Modern washing machines are equipped with intelligent controls called Fuzzy logic. The manufacturer Hotpoint Ariston uses Dialogic series machines. They are equipped with various sensors that allow you to select a program depending on the weight of the laundry, water hardness, dirtiness and other parameters. Such machines also have a self-diagnosis system that informs about a malfunction. Let's look at this system using code F06 as an example, and find out the reasons for its appearance.
Explanation and reasons
As we have already noted, error F06 is typical only for Dialogic series washing machines. It informs the user that the keys on the keyboard are faulty, causing programs to malfunction. Indeed, this washing machine has an unusual design, or rather control. The keyboard with buttons is hidden behind the handle; to access the buttons, you need to press the center of this handle. There are 9 buttons on the keyboard, including spin and quick wash.
The reason for error F 06 may be:
broken buttons;
faulty electrics between the control board and the controller;
faulty electronic module
Electrical check
Error F with the numeric designation 06 suggests a malfunction in the electronic module, control panel board, or somewhere in the circuit between these two elements. So the first thing we need to do is remove the control panel of the washing machine of this brand.
First, unscrew the two screws that are located immediately under the top cover on the back wall of the washing machine body. They hold the top cover.After this, we move the cover back a little, and then lift it up and put it to the side.
Now we go around the front of the washing machine and remove the detergent drawer.
At the top of the ends of the front panel, in the corners, we find two self-tapping screws that also need to be unscrewed.
Next, unscrew the screws that are located around the powder receptacle niche.
While the powder receptacle is in the niche, you cannot unscrew the screws around it, but if you remove it, everything can be done quickly and conveniently.
Now all we have to do is pull the panel up a little and towards ourselves, it should come off. True, you need to be careful here so as not to damage the delicate plastic fasteners.
After we remove the front panel, we will see a huge bundle of wires that goes from the board to the sliding segment with the buttons and a couple of wires go to the “Power” button. This washing machine has a special design and, by the way, is inconvenient, especially when it becomes necessary to ring the contacts of all the buttons and check their power wiring. But let’s not get into philosophy, but let’s get down to business.
First, let's inspect each wiring and each contact of the control panel button. A visual inspection will give us a first impression. If somewhere there are traces of burning or melting on the wiring and contacts, we will definitely notice them. After a visual inspection, take a multimeter and begin to check each contact of all available buttons one by one, noting those that do not function. Next, we check one by one all the wiring going to the contacts of the buttons; this work is scrupulous, but it will not take as much time as it might seem.
Professionals advise checking each contact and each wiring several times to eliminate errors, because if you miss a faulty segment, you will have to start all over again.
We mark broken wiring, if, of course, there are any. After the check is completed, we need to remove the faulty button contacts from the special grooves, order similar ones and install them in place of the old ones. After that, connect the wiring to them according to the diagram. If you couldn’t get the diagram or you have problems reading it, just take a photo of the wiring arrangement at the very beginning, and then, based on the photo, connect everything as it was.
If, during checking the contacts and wiring, you did not find a single faulty element, you need to pay attention to the control module. It is very possible that the electrical communications going from the control module to the control panel and the button have nothing to do with it. Most likely, the electronic module is to blame; this needs to be checked! About other malfunctions of this machine can be found in the article Ariston washing machine repair.
What to do with the electronic module?
The electronic module is a part that is quite difficult to repair. Firstly, you need to have the necessary tool, secondly, you need to have work skills and knowledge in this area, and thirdly, you will need parts - “donors”, that is, those elements that are to be soldered. First you need to find these elements on the board, ringing each one in turn. In 99% of cases, this work is entrusted to a master, which is what we advise you to do.
The module in the Hotpoint Ariston washing machine is located in the lower left part of the machine closer to the rear wall.
There were cases when the board was not repaired, but rather broken, due to ignorance of many nuances. Replacing this part also has its own characteristics. And the point here is not how to remove the electronic module itself, but whether it is programmed, because if there is no software, then it needs to be installed.In the language of the master, this means “flashing” the board.
So, the F06 error is not as simple as it might seem when reading its transcript. To eliminate it yourself, you need to know many nuances. If you have nothing to risk, and you are learning how to repair, go for it, the road will be mastered by those who walk!
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