Error H20 Ariston washing machine
Hotpoint Ariston washing machines are equipped with a self-diagnosis system in which most codes begin with the English letter F. Therefore, the appearance of code H20 may seem strange. Let's figure out what it means and what to do in this case.
Decoding and description of symptoms
Error h20 in the Ariston washing machine informs the user about a failure in the water inlet system. If the number zero is read as the letter O, you get the formula for water. Manufacturers took this formula in order to make it easier to remember this error, which can occur with any program. In most cases, the washing machine freezes before the rinse stage.
An important feature of error H20 is that when you start the individual “Drain” or “Spin” modes, the machine works normally and the error does not occur.
In addition, it is worth listing the symptoms that appear before the machine stops washing:
- no water is poured into the tank at all;
- too little water coming in;
- There is too much water in the tank;
- Water entering the tank is immediately drained (self-draining).
Reasons for appearance
Why does the system give this error? There are several reasons for this.
- The main reason is related to the fill valve. Most often, it becomes clogged with particles of debris and rust that enter the machine along with water. The valve contacts or the valve itself may be faulty.
Don’t forget to check whether the water supply tap is open and at what pressure the water is supplied to the water supply. In this case, you won’t have to look for a problem in the washing machine. - When water drains itself, the cause is an incorrect connection of the drain hose to the sewer.
- If there is little or a lot of water, then the cause must be sought in a faulty pressure switch.
- Most rarely, error H20 is caused by a malfunction of the electronic module.
Please note that if code F01 appears after error H20, then the malfunction in the machine is more likely to be associated with the second error.
Fill valve
The problem with the fill valve is the main one for this error, we will describe it in more detail and figure out how to fix it. This part is located immediately behind the inlet hose. Therefore, turn off the water and unscrew the inlet hose; you will immediately see the mesh filter of the inlet valve. Using pliers, carefully pull the mesh towards you and rinse in water. If the mesh is rusty and very dirty, soak it in a citric acid solution for 20 minutes, then rinse and return it to its place.
If the problem is not a blockage, proceed to checking the part itself:
- remove the top cover of the washing machine to provide access to the equipment unit;
- check the valve contacts using a multimeter;
- test the fill valve itself;
- in case of breakdown, disconnect the fill valve from the electrics,
- unscrew it from the body;
- install a new part.
Pressure switch and drain system
The water intake into the washing machine is “monitored” by a water level sensor, which sends a signal to the module about how much water has been collected. If the sensor is faulty, either too much or too little water may enter the tank. It’s easy to check this part yourself. You need:
- Remove the top cover of the Ariston washing machine.
- Find the pressure switch at the top of the machine.
- Check the tightness of the pressure tube connection. It could fly off or become clogged, which would definitely affect the operation of the part. In addition, the tube may have ruptured, in which case it will need to be replaced.
- Next, using a multimeter, check the contacts of the sensor and the wires going to the pressure switch.
- If all the above-described elements are intact, then most likely the sensor itself has broken, which does not happen so often.
- Take a similar part to the Ariston washing machine and install it in place of the faulty one.
In the case of self-draining water, immediately begin checking the drain hose. If the drain point is below the permissible level, then water will begin to flow out of the tank. This can happen if you initially connect the washing machine to the drain incorrectly, or if the drain hose falls out of the latch on the back wall that held it in a vertical position. Read all about the drainage system and connection in the article How to make a drain for a washing machine.
Electronic board
If, after checking the valve and pressure switch, the machine still gives an error, then you should think about the control board. Mainly, the cause may be a burnt-out triac or track responsible for controlling the water inlet valve. In this case, there is a chance to repair the module. You need to stock up on a new element, a soldering iron and patience. However, in most cases, we recommend entrusting this work to a specialist. Just don’t think that we are dissuading you.
In the rarest cases, an Ariston washing machine may freeze due to a failure in the firmware of the electronic board. Try unplugging the appliance for 20 minutes and starting the wash again, maybe rebooting the “brain” will help solve the problem. Otherwise, the board will need to be reflashed or replaced with a new one, which will cost a pretty penny.
Thus, error H20 can lead to the breakdown of various components. But in most cases, the problem is solved on the spot, that is, at home. You can do the repairs yourself, following the instructions, but if you don’t want to, call a specialist. Good luck!
4 reader comments
If the machine fills with water, then gives an H2O error and starts draining, then after draining it sits for a while and starts filling again, and so on ad infinitum? In this case, when the H2O error is flashing, rinsing, spinning, and draining work in manual mode. This needs to be checked by the pressure switch, do I understand correctly?
Ariston 605 takes in water (although in my opinion not enough water) and washes on all modes for 12-13 minutes. Then error h20 comes on.
What is the reason?
The machine did not draw water at all, it immediately seemed that this was at the software level. But in the end it helped to clean the valve, which looked clogged and wasn’t that bad. Thank you.
I just had this error, it was flooding and draining in a cycle for about two hours. Lowered the drain hose lower. Immediately the water filled up and continued washing.