation of water in the drum is not the only reason the door is blocked: it can also be due to a breakdown. Indesit can break for many reasons. Let's list the most common ones.door handle broke

  • The handle on the hatch broke. This situation is not uncommon, especially for those who have children.
  • Malfunction in the hatch locking device. This is a fairly common situation for washing machines that have been in service for many years.
  • Electronics fault. For example, a device that determines the amount of water in a tank shows that it is there, but in fact the tank is dry. Unfortunately, in this situation the sensor will definitely have to be changed.

If dumping water from the tank or manually opening the lock does not help you, contact a specialist. Even if you managed to open the door, but water continues to linger in the tank after spinning, it is better to take the machine to a service center to eliminate problems with water drainage.


1 reader comment

  1. Gravatar Marina Marina:

    Thanks for the advice. She opened the door with a string! Hooray!

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