Error 7 in Haier washing machine
Automatic washing machines equipped with a self-diagnosis system for faults quickly detect failures in their operation and notify users about them. What should you expect if the device display shows the code ERR7 or just 7? Such a mistake does not bode well. As it may seem at first glance, the code can be easily reset by rebooting the equipment. But after a couple of washes, ERR7 still “paralyzes” the operation of the Haier washing machine. Let's figure out what actions should be taken to restore equipment.
Let's check the motor
It is not always necessary to call a specialist to deal with an error. You can diagnose and repair it yourself. Most often, fault code 7 indicates problems in the operation of the SMA electric motor or an open circuit in the motor.
Hayer washing machines are equipped with collector motors, so it’s easy to check them yourself, at home.
First of all, you need to remove the engine. For this:
- remove the back wall of the washing machine body by unscrewing the screws holding it;
- disconnect the wiring leading to the motor;
- remove the bolts securing the engine and pull it out of the machine.
What to do next? Start diagnosing the electric motor. Connect the wires of the stator and rotor windings and apply 220 Volts to it. The engine will "pass the test" if the rotor begins to rotate. This diagnostic method has some disadvantages:
- it is impossible to confirm the full functionality of the engine, for example, how correctly it will function in different modes;
- there is a high probability of “burning” the motor due to the direct connection of the element to the electrical network.To minimize the risk of motor short-circuiting, a ballast is included in the connection circuit (for example, a heating element of a washing machine). In the event of a short circuit, the additional link will heat up, protecting the electric motor from combustion.
When checking the engine, inspect the electric brushes. They are located on the sides of the motor housing. The brushes are subject to wear, as they are made of fairly soft material. Basic observation will help you make sure that this is the reason. So, when connecting the motor wiring to the network, the motor will begin to spark. If the components are severely worn, it is necessary to replace the electric brushes. You can purchase spare parts in specialized stores by checking with the seller the model of your Haier washing machine.
Sometimes the display shows error 7 due to problems in the slats. These elements conduct electric current through brushes to the rotor. Perhaps the cause is detachment of the lamellas. Small delaminations on the plates can be eliminated on a lathe by turning the collectors. The resulting chips must be thoroughly cleaned. When inspecting the slats, look for any defects on their surface that indicate failure.
Let's test the control module
If, when diagnosing the electric motor of a Haier washing machine, no irregularities in its operation were identified, you will have to “dig deeper.” Fault code 7 may indicate incorrect operation of the main control module. Repairing a control board is quite difficult; it requires certain knowledge and experience in working with electronics.
At home, you can conduct a visual inspection of the module. Examine the board for burnouts, damage and other defects. To inspect the main block, you should:
- turn off the power to the washing machine;
- remove the detergent dispenser from the body (pull the tray towards you, pressing it onto the central latch);
- Unscrew the bolts securing the control panel of the washing machine;
- Using a thin screwdriver, release the latches holding the panel;
- Carefully, so as not to break the wiring, place the control panel on the lid of the washing machine.
The “brain” of the Haier washing machine is located directly behind the control panel. Before disconnecting the wiring from the unit, be sure to photograph or sketch the connection diagram. Then carefully disconnect the wires and remove the control module. To get directly to the main board, you will have to release the latches of the unit housing.
Carefully inspect the control board. If you find burnt areas or other defects, you will have to repair the part. You can try to repair individual elements of the board yourself. To do this you will need a soldering iron, a multimeter and replacement components.
Before you start repairing it yourself, objectively evaluate your own capabilities and knowledge, because the cost of the control module is quite high.
The upcoming scope of work in case of breakdowns of various kinds.
- Capacitor. Acts as a specific stabilizer on the board. If a capacitor is damaged, it is necessary to solder a new element to the positive electrode. The polarity of the electrodes can be checked using a multimeter.
- Resistor. Diagnostics of the element is carried out using a tester. First order resistors will ideally show a resistance of 8 Ohms and an overload value of 2 Amps. Second-order elements give readings of 3-5 Amps, and the resistance value is directly related to the frequency of the module. If the measured parameters do not correspond to the normative ones, the components are replaced by soldering.
- Thyristor block. The negative resistance of the switch is measured. The reading on the multimeter should not exceed 20 V.
- Block filter. This element may burn out. Cleaning the cathode will help eliminate the problem.
- Trigger. The voltage at the input contacts is detected. The optimal value of the indicator is no more than 12 V. The standard resistance of the trigger filter is 20 Ohms. Installation of a new element is carried out using soldering.
The cause of damage to the control board is strong vibrations of the machine or power surges in the network. Therefore, it is important to install the equipment correctly to avoid premature breakdowns. If you try in vain to reset the fault code, contact a service center.
1 reader comment
I can't find the error codes for the Haier HW70-12829A washer. FOC error.