Error E2 in Gorenje washing machine
Every day, diagnosing errors in washing machines is becoming easier, because often the device itself accurately determines the cause of the malfunction and informs the user about it. For example, error E2 in the Gorenje washing machine indicates that the “home assistant” cannot start the work cycle because the hatch door is not closed. This may be due to either a faulty lock mechanism or damaged UBL wiring. The worst thing is if the problem arose due to a failure of the control board, which is almost impossible to deal with at home. But first things first. First, let's start checking household appliances with the most basic causes of malfunction.
Check for mechanical damage
First of all, you need to study the mechanics, because if an automatic washing machine does not close, then most likely the reason lies in damage to the lock, misalignment, or deformation of the door itself. All this could happen either due to natural wear and tear during operation, or due to careless handling of the equipment. For example, this could occur if the user slammed the door hard, hung wet clothes on it after washing, or if small children rode on the door.
Therefore, if the door no longer closes completely, then the problem is a misalignment, which can be easily eliminated with your own hands. To eliminate the sagging of the hinges and the tongue of the locking mechanism can again fall into the groove, it is enough to adjust the door to the level and tighten the hatch fasteners.
If the hinges are in order, but the door does not close completely, then the tongue of the mechanism has failed.The metal rod that holds the lock element often falls out of its seat, so the tongue falls and stops securing the door. In this case, a small repair will be necessary - disassembling the door and adjusting the rod. You can also not touch the device, but simply replace the entire hatch handle, if in this particular situation it will be easier to do this.
Finally, the third possible cause of failure is when the door can close all the way, but without the standard click. In this case, you need to check the guide, a thin plastic element that could deform over time. The guide is needed to ensure that the hatch door closes completely with a characteristic click. Therefore, if there is no sound when closing the door, then the plastic element has fallen out or has been partially erased, which is why a slight distortion has appeared that interferes with the normal functioning of the hatch. To fix this and return the tongue to the groove, you need to purchase and install a new guide.
Problem with the hatch locking device
So what should you do if the display shows fault code E2 and the machine refuses to start the wash? This happens because the “home assistant” itself does not allow the work cycle to start due to safety precautions. If the drum is not sealed, then washing can be dangerous due to the possible accidental opening of the hatch during operation, which will lead to flooding of the floors and neighbors below. Therefore, for increased safety, manufacturers have additionally created a hatch locking device so that the door is also secured with an electronic lock. Why can UBL fail?
- Natural wear and tear during use.Over time, the bimetallic plates of an electronic lock may lose their properties, which is why they will no longer respond to SM signals. In such a situation, repairs are not needed, only a complete replacement of the hatch locking device.
- UBL contamination. Sometimes small foreign objects such as threads, hair and other debris enter the device and interfere with the operation of the element. If this happens, you need to disassemble the device and clean it of all contaminants.
- Damage to the CM control module. The worst thing that can happen is the failure of the control module, which transmits commands to all key components of the device. It may stop functioning normally due to burnt tracks, triacs, or due to a previous failure. To correct the situation, a thorough diagnosis, restoration or complete replacement of the element is required.
The first two reasons are easy to eliminate with your own hands, but the third is almost impossible to deal with without special knowledge. The control module of a washing machine is a kind of “brain” of the entire system, its most important and most fragile part, which is very easy to accidentally damage. In order not to damage it even more, it is better not to risk it and immediately seek help from a service center specialist, because in this way you can possibly save on a replacement by only repairing the unit.
Testing and changing the lock
You should not immediately buy a new UBL without checking the old part. First you need to do a little diagnostics and make sure that the device is really faulty. To remove it follow our instructions.
- Disconnect the machine from all communications.
- Open the hatch door.Due to the fact that the lock is locked, you need to tilt the device slightly to one side, remove the lower decorative panel, stick your hand into the hole and try to manually move the tab. If this does not work out, then you should unscrew the cover of the CM, tilt the device back and try to move the latch from above.
- Remove the hatch cuff by bending the edge, catching the clamp and removing it.
- Remove the screws securing the lock.
- Disconnect all wiring from the UBL.
Be sure to take a photo of connecting the wires to the device so that during reassembly you can use a kind of cheat sheet.
- Remove the hatch locking device and proceed to check.
When you have the lock in your hands, you need to take the official user manual to find information about the UBL electronic circuit there. Next, switch an ordinary multimeter to resistance measurement mode, attach its probes to “zero” with the “phase” of the electronic part and evaluate the obtained values. If the result is three digits, then the device is OK, otherwise it needs to be replaced. Afterwards you need to change the position of the tester to the common contact and “zero” - if the result obtained is “0” or “1”, then replacement is not needed.
Most housewives sooner or later encounter a failure of the UBL, so there is nothing critical or scary about it. It is better not to try to disassemble and repair a damaged hatch locking device yourself, because it cannot be repaired, and a new part is not very expensive.
To replace it, just take the failed UBL with you to the store as an example, or write down the serial number of the Gorenje washing machine so as not to make a mistake with your choice.Anyone can handle the installation - you can simply follow our instructions in reverse order, focusing on your own photographs of the wiring and not forgetting to securely fix the assembly. Be sure to run a test run cycle to ensure the replacement is successful and the problem is resolved.
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