The lock is activated several times and that’s it (AristonARSL85)
Question to the master: The Ariston ARSL85 washing machine locks the door several times and that’s it. The start button and the lock indicator are blinking.
Our expert, a representative of the Samrem company, answers:
Error F-01 – motor + control circuits, pump + control circuits, abnormal condition of the level sensor. But this error has 16 more subcodes, which can only be determined using special equipment. In your case, inspect the brushes on the engine and if they are normal (overhang more than 15mm, no burns), look at the module (if you have any idea about electronics). Or contact a specialist.
1 reader comment
Hello. Daewoo nano silver ag+ machine. In any mode, it pours water, then the relay clicks with a certain periodicity, the drum stands in place, the brushes on the engine are new, when two contacts are closed, this relay begins to hiss, when it opens, it stops, and after a while the water begins to drain and everything blows into the water sensor tube and into the valve itself I looked at all the legs on the module, nothing came loose by hand, the drum rotates easily, no extraneous noise, the machine is about 10 years old