Error E51 in the Electrolux washing machine

Error E51 in the Electrolux washing machineThe Electrolux washing machine, which has been serving reliably for many years, suddenly stops working and displays error E51. Most technicians will immediately decide that the problem lies in the control module and will begin to change the firmware or look for faulty triacs. However, these actions are premature. In 80% of cases, error E51 in an Electrolux washing machine is caused by a defect in the motor itself, so it is recommended to first diagnose it.

Let's take it out and do a general check of the engine.

To find a breakdown, you need to know the structure of the washing machine’s electric motor. The Electrolux brushed motor can be checked and corrected even at home. Its main feature is high power with relatively small dimensions. The transmission of torque from the electric motor to the drum is ensured by the drive belt.

remove and check the SM Electrolux engineThe motor itself consists of a stator, a rotor and a pair of electric brushes. A special sensor located on top is responsible for the rotation speed. When the error code E51 specialists diagnose problems using different methods, but work always begins with removing the engine. The sequence of actions is the same in all cases and does not depend on the specific model. Let's describe the progress of the work.

  1. Unscrew the bolts from the rear wall and remove it.
  2. Loosen and then remove the drive belt. To do this, you need to rotate the drum pulley. Be careful not to get your fingers pinched.
  3. Disconnect the ground and power wires going to the motor.
  4. Unscrew the bolts that secure the engine to the seats.
  5. Carefully remove the electric motor by rocking it from side to side.

Attention! If you are repairing an engine for the first time, first take a photograph of the path of the wires - this will allow you to easily return the part to its place.

What to do next? The easiest way to diagnose a motor is to connect the wires from the rotor and stator windings, then apply 220 Volts (mains voltage) to them. The rotation of the shaft means that the engine is in working condition. However, this tactic does not make it possible to identify all hidden defects with fault code E51, and they may appear during actual operation. In addition, direct connection can provoke unpleasant consequences for the motor.

Therefore, an additional ballast is usually installed in the circuit - a heating element from the machine. If there is a short circuit in the windings of the electric motor, the heating element will heat up, taking on the entire shock. The next stage of testing is the brushes.

Brushes and graphite dust

The brushes on the Electrolux engine are worn outWear of electric brushes is a typical malfunction with error code E51. Brushes are located on both sides of the motor and soften the friction coming from it. Mostly the carbon tips wear out. To check them you should:

  • unscrew the fastening bolts;
  • compress the spring and remove the electric brushes;
  • disassemble each brush;
  • measure the tips - if the length is less than 1.5 cm, they must be replaced.

Always change brushes together, even if one seems to look new. It is ideal if you purchase original parts, since analogues from other engines have different sizes and shapes and will require additional processing. Installation is carried out according to the above instructions, in reverse order. The installation site should first be cleared of graphite dust. There are situations when it is the abundance of dust that provokes the appearance of fault code E51.

Other items

The collector lamellas are responsible for transmitting electric current to the rotor. Lamels are copper or alloy contacts that are attached directly to the shaft. They can peel off and be destroyed when the motor is jammed (or due to interturn short circuits in the windings). Damaged contacts have burrs and detachments.

Important! If the damage is minor, you can fix the problem with sandpaper and a lathe.

testing with a multimeterStarting and acceleration of the engine is also disrupted if the winding is damaged. A short circuit occurs and the electric motor overheats. The temperature sensor detects the high temperature and goes into emergency mode, turning off the system. This vicious circle can only be reset or interrupted by troubleshooting, otherwise it will repeat again and again until the thermistor fails. The quality of the winding is checked with a multimeter:

  • turn on the “Resistance” mode on the device;
  • the probes are applied to the lamella contacts;
  • The normal resistance value is 20-200 Ohms, if more is displayed on the display, then the problem is an open circuit, less - a short circuit.

A multimeter is also used to diagnose the stator. For this purpose, turn on the buzzer mode and apply the probes one by one to the winding. If the tester does not respond, everything is fine. If damage is detected, do not rush to repair the electric motor yourself. It's too expensive, it's much easier to buy a new engine.


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