Error F12 on the Atlant washing machine

error F12 in SM AtlantBelarusian-assembled Atlant washing machines, like machines of other brands, are equipped with self-diagnosis. Error codes indicate that the equipment is malfunctioning. In this article we will take a closer look at the F12 error, describe the reasons for its occurrence and what to do in this case.

Description and reasons for appearance

The manufacturer Atlant gives a very lengthy explanation of error F12: “Problem with engine operation.” This wording suggests that the engine has broken down, but an experienced technician will tell you that everything is not so simple. Various elements that relate to the operation of the engine may fail, and therefore the complexity and price Atlant typewriter repair will be completely different. The following may fail:

  • electric motor carbon brushes;
  • wiring contacts;
  • winding.

Error F12 on a washing machine of this brand can appear not only due to motor malfunctions, but the cause may be the control board. If the element responsible for the operation of the engine burns out, the motor simply will not move and the washing will not start.

For your information! An Atlant washing machine without a display notifies of such a breakdown by flashing the first and second indicator diode on the control panel.

Engine repair

In most cases, the commutator motor can be repaired, because its “weak” point is the carbon brushes, which wear out over time. We offer instructions for replacing brushes:

  1. Remove the back of the machine body by unscrewing several screws around the perimeter of the washer.
  2. Remove the drive belt from the engine shaft and drum pulley.
  3. Disconnect the chips with wires from the engine.
  4. Using a 10 mm wrench, unscrew the 2 bolts that hold the engine.
    engine in SM Atlant
  5. Remove the motor from the guides by pulling it towards you and out of the machine.
  6. At the base of the motor you will see two brushes in metal cases; you need to unscrew them.
  7. In place of the faulty brushes, install new similar ones and reassemble the machine.

Important! Take only original spare parts. Similar brushes purchased from a dubious place may contain not only graphite, but also copper, and this is dangerous due to the destruction of the armature, that is, a complete replacement of the motor.

If error F12 on the washing machine did not appear due to the motor brushes, then it is necessary to check the integrity of the wires coming from the motor and their contacts. Oxidized contacts can be cleaned, and if the wire is faulty, replace it. You need to test the wiring using a multimeter sequentially and preferably several times so as not to miss anything.

It is extremely rare for the electric motor winding to burn out in automatic washing machines, but it is still worth checking. If the malfunction is confirmed, then there is nothing to think about - change the engine completely. There is no point in rewinding the winding; the price will not be much cheaper than a new part, so immediately look for an original spare part, unless, of course, you are thinking about replacing the washing machine altogether.

Control board repair

The electronic board consists of various radio elements, including transistors, triacs, a generator, diodes and others. Replacing such elements is an impossible task for a beginner, since you need to know exactly which element is responsible for what. Therefore, such work should be entrusted to a master.But we do not dissuade you from doing the repair yourself; we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the control board diagram of the Atlant washing machine using the example of models 50С82, 35М102 and 45У82.

SM Atlant board diagram

In this diagram, the contacts of connector J3 for connecting the electric motor are circled in red. The stator winding is connected to contacts number 2 and 3, the middle of the winding is connected to contact 1. The rotor winding is connected to contacts 4 and 5. A powerful triac BTB16-600 (16 A) and a relay are responsible for controlling the drive motor. When an error occurs, these elements are checked first. In case of malfunction, they are replaced.

As you can see, the Atlant washing machine displays error F12 for various reasons. Not all of them are worth fixing yourself, as you need a certain skill and tool. We hope that this information was useful to you. Good luck!


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