Error code E40 on a Zanussi washing machine

error E40 ZanussiSometimes when using a Zanussi washing machine a problem occurs: the machine turns on, runs for a few seconds, and then turns off and displays error E40. If you do not find and solve the problem, the device will not start functioning. Why error E40 is displayed on a Zanussi washing machine and how to deal with it, read our article.

Causes of error, related ciphers

E40 is more of a standard error, which indicates a malfunction of the door locking device. The control board of the Zanussi machine has a diagnostic mode, which you need to enter in order to most accurately determine the causes of the problem. If your device is not equipped with a software selector, the procedure will be slightly different:

  1. In the picture below you will see two keys on the right under the number 1. Press them at the same time.
  2. Hold the buttons under number 1 and simultaneously press the button under number 2 to turn on the washing device. Press and hold the keys until all machine indicators begin to flash.

If your washing machine is equipped with software, then, as you said, you just need to enter the diagnostic mode. To do this, hold down the two buttons on the right and hold them for a few seconds. If you do everything correctly, E40 will disappear from the display and one of the other error codes will appear instead of this code:

  • E41 - This is a fault code informing the user that the closed hatch is leaking.
  • E42 - indicates a malfunction of the UBL.
  • E43 - The triac, which is responsible for the operation of the hatch locking device, is broken.
  • E44 – drum door opening sensor is faulty.
  • E45 - there is a special electrical circuit between the target triac and the blocking device. E45 indicates a malfunction of this part.

Once you have figured out why your washer is malfunctioning, you can proceed to the next troubleshooting steps.

Changing the blocking device

However, error code E40 does not always indicate serious problems with machine components. Therefore, do not enter diagnostic mode immediately after the display shows an error. To begin, press the hatch door with your knee, gently but quite firmly. In some cases, after such actions, the machine begins to work as usual. However, if this does not help, diagnose the error using the above method, or check the malfunction of the machine parts yourself. It's best to start with UBL.replacement of UBL in SM Zanussi

  1. Open the door and remove the clamp from the rubber of the hatch - the cuff.
  2. The lock is attached to the door with special bolts, they are clearly visible from the outside, unscrew them.
  3. Get the lock.
  4. Check all contacts (3 and 4 contacts are closed, and 4 and 5 are open).
  5. Install a new lock, carefully freeing the old one from the wires
  6. Return the clamp to its original position.
  7. Turn on the wash cycle to check the operation of the machine.

If everything works properly, then you have completed the task and now you know what to do and how to fix the problem. Error E40 can occur at any time, and the fact that you know how to act in this situation will significantly save your time.

Other failures causing the code

The control board is connected to the UBL using special electrical wires. If one of them stops working, the contact between the board and the UBL is broken and, accordingly, you will see an error code on the screen.Using a multimeter, check each wire individually to find the faulty one.

The triac, responsible for the door lock, is located on the control board. And it's much harder to fix. If you do not have special training, then most likely you will not even be able to find this small part on the board. And even if you can, if it malfunctions, the board requires re-soldering, which you are unlikely to be able to do yourself.

In the picture below you see a photo of the EWM200 model board. The part we need is indicated by the words “This element has collapsed” and is located in the lower right corner. Of course, if you have some experience with such problems, you can try to fix the part yourself, but if not, it’s better to contact a specialist.

SM Zanussi board

However, the appearance of E40 on the display of your washing machine can be caused by a breakdown of any other part in the door opening and closing system (breakage of the lock itself, burnout of the triac). Therefore, in order to definitely diagnose a breakdown, you will have to check all the components from the above system.

At least, knowing at least approximately what caused such an error and how to eliminate it, you can try to influence the operation of your device yourself. You can call a specialist as a last resort if independent manipulations lead to nothing.


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