Error E4 on a Korting dishwasher
Almost every user of Korting equipment has experienced a situation where, at one point during the operating cycle, the dishwasher simply interrupted the wash and stopped responding to any commands. If the equipment constantly tries to drain water through the drain pump, and error E4 appears on the display, then this indicates that the Aquastop system has worked. Let's look at this problem in detail, why it occurs, and what can be done about it.
First let's find out what this code is
Error E4 informs the housewife that liquid has entered the pan of the household appliance, which is why the Aquastop protective system has activated. In this case, the Korting dishwasher will start the drain pump to urgently pump out the water from the pan.
If your “home assistant” does not have a display and the equipment cannot display the error code, then the equipment will report this problem with a flashing indicator on the control panel, which looks like a glass or glass. Also, error E4 on some devices from the Korting brand with a display may look like “E04”.
E4 triggered something simple
Sometimes the reason for the E4 error is hidden in something not very serious, which has nothing to do with the failure of the internal components of the device. If this is really the case, you can fix the problem yourself, even without calling a technician. What should I do for this?
- Communications may have leaked, on which the performance of household appliances directly depends. It's worth checking out the Korting dishwasher inlet hose.In addition, you can check the dishwasher tray; water probably accidentally flowed into it after the liquid spilled onto the countertop and then penetrated into the PMM through the cracks.
- It is possible that a blockage has formed in the filter of the machine, which usually leads to a deterioration in water circulation during operation, as well as to overflowing the washing chamber, due to which liquid penetrates into the pan, triggering the operation of Aquastop. If error E4 appears because of this, then it will be enough to clean the filters, which is described in detail in the Korting dishwasher user manual.
- Probably household chemicals were used for hand washing dishes. This is prohibited, because if a regular detergent, such as Fairy gel, gets inside the PMM, it will cause abundant foam formation in the washing chamber. Because of this, foam along with water will fall into the pan, which will be followed by activation of Aquastop protection and error E4. If this is the case, then in order to eliminate the consequences, you will have to urgently disconnect the equipment from the network and let it stand for a couple of days until it dries.
Increased foaming is very dangerous due to the fact that it can also affect the PMM control unit and damage it, so in no case should you use ordinary household chemicals during automatic dishwashing.
- Poor quality detergents may have been used, produced without precautions. In this case, increased foaming may also occur and liquid may enter the pan.
- There was an influx of water directly from the sewer. Most often, the Korting dishwasher drain is connected to the sink siphon, which gets clogged from time to time. If this happens, then instead of draining the waste liquid into the sewer, the water will return back through the drain hose.In this case, an overflow will occur, Aquastop will work and the machine will report an error E. It’s easy to correct the situation - you need to remove the blockage from the siphon, and in the future install a check valve to drain the PMM.
The easiest way to remove excess water is with a dry cloth, after pulling out the Korting dishwasher for easy access. Or you can dump water from the pan by tilting the device back. Finally, you can simply wait a couple of days until the liquid evaporates on its own, but this is not relevant in a situation where the machine needs to be used once a day or more often.
The tightness of the joints is broken
The reason for the overflow of the pan may be hidden in the weakening of the connecting clamps, as well as in increased wear of the sealing gasket and oil seals. In addition, the problem often lies in solid food debris that damages the pipes and hoses of the “home assistant”. Most often, what is described concerns drain hoses, as well as hoses responsible for water circulation; less often, it affects inlet hoses.
Korting dishwashers also often suffer from drying out o-rings on the drain pump. If this happens, the liquid will flow out from the place where the pump is connected to the drain system.
To fix the problem, you will need to partially disassemble the machine and carefully examine all the joints where there may be leaks. If the fault is really in the seals, clamps and other elements, then you will have to replace them with new ones in order to eliminate the risk of the E4 error code “popping up” again.
Broken leakage sensor
Also, the malfunction could have disturbed the housewife after the Aquastop sensor itself broke down, which could freeze in the position that detects the leak.This usually happens due to the failure of a microswitch - a small fragile element that can stop even dust and small particles of fat.
To reset its position, you can try to carefully clean it of dirt, but this is often a pointless waste of time. It is much easier and more efficient to simply replace the microswitch, which will require removing the pan and installing a new part.
Problem with the seal
Another common cause that needs to be checked is the rubber seal on the washer door. During active use, this element may dry out and cease to provide insulation. If this happens, then water will penetrate through the door, flowing onto the floor and into the pan, which will trigger the operation of the Aquastop sensor.
Fixing the malfunction is very simple - you just need to buy a new rubber element and install it in place of the damaged one.
Let's pay attention to drainage
Finally, water may leak due to the fact that over time the connections of the hose with the drain pump or with the sink siphon have become loose. In addition, the hose could simply have cracked in several places, which caused a leak.
To eliminate the malfunction, it is enough to tighten the connections of the drain hose, or replace it with a new part.
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