Error F11 on a Miele dishwasher

Error F11 on a Miele dishwasherError F11 is generated by a Miele dishwasher that is full of water. What could trigger this code? What causes the flow of waste liquid into the sewer system to be disrupted? What should I do to fix the problem? Let's look into the nuances.

Possible malfunctions

Why doesn't my Miele dishwasher remove waste liquid from the system? The issue could be either a blockage or a breakdown of some internal PMM unit. You can understand what caused the error code by diagnosing the dishwasher.

A Miele dishwasher may display error F11 for the following reasons:

  • kinking of the drain hose (in this case the problem is solved very simply - just straighten the hose and start the cycle again);drain hose kinked
  • the drain hose is clogged (it happens that a “garbage plug” forms in the corrugation. It is necessary to disconnect the drain hose, clean it and put it in place);
  • the garbage filter is clogged (the unit collects dirt, pieces of food, and bones. All this clogs the holes in the filter element, and water cannot leave the washing chamber);

Be sure to clean the dishwasher dust filter after each use of the machine.

  • clogging of other elements of the drain system (we are talking about internal pipes and the drain pump);Should water remain in the dishwasher filter compartment?
  • failure of the drain pump (a burnt-out pump cannot pump waste water into the sewer);
  • failure of the pressure switch (a faulty water level sensor can transmit unreliable information to the module, as a result of which the Miele dishwasher will display error F11);
  • damage to the control module (the unit coordinates the operation of all components of the dishwasher and if it breaks down, any error codes may be displayed on the display).

It is recommended to perform diagnostics from simple to more complex. First, they look at the elements that can be accessed without disassembling the dishwasher. If a breakdown cannot be detected, a full, in-depth check of the Miele PMM will be required.

Cleaning the system, checking the pump

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate clogging of the sewer pipe or siphon. Therefore, if the dishwasher does not drain water, disconnect the drainage hose from the connection point to the utilities and lower it into an empty bucket. If the liquid comes out, then the problem is due to an external blockage; you need to clean the riser or “elbow”.

If water does not flow, there is a blockage inside the device. First, clean the Miele dishwasher dust filter:

  • turn off the power to the dishwasher;
  • open the PMM door slightly;
  • manually bail out the water from the hopper;There is water left in the dishwasher
  • take out the dish baskets;
  • twist the filter cover (it is located at the bottom of the washing chamber);
  • pull out the filter glass and the mesh itself;
  • wash the elements in warm water, if necessary, clean them with a toothbrush;
  • remove the pump cover and turn the impeller with your finger (be careful, as there may be not only pieces of food inside, but also splinters);dishwasher filter seat
  • close the drain pump;
  • Reassemble the filter assembly in reverse order.

Then run the test loop. If the dishwasher also does not drain the water, then the cause of error F11 will have to be looked for further. Then the drain pump is checked. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • disassemble the filter assembly, removing its components;
  • lay the dishwasher on its side;
  • Unscrew the bolts holding the pan of the machine;we remove the plastic elements of the PMM pallet
  • remove the bottom of the PMM (here you need to act carefully - the float of the Aquastop system may be attached to the pan);
  • disconnect the float sensor;disconnect the power wire from the Aquastop system in the PMM pan
  • Unscrew the screws securing the pump;
  • disconnect all hoses and wires from the drain pump;
  • check whether the impeller rotates (if not, the part will have to be replaced);
  • pull the pump out of the PMM housing.

Next, the pump is checked with a multimeter. Normally, the resistance produced by the pump should be within 200 Ohms. Place the tester probes against the contacts of the part and take the readings.

A burnt out drain pump cannot be repaired and will need to be replaced.

If the pump was faulty, replacing it will help clear the error. The new pump is installed in the reverse order. Finally, a wash test cycle starts.

Pressostat, electronic module

The level sensor may also be the reason why waste liquid does not leave the machine. An incorrectly functioning pressure switch transmits distorted readings about the amount of water in the chamber to the control module. Thinking that the bin is empty, the electronic unit will not start the drain pump, so the dishwasher will remain overfilled.

Replacing the pressure switch will help eliminate the error. The part is purchased for a specific Miele dishwasher model. Sometimes the level sensor tube becomes clogged, and the problem can be solved by cleaning it.Miele PMM control board

And finally, the electronic module itself can trigger the F11 error. The control board controls the operation of all elements of the dishwasher. A failed unit can display any fault code on the display.

Damage to the control module can be caused by power surges, moisture on the board, an error in the firmware, or wear of semiconductors. It is better to entrust the diagnosis and repair of the unit to a specialist, since this work requires special knowledge and experience.


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