Error F01 in Ariston washing machine
On a Hotpoint-Ariston washing machine or an old Ariston, error code F01 occurs on all devices with and without a display, and means approximately the same thing. Deciphering an error usually does not cause difficulties, however, in a specific practical situation it can be difficult to identify the breakdown that caused it. In this article we will try to understand everything and provide the most reliable information regarding error F01.
Code options
First of all, let's figure out in what variants the F 01 error can be presented. In this case, the manufacturer of washing machines Ariston did not prepare any special surprises for us. If the machine has a display, then on approximately 85% of models, if there is a corresponding breakdown, error F01 will appear, and on 15% - F1.
There are simply no other code options on Ariston machine models with a display, for which we say a big thank you to the manufacturer. The easier it is to decipher the error.
If the Ariston washing machine does not have a display, then recognizing error F01 becomes a little more difficult, but with the appropriate knowledge, any user can cope with this task. What options are there?
- On Hotpoint-Ariston AQSL washing machines, error F01 will be “indicated” by a steadily flashing temperature indicator, which
located at the very bottom of the control panel.
- Hotpoint-Ariston Low-End will transmit code F01 by a blinking key lamp, or by burning lamps of functions located horizontally.
- On machines of the AVSL line, this code is transmitted by the flickering of the additional rinse indicator and at the same time by the rapid blinking of the light indicating the door is locked (key).
- And finally, older models of Ariston Margherita washing machines give the F01 signal through a constantly lit “Key” indicator and a steadily blinking on indicator.
What does the code mean?
We managed to figure out the variants of the F01 code, now let’s decipher it. Error code F01, as well as F1, means a failure in the electrical circuit that controls the motor. A rather dry formulation that will not tell a layman about problems, absolutely nothing. If we begin to describe the error in more detail, we must say that the control module, sending signals to the engine, does not receive a response from it. This means that three situations are potentially possible:
- the control board itself has failed and therefore the commands it issues are incorrect;
- the engine has broken down, which means it is simply not able to respond to commands from the control board;
- The problem has occurred in the path between the engine and the control module (wiring or contacts).
At first glance, the decryption sounds quite scary, hinting at a serious breakdown, but in fact, everything can turn out to be much simpler, because this error often appears as a result of a local failure in the electronic module. You can fix such a failure in a few minutes with your own hands.
On 99% of Ariston family washing machines, code F01 is deciphered exactly the same. But, as you know, there are exceptions to every rule. So in our case, Ariston AD line has a slightly different self-diagnosis system, in which this error means a loss of communication between the electronic module and the control panel display module. In other words, this error indicates that the control module loses the ability to communicate with the control panel, from which the latter begins to “behave inappropriately.”
In fact, in the Ariston AD line washing machine, the error code F01 is, by decoding, a complete analogue of the F12 error, which is found on absolutely all other Ariston washing machine models.
Eliminating the reasons for the appearance of the code
Let's move on to the most difficult part - finding and eliminating the reasons why the F01 or F1 code appeared. Our experts recommend starting to sort through the possible causes of this error code, starting with the simplest ones, gradually moving on to the most complex ones (requiring disassembly of the SM).
First, you need to check the control module of the Ariston washing machine for a local failure. This is done very simply, we disconnect the power cord from 220V for 5-7 minutes, then turn it back on and try to start the “home assistant”. If rebooting doesn't do anything, try rebooting the machine a couple more times. In rare cases, a local failure can be resolved by two or even three reboots.
An indirect cause of malfunction of the Ariston washing machine motor may be too low voltage in the electrical network. In small towns and villages this happens all the time. The Ariston machine does not always respond to such a fall with error F01, but it’s worth checking, because problems with the electrical network can lead to very serious damage to the washing machine. In general, if problems with voltage drop occur frequently in your home, you need to purchase voltage stabilizer for washing machine and connect your “home assistant” to it, with this you will simply save her.
Next, you need to take a special device called a multimeter and check the integrity of the power cord, as well as the socket.Of course, there is little chance that this error appeared due to the power cord or socket, but they still exist, and it doesn’t hurt to check, especially since it’s quick. Once all the simple reasons have been swept aside, let's look inside.
- Somewhere in the room, if it is not possible to drag the washing machine into the garage or shed, we will free up some space so that nothing interferes with the repair and move the washing machine there.
- Let's take out the powder receptacle and put it aside.
- We unscrew the screws that hold the back wall of the Ariston washing machine.
- We remove the drive belt that is interfering with us.
- We take a photo of the location of the wires on the engine and remove them.
- We unscrew the engine mounts, then pull it off.
Having removed the motor, we must first check its brushes and then the windings. You will also need to look to see if there is a leak on the housing. We do the following:
- on the sides of the motor housing we find small screws that hold the brushes and unscrew them;
- we take out the brushes and inspect them; if at least one is worn out, we replace both;
- we install the multimeter probes on the winding and begin to systematically check the turns for breakdown;
- If everything is fine with the winding, check if there is a leak to the housing.
If you manage to detect a breakdown in the winding or a leak in the housing, feel free to throw out the engine, since the cost of repairing such a thing is comparable to the cost of a new part.
If the engine is in order, we begin to methodically check the wiring that powers the motor with a multimeter. We previously disconnected it. In this case, we recommend checking each transaction 2-3 times to avoid errors, otherwise you will have to start all over again.
Lastly, check the control board.For our part, we traditionally do not recommend tackling this part yourself, because if you do not have the appropriate qualifications, you can easily damage it, and this is a much more expensive repair with all the ensuing consequences. It would be much better to entrust this matter to a professional. You will ultimately save nerves, effort, time and possibly even money!
In conclusion, we note that if code F01 suddenly appears on your Ariston brand washing machine, do not panic. Read our article and hope that the control module remains intact. Happy renovation!
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