Error E17 in a Siemens washing machine

Error E17 in a Siemens washing machineIf a Siemens washing machine refuses to start washing and displays error code E17, it means there are problems with water filling. It’s simple: during the 3-4 minutes allotted for dialing, the tank was not filled, the pressure switch reports a problem to the board, and it, in turn, stops the cycle. There is only one way out - to find the cause of the failure and eliminate it. We suggest you figure out what is preventing Siemens from collecting water. Let's look at all the options, as well as diagnostic and repair instructions.

"Mesh" purifying water

Siemens often displays error E17 due to a clogged filter mesh. It is installed at the entrance to the machine to reduce the negative impact of low-quality tap water on the internal components of the machine. As a result, the bulk of the impurities contained in it settle on the filter, which leads to clogging and problematic flooding.

The filter mesh is located in front of the inlet valve - in the hole where the inlet hose is connected. To clean the “inlet”, you need to dismantle the filter and rinse it thoroughly. Any Siemens user can cope with this task. The main thing is to act consistently:intake valve screen is clogged

  • de-energize the machine and shut off the water supply;
  • disconnect the inlet hose from the washing machine body by loosening the fixing clamp;
  • drain the remaining water in the hose;

Be ready! There is always some water left in the inlet hose!

  • find a mesh filter - a round nozzle that covers the hole;
  • use pliers to grasp the protruding part of the filter;
  • Without twisting it, pull it towards you and remove the nozzle from the “socket”.

What to do next is clear - clean the mesh from accumulated dirt and plaque.Sometimes it is enough to rinse the nozzle under the tap or walk through the “cobweb” with an old toothbrush. If the blockage is severe, you will have to soak the filter for 30-60 minutes in a warm solution of citric acid. It is prohibited to use boiling water for cleaning - the plastic becomes deformed at high temperatures.

After finishing washing, we return everything to its place. We insert the filter into the “socket”, pressing it all the way with pliers, and fix the inlet hose. Then we turn on the water supply and check for leaks at the joint. If everything is in order, then insert the plug into the socket and run a quick cycle on the Siemens washing machine. Has error E17 disappeared? Then the problem was a “clogged” nozzle.

Inlet valve

The inlet valve often causes problems with water supply. It is he who is responsible for starting and stopping the flood, receiving the appropriate command from the control board. If the device fails, then the washing machine does not fill within the specified time and displays fault code E17. To check the functionality of the device, you need to test it in several stages.

First of all, we inspect the valve for external damage. We remove the top cover from the housing and look for the device - it is located at the junction with the inlet hose and has several connected pipes. Then we evaluate its condition: are there any leaks, signs of fire, cracks or other defects. If visually everything is in order, we proceed to dismantling:inlet valve under the top cover

  • Unclench the fixing clamps and release the connected pipes;
  • take photographs of the valve terminals to facilitate reconnection of the wiring;
  • remove the supply wires from the valve;the inlet valve is not working correctly
  • unscrew the holding bolts;
  • dismantle the device;
  • Check to see if there are any blockages in the pipes.

It is better to carry out further diagnostics in the bathroom.We attach the inlet hose to the fitting and turn on the water supply. A properly functioning valve will hold back the flow of water and prevent leakage. If the device is leaking, then repair will not help - only replacement.

The next step will require vigilance and caution. The valve connected to the water supply must be supplied with a voltage of 220 Volts. If all is well, the coil will close, the membrane will work, and water will flow. But be careful - do not allow moisture to get on the wire contacts.

The valve of the washing machine cannot be repaired - if it breaks, it is replaced with a new one.

The final stage of testing is calling with a multimeter. We switch the tester to ohmmeter mode and alternately touch the probes to the winding of the solenoid valve. Normally, the resistance should be about 3 kOhm; if the device shows less, then a breakdown has occurred. You cannot repair the device with your own hands; all you have to do is replace it with a working one. The new valve is installed like this:checking the intake valve with a multimeter

  • insert the coil into the seat;
  • fix the device with bolts;
  • Based on the photo taken earlier, we connect the wiring and pipes;
  • We return the top cover to the body.

All that remains is to plug Siemens into the network and run a test wash. If it is not possible to reset the error, then we continue the diagnostics.

Water level monitoring element

Next in line is the pressure switch. An incorrectly functioning level sensor can signal that the tank is full even before filling begins, sending the corresponding command to the board. Naturally, the module stops drawing water, and the Siemens washing machine remains empty. To reset the error and restore the operation of the machine, it is necessary to diagnose the pressure switch. We proceed like this:

  • disconnect the washing machine from the power supply;
  • turn off the water supply tap;
  • remove the top cover by unscrewing the corresponding bolts from the rear panel;replacing the pressure switch
  • At the side wall we find a pressure switch - a device with a tube lowered into the tank;
  • disconnect the pressure hose from the sensor;
  • take a tube commensurate with the diameter of the pressure switch fitting;
  • We apply the found tube to the fitting and lightly blow into it.

Then we listen: a working pressure switch will respond to the air flow with 1-3 clicks, a broken one will remain silent. Diagnostics continues by visual inspection of the part. The sensor should be checked for defects, blockages and mechanical damage. If contamination is found in the tube, the situation can be corrected by cleaning the hose under the tap.

When replacing components with Siemens, you must select only original spare parts that match the model by serial number.

It’s better not to stop at just a visual check and test the sensor with a multimeter. First, we study the electrical circuit of the pressure switch and find terminals suitable for diagnostics. Then we turn the tester into buzzer mode and apply the probes to the relay contacts. Normally, the resistance indicator should “jump” when the contacts are activated. A static value will indicate a breakdown has occurred.checking the pressure switch with a multimeter

It is impossible to repair a pressure switch at home; it is easier and cheaper to replace it. There will be no problems finding a new water level sensor: just dictate to the seller the serial number of the Siemens washing machine. The cost of the device ranges from 500-2500 rubles.

The new valve is installed in place of the old one and secured with bolts. The tube and previously discarded wires are connected to it. Afterwards, we return the top cover to the body, establish a water supply with power supply and start a test wash.If error E17 disappears and the machine is full, then the problem has been resolved. Repeated output of E17 when starting the wash will indicate another problem. It’s better not to experiment and contact the service.


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