What is the volume of a washing machine drum in liters?
To calculate the volume of a washing machine drum in liters, you will have to remember not only mathematics, but also school geometry. Substituting values into an arithmetic formula is not that difficult; getting the original numbers is much more difficult. Let’s figure out what to measure in the “centrifuge” to find out the volume of the tank.
How to take measurements?
If you need to find out how many liters of water fit into the drum of your “home assistant”, you can try to find the information of interest on the Internet. Many manufacturers, along with other technical characteristics, indicate this indicator. If the necessary information is not in the model description or in the equipment instructions, you will have to calculate the value yourself.
To calculate the volume of the drum of an automatic machine, you need to know the area and radius of the base, as well as the height of the container.
The washing machine drum is not ideal in shape, but has concave areas, so it will be difficult to achieve extremely accurate calculations. In any case, the error will remain. To calculate the volume of a cylinder, you need to substitute the initial data into the formula: V = 3,14*R^2*H. Where:
V – container volume;
H – cylinder height;
R – radius of the base of the tank;
3.14 is the number “Pi” known to everyone since school geometry.
As an example, we will indicate the volume of drums of some washing machines of different brands, and how much laundry can be placed in such a machine.
Kandy CS34 1052D1/2. The machine is designed for 5 kg of laundry. The actual load is 4.77 kg. Drum volume – 47.74 liters.
Weissgauff WM 4126 D. A model equipped with a 6 kg drum, which actually holds 5.62 kg of laundry. Tank volume – 55.51 liters.
Hayer HW70-BP12969BS. The manufacturer promises that the machine is capable of washing 7 kg of clothes at a time, but in fact the maximum load is 6.59 kg. The volume of the “centrifuge” is 62.22 liters.
Therefore, if you urgently need to know the drum volume of your washing machine in liters, take a look at the manufacturer’s website. Often this information is included in the model description. If there is no data, measure the required capacity parameters yourself and substitute the values into the formula.
Why do we need to know this?
Many housewives believe that to wash one kilogram of clothes with the highest quality, you need at least 10 liters of water. This truth has been passed down from grandmothers to granddaughters, from mothers to daughters since Soviet times. Of course, engineers are now trying to use various tricks to save water, but it is difficult to deceive nature. In fact, the more liquid the items are “rinsed” in, the better the dirt will be washed out of the fabric fibers.
Therefore, what is so important to housewives is not the indicator of the maximum permissible load weight, which is always indicated by the manufacturer, but rather the volume of the drum in liters. For example, in a Kandy machine CS34 1052D1/2 for 5 kg of laundry with a “centrifuge” volume of 47.74 liters. It is better to wash no more than 4 kg of clothes at a time.
It's the same with other machines. When the manufacturer claims that the machine is designed for 8 kg of laundry, it is better to immediately subtract 1 kg from this indicator. If you throw more than 7 kg of clothes into the drum, the clothes will not be washed properly.
It is important not to confuse the volume of the tank and the drum. The tank is larger and holds more water. Already from the plastic container, the soap solution enters the “centrifuge” to the laundry through many small holes on the walls of the metal tank.
It’s a pity that in order to find out the volume of the centrifuge of a washing machine, you need to do such difficult calculations for me. Is it difficult for manufacturers to write this right away, or do they specifically not want to advertise it?
Thank you. Everything you need to know
It’s a pity that in order to find out the volume of the centrifuge of a washing machine, you need to do such difficult calculations for me. Is it difficult for manufacturers to write this right away, or do they specifically not want to advertise it?