How to open the Beko washing machine door
When the washer is functioning normally, it is easy to handle it yourself without reading instructions and expert recommendations. But if there is something wrong with the device, then even just opening the Beko washing machine door can be problematic. If you cannot simply wait a few minutes after the end of the working cycle and then open the door, you will have to use auxiliary methods for removing clean laundry. Let's analyze this unpleasant situation in detail and what you can do about it with your own hands.
Why doesn't the hatch budge?
If after washing you cannot open the “home assistant” hatch, then it is not a fact that the device is out of order. There are many reasons for this behavior, so there is no need to rush to call a repair service. The most common reasons for door blocking are damage to the lock, broken handle, and blockage in the drain system. Also, do not discount trivial operating errors, which also lead to blocking of the hatch. First, let's list all the possible options that cause the described problem.
- Impatience. Due to the fact that after washing the door is locked for another 2-3 minutes, during which the plate of the hatch blocking device must cool down, the door simply will not open until time passes.
- Drain system clogged. While the Beko washing machine cannot drain the waste liquid down the drain, it will not open the hopper. In such a situation, the pressure switch will transmit data to the control board that the tank is full, so the UBL will remain blocked so that water does not flood the user’s floors.
- Damaged control module.Perhaps a one-time failure of the board is to blame, then after rebooting the washing machine, the door will immediately open. This can happen after a power outage or a sudden voltage drop in the electrical network. The worst situation is if the control module has failed and needs either repair or replacement.
- Broken lock. It can fail if it is slammed too hard and thereby damages the locking mechanism. Buying a new lock or repairing the old one will help fix the problem.
- Child protection. If your model has a similar function, then it is worth checking whether it was activated accidentally. In this case, it is enough to simply turn off the unit to open the hatch.
Be sure to wait at least 5-10 minutes after completing the operating cycle - if even after this the door is locked, you will have to start diagnostics. It should be done gradually, starting with the simplest points, so as not to waste too much time.
Everything will be resolved by itself
In a situation where the washing is completed, several minutes have passed, and the door still does not swing open, all is not lost. It is possible that the automatic lock, designed to prevent the door from accidentally opening during the operating cycle, has been activated, preventing access to the drum. The hatch locking device may not have cooled down yet, so you need to wait a little longer.
UBL has a rather complex structure. The mechanism creates an obstacle due to which it is impossible to accidentally open the door during washing. After completing the work, the plate should cool slightly. That’s why you shouldn’t immediately try to open the door at the signal, but rather wait 5-10 minutes, unplugging the household appliances from the network.
It is also worth considering another common option - a one-time system failure. Due to the fact that modern smart equipment is very sensitive to strong voltage fluctuations in the network, it can produce various errors due to a one-time system failure. In this state, the “home assistant” may stop responding to the user’s commands, which will cause natural concerns about the condition of the machine.
But if a technical glitch is really to blame, due to which it is impossible to open the door, then it is very easy to deal with. You just need to restart the washing machine by unplugging it from the power supply for half an hour and then plugging it back in. Most likely, a reboot will clear the fault so the door will start opening again.
“Eternal” blocking due to a broken lock
Finally, let’s look at a situation where the washing machine successfully got rid of the waste liquid, completed its work, the child lock option was disabled, and even the UBL had time to cool down for a long time, but the door still does not open. In such a situation, you should check the lock for integrity. The locking mechanism often fails because the device is very fragile, so it can be accidentally damaged if you press too hard on the handle. To open the hatch and remove things, you will have to urgently open the washing machine using a thin rope or fishing line.
- Take a rope or fishing line at least 30 centimeters longer than the circumference of the hatch.
- Pass a rope between the door and the body of the washer where the handle is installed.
- Gently pull the ends of the line so that they are perpendicular to the floor.
- Carefully move the rope until you can open the lock.
If there is no rope or fishing line, then you can try to open the door with an unnecessary plastic card, pushing it into the gap and moving it in different directions until it clicks.
If neither the fishing line nor the card helped, then you will have to partially disassemble the “home assistant”. To reach the locking mechanism through the top. Follow our instructions.
- Disconnect the machine from all communications.
- Provide free access to appliances by moving them away from the wall or pulling them out of the kitchen unit.
- Remove the retaining bolts and remove the top housing panel.
- Take a thin screwdriver or awl in your hands.
- Gently tilt the washer backwards so that the drum moves slightly away from the front of the device.
- Insert the awl into the gap that appears.
- Find the UBL and move its latch.
Once the Beko washing machine has opened, all you have to do is install the top panel and return the appliance to its place. Opening the machine is not difficult - it requires a little skill and about 15 minutes of free time. Just remember to make sure there is no liquid inside the device.
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