Error H32 in a Bosch washing machine
It is believed that fault code H32, also known as E32 in a number of models of Bosch brand washing machines, is one of the most common breakdowns that users encounter. However, the prevalence of the problem does not in any way affect its correction, because housewives usually simply do not know what error H32 means in a Bosch washing machine. Let’s analyze this situation and tell you how you can deal with it yourself without the help of a service center specialist.
What does the code indicate?
Any malfunction of the “home assistant” ruins the user’s life, because it either completely blocks the normal operation of the device or worsens the quality of washing. Breaking H32 reports that the automatic diagnostic system has detected excessive swaying of the drum during spinning. After detecting an imbalance, the washing machine urgently drains all the water and stops operation to prevent failure of the crosspiece, tank and other key components of the system. Thus, error H32 on the display also indicates that the risks of further damage to the washing machine have been minimized.
Any new washing machine from Bosch comes with built-in protection against drum imbalance, which is especially necessary during spinning at maximum rpm. Using this option, the device instantly detects any drum imbalance that occurs, stops the working cycle and shows the user a fault code on the SM display.
If the error is not corrected in a timely manner and the drum remains unbalanced, then you may also encounter failure of the control board, which is almost impossible to repair with your own hands. That is why it is so important to prevent excessive swinging of the tank, which is often caused by a simple overload or underload of laundry.
What to do when a code appears?
Do not rush to call a repair service immediately after your household appliance displays fault code H32. It is quite possible that you yourself will be able to fix the problem, keeping the family budget intact. What to do in such a situation?
- To begin with, you can try opening the hatch door, tidying up the crumpled clothes by breaking up a large lump of laundry, and then draining all the water and starting the spin cycle again. Usually, when the washing machine allows the door to open, this procedure will help correct the situation.
- If you mistakenly loaded too many dirty items into the drum, exceeding the maximum load, you need to open the hatch and remove several items, and then restart the spin cycle. If there were too few things, then it is necessary to do the opposite - add clothes.
- Finally, the breakdown could be caused by improper installation of the equipment. Maybe standard beginner mistakes were made during installation of the equipment. Any washing machine must be placed on a hard and level surface, for example, concrete or tiles, and must also be leveled to the building level. If the machine is not stable, there will be more vibrations during operation, especially during the spin process. Therefore, you should not install the “home assistant” on linoleum, carpet or wood flooring.
It is important not only to install the washing machine level, but also to place the drain hose at a height of 60-90 centimeters from the floor level in order to eliminate possible problems with draining the waste liquid into the sewer.
If the problem cannot be resolved, then it is probably not user error that is to blame, but a breakdown. Most of the problems can be fixed with your own hands; for the rest you will have to call a repairman.
What problem does H32 cause?
We have already found out that fault code H32 can appear due to installation errors, as well as due to the breakdown of some key component of the system. Let's look at each of the reasons in more detail.
- Forgotten shipping bolts. These elements are only needed when transporting the washing machine from the store to home, as they fix the drum in a stationary position so that it does not become deformed during transportation. After installation, the bolts must be removed and plastic plugs placed in their place. If this is not done, but any work cycle is started with the transport bolts installed, the electric motor will try to drive the static drum, thus causing strong vibration inside the system and damage to various elements.
Starting a working cycle with the transport bolts installed is considered a gross violation of the operating rules and therefore voids the warranty.
- Bearing damage. To fix this problem, it is better to call a technician, since to replace a failed unit you will have to almost completely disassemble the machine.
- Damage system failure. Since the drum in the washing machine is suspended, it is held in place by springs and shock absorbers, which smooth out the action of centrifugal force, suppressing strong vibrations, especially during spinning.If the shock-absorbing system has become unusable due to mechanical damage or natural wear and tear during active use, then it will no longer be able to effectively dampen vibration, so an imbalance will begin to arise. In this case, you can independently remove the top panel of the SM, press on the tank and evaluate its behavior. If it jumped up and immediately fell into place, then everything is in order, but if chaotic swinging occurs, then repair is required.
- Failure of counterweights. Concrete blocks in home appliances are installed on the top, bottom and sides of the cabinet to suppress drum vibration, adding weight and stability to the equipment. If the block is damaged, then this also affects the formation of an imbalance. If the counterweight is deformed, it can be restored with adhesive, tighten the bolts, or replace it with whole concrete blocks.
- Damage to the control board CM. A faulty electronic module provokes the appearance of many errors, not only H. It is almost impossible to check it on your own and eliminate the damage, because this requires a wealth of experience and special equipment. Therefore, it is better not to try to work with the board, but to immediately call a service center specialist.
As you can see, not all reasons for the appearance of the H32 code are related to damage, so it is better not to rush to call the repair service, but first try to get rid of the problem yourself.
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