Error E02 in an Electrolux washing machine
The fault code indicates a serious breakdown that has occurred in the automatic machine. Almost always, error E02 signals an impending expensive repair of washing equipment. The only exception will be a short-term system failure, issued by the equipment once, which is eliminated by restarting the washing machine. If turning the machine off and on again after 15 minutes does not help, and the display still shows an error, you should engage in detailed diagnostics of the Electrolux machine.
Testing the engine
What does this code indicate? Error E02 indicates a malfunction of the CMA motor or control board. Most Electroluxes have a collector motor, which you can check yourself.
What to do before testing the motor? Initially, you need to understand the motor connection diagram. Most collector engines have a fairly simple design.
From the schematic image it is clear that the power supply to the electric motor starts at the 220V point, passes through the control triac, reverse relay connectors, stator winding and rotor.
In Electrolux washing machines, a relay is used to switch the stator winding, and control device contacts are used. The described components are located in the control module of the washing machine.
The stator winding is divided into 2 sections. This design feature reduces the influence of interference that periodically occurs due to the appearance of sparks on the collector.
The drum of any washing machine rotates alternately in different directions.This movement is caused by a change in the polarity of the stator winding. Some models have a separate outlet for winding; it is activated when spinning things. In this case, the electric current is connected to any of the outer terminals and this outlet. At the stage of the main washing process, the stator winding is switched on through the outer terminals, this ensures a leisurely, smooth rotation of the drum.
To check the engine and find a solution to the problem, it is necessary to connect the rotor and stator windings alternately and turn them on to the electrical network. This connection diagram is visually presented as follows:
This diagnostic method has some disadvantages. Firstly, by choosing this testing method, you will not have the opportunity to ensure that the motor is 100% in working order. Regular rotation of the shaft cannot guarantee that the Electrolux machine will not fail at various stages of washing.
In addition, connecting elements according to this scheme does not provide protection. Therefore, if during testing the engine becomes short, it will most likely simply fail. To protect the electric motor from possible damage, it is better to include an additional link in the circuit. You can use it as an additional element Washing machine heating element or just a high power lamp (more than 500 W). The diagram will look like this:
The ballast included in the connection will protect the engine being tested. If a short circuit occurs, the current will flow to the heating element, which will begin to heat up.
There is another way to diagnose the motor in an Electrolux washing machine.The stator and rotor windings are connected similarly to the second circuit, only they are powered by a special laboratory transformer with a power of over 500 W. The advantage of the method is the ability to constantly monitor the speed and take timely measures in case of any failure. For greater safety, it is permissible to use a fuse with a capacity of 5-10 Amps.
Instead of an autotransformer, it is allowed to use an electronic regulator for diagnostics, which is usually used to control loads of a given power. In this case, it is better to seek help from specialists, but if you have some knowledge of electronics, you can carry out diagnostics and repairs yourself.
Another option for checking the motor is to observe how strong and bright the sparking between the brushes and the commutator motor is. If there is significant sparking, the washer motor is likely faulty.
It is by the above methods that it is possible to check the electric motor of an automatic machine that displays error E02. If, after diagnosing the engine, you cannot find a solution to the problem, you should move on to checking another important element of the system.
Let's check the elements of the control board
The reason for displaying error E02 may be a faulty control board. To repair a washing machine, you need to inspect the circuit board. The first step is to remove the part from the washer. This is done as follows:
- de-energize the device;
- pull out the detergent tray;
- unscrew the 2 bolts located near the hole for the dispenser;
- unscrew 4 more screws located on top of the machine (under the CM cover);
- pull the control panel up and remove it;
- use a slotted screwdriver to pry up the panel latches and disassemble the housing;
- remove the board from the disassembled case.
Manipulate the control panel carefully so as not to damage or confuse the power supply wiring diagram.
If there are no visible defects on the board, it may be a hidden defect. You should check the triacs one by one for breakdown using a multimeter. The tester must be switched to ringing mode. The device screen will display the voltage value recorded between the elements.
To diagnose, attach multimeter probes to terminals A1 and A2. If the part is in good condition, the tester display will display the value “1” or “0L”; if a breakdown is detected, a number close to zero will be displayed.
You can see whether the board's triac is opening by short-circuiting its control electrode with the tester probe. Using this procedure, electric current will be supplied to the triac. As soon as the voltage stops flowing to the control electrode, the triac will probably close. This means that a minimum amount of current must pass through it to maintain a conducting state. The faulty element will have to be replaced with a new one.
If, having familiarized yourself with the upcoming scope of work, you understand that you will not be able to correct the situation on your own, or after all the actions taken, the washing machine still displays the code, contact the service center for the help of a competent technician. Resetting error E02 involves complex, expensive repairs.
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