Error E90 in Zanussi washing machine
Fault codes are a kind of warning system for the user that something is wrong with his washing unit. Zanussi washing machines also have this function, but some codes are quite easy to understand, while others require care; error code E90 is in the latter category. Even if you reset it, after 3-4 cycles it will appear again, which will inevitably put the owner into a stupor. What to do in this case and what are the reasons for error E90?
Why did the error appear?
As a rule, the problem of the regular appearance of this code is naturally associated with power surges in the network. If you carefully observe the machine, you will notice that error E90 appears when the light “winks” or, say, the refrigerator or microwave slows down, and the SM is working at that time. Any sudden increase/decrease in voltage entails a corresponding problem. However, if the case is isolated, you can safely reset the code and forget about it for a long time.
- Turn off the unit completely for 8-10 minutes.
- Start the machine.
- Press and hold simultaneously the laundry type selection button and the last two keys on the panel (the designations vary from model to model).
- While holding down those 3 keys, turn off the machine again.
- Launch in a couple of minutes.
If everything is done correctly, when you turn on the device, you will see that error E90 is no longer on the display, and the machine can safely continue to operate until the next power outage. However, in some cases, such a simple reboot does not help, since the jump leads either to the breakdown of the electronic module or to its failure. To be sure, you need to diagnose the control board.
Control module repair
Removing the electronic board on Zanussi washing machines is not difficult - you just need, depending on the model, to disconnect either the front panel or the top panel. Once you reach the module, you can easily remove it.
Attention! Despite the fact that modern models are equipped with a function to protect electronics from incorrect installation (that is, the terminals cannot be installed incorrectly), it is better to save time by making notes or filming/photographing the process of removing the board, so that later there will be no difficulties during installation.
After removing the module, it is worth inspecting it and determining whether specialist intervention is required, or whether you can make the repair yourself, having only some skills. Perhaps the problem is different and you won’t have to fix anything at all. Here are the signs that you can’t do without a specialist:
- traces of burning, scorching or darkening are visible on the board;
- the varnish coating on the damping coils has a damaged appearance (burnout, microcracks, etc.);
- capacitor heads are swollen or torn at the cross notch;
- the legs of the microcircuit are not identical to each other in appearance, color, shape, etc. this indicates the presence of damage;
- The processor installation location has darkened.
In the above cases, you will have to consult with a specialist to fix the problem, unless you are a professional solderer, since it is unlikely that you will be able to do without re-soldering some elements.
If power surges are common in your apartment, there are two ways to minimize the damage. The most reliable way is to buy and install a voltage stabilizer, connecting the SM and/or other devices to it. The second is to disconnect the machine from the network if possible. If it is not erasing at the moment, but a jump occurs, this does not affect the device in any way.
1 reader comment
I am writing from 2022! Thank you very much, I cleared the error and the machine is erasing. Otherwise we would have to call the experts and pay!