How to open the Kandy washing machine door?
A few minutes after the washing machine notifies the user about the end of the wash with a sound signal, the hatch unlocks. However, it also happens that when the device stops working, access to the laundry is not provided. Let's figure out why the Candy washing machine door cannot be opened and consider options for solving this problem.
Why does the lock not open?
If the hatch is blocked, this does not necessarily indicate a failure of the locking mechanism. The problem can arise under the influence of many external and internal factors. The most common reasons why Kandy's door is blocked.
- Drain system clogged. Waste water will not be discharged from the tank if the garbage filter, pump or hose is completely or partially clogged with debris or detergent residue. As a result, the device filled with liquid does not open.
- Program crashes. Perhaps there were power surges in the power grid, or utility services temporarily turned off electricity and water. You must wait until specialists ensure uninterrupted operation of communications, and then restart the wash cycle.
- Failure of the locking mechanism. If you handle the machine carelessly, the handle will break and the hatch may not open.
- Incorrect activation of the child lock mode. If you remove the function, the door will open after a while.
The door in Candy washing machines should unlock 2-3 minutes after the device has finished operating. Therefore, do not panic if the hatch does not open immediately after the sound signal.It is better to wait about 5 minutes, and access to the laundry will be granted.
Most often, the causes of a malfunction can be eliminated without involving a technician; the main thing is to familiarize yourself with the algorithm of actions described in the instructions for household appliances.
Problems with automatic blocking
Luke Kandy, like devices from other brands, is blocked automatically. This is one of the protection measures provided by washing machine manufacturers. After washing, you need to wait a few minutes before opening the door.
If there are voltage drops or power outages in the electrical network, the machine must be left unplugged for half an hour and then started again. In 30 minutes, the user settings will be automatically reset, so the hatch will open. Such manipulations are only permissible if there is no water in the tank, otherwise it is recommended to turn to other methods.
The machine is locked by hardware
Sometimes the user accidentally activates the child lock feature. The mode is activated by simultaneously pressing two buttons (the key combination depends on the specific Candy model). How exactly to protect the machine from child access is described in the instructions.
If the door does not open, you must ensure that the safety function is not activated. The lock is turned off using a combination of the same buttons that are used to turn it on. However, all these actions will not work if the device has stopped working during the washing phase, when the equipment is still full of soapy water.
The equipment froze without having time to drain the water
When the machine finished washing more than 10 minutes ago, and the hatch has not opened, you should run a standard program, for example, “Rinse”.If the device has completed its operation, but no changes are observed with the locking mechanism, you need to check the elements of the drain system (drainage hose) for blockages. It is possible that the liquid does not flow into the drain due to obstructions such as accumulation of hair, dirt, or deposits of washing powder.
Important! Before cleaning, it is important to remove all the water in the tank through a garbage filter.
After the liquid has been removed, the drain hose is disconnected and cleaned. After completing all the manipulations, you should start the rinsing mode again. If the above steps do not help, you can open the door using the red or orange emergency rope. It is located next to the garbage filter. Some models do not have this part, so you need to proceed as follows:
- disconnect equipment from power supply;
- remove the top panel by unscrewing certain bolts;
- tilt the device back until the drum moves away from the door;
- put your hand into the gap formed, feel the lock lever and turn it to the side;
- return the top panel to its place.
This method of opening the hatch is one of the most effective. However, it is better to ask another person for help. It will help hold the body of heavy household appliances and cope with the lock.
Opening a door with a broken handle
Very often, the handle with which the hatch is unlocked breaks due to careless operation. Plastic is easily mechanically affected, especially if you pull the handle hard. You can unlock the door using a thin rope or fishing line:
- take a rope that is approximately 25 cm longer than the circumference of the hatch;
- insert it into the gap between the door and the front wall of the device;
- Pull the ends of the rope firmly, positioning it perpendicular to the floor, after which the hatch will open.
If the door still does not open, there is no need to make additional efforts. This can make the situation worse and lead to additional problems. First of all, it is important to remove all the water from the machine and only then proceed to one of the selected unlocking methods. When none of the options listed above produce results, it is better to call a specialist.
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