Malfunctions of the Ariston top-loading washing machine

Malfunctions of the Ariston top-loading washing machineEach manufacturer of household appliances has both advantages and disadvantages that need to be taken into account when purchasing a washing machine. This will help avoid breakdowns and extend the life of the machine. Thus, typical malfunctions of the Ariston vertical loading machine are weak electronics, locked doors and quickly worn out bearings. We suggest you figure out how to reduce the likelihood of failures on the “vertical” and carry out repairs on your own.

Door problems

Almost every third user of an Ariston machine contacts the service center with a request to turn the drum over with the hatch facing up. This kind of tank rotation is one of the most common breakdowns of Ariston washing machines. The doors open at the end of a cycle or roll down when the program is stopped. The reasons for this behavior may be a faulty locking mechanism or loose shutters. In any case, it is impossible to remove the laundry and continue washing.

Returning the drum to its previous position is not easy, but you will also have to pay a large sum to call a repairman. It’s better not to rush to call, but try to cope with the task on your own. The chances of success are high, because breakdowns happen often, and there are instructions for fixing them at home. We do this:

  • take a long steel wire with a cross-section of 30-60 mm;
  • bend one end of the wire;
  • lower the wire “hook” down;
  • we hook the sash and try to close the hatch;
  • close the doors and turn the drum with the hatch up.the drum spun

The difficulty is that you have to act blindly.If the hole on the Ariston washing machine is too small and does not allow the hook to lower, then you can widen the “entrance” and repeat the procedure. Otherwise, you will have to solve the problem with the doors in a longer way: completely disassemble the washing machine, get to the doors and close the drum.

Electronics are a weak point

Among the frequent breakdowns on Ariston is the failure of the control board. As a rule, users have to deal with periodic freezing of the washing machine during washing or a sudden reset of the on mode. Often the machine “pleases” the keys on the dashboard to stick when one program won't turn on, although others activate without hesitation.

It is strongly not recommended to repair the board at home - it should be diagnosed and reflashed by professionals!

A faulty board manifests itself in different ways, which makes diagnosis and repair difficult. More often, the issue is resolved by flashing the module or replacing burnt-out capacitors or resistors. There may also be problems with terminals, contacts and tracks.problem with Ariston electronics

You can avoid software failures if you protect the board that is sensitive to voltage surges. It is enough to connect the washing machine to the network through a stabilizer, which will take over all current drops. However, such a device costs a lot, and it is extremely rare to buy Ariston for budget washing machines.

Bearings are destroyed

Often the Ariston washing machine suffers from a quickly destroyed bearing assembly. The seal that protects the bearings from moisture dries out, cracks, and lets water in. The latter washes out the lubricant, which causes abrasion and deformation of the “rings”.

It’s not difficult to suspect worn bearings: the machine makes a loud noise when washing, and when spinning, the knocking turns into a roar, complemented by grinding and clanging.To confirm the assumption, just open the hatch and spin the drum. If the latter tilts and creaks, then the knot is loose.Bearings need to be replaced

Fixing failed bearings is more difficult than replacing a pump or heater. In this case, do-it-yourself repairs will require complete disassembly of the machine and removal of the tank. Moreover, the tank needs to be halved. On Ariston washing machines the situation is complicated by the fact that the tank is usually non-removable. It must be carefully sawed along the seam line, not forgetting to purchase bolts and make holes for them for reassembly.

Ariston washing machines are equipped with non-removable plastic tanks.

Afterwards, the worn bearings must be knocked out of the shaft with a chisel and hammer. If the rings are stuck, then the seat is treated with WD-40. Then the parts are changed along with the oil seal.

Next, the halves of the tank are connected and fixed with self-tapping screws around the perimeter. It is advisable to lubricate the seam with sealant to protect the machine from possible leaks. It is worth understanding that replacing bearings is a long and difficult task. It is better not to experiment, but to immediately contact specialists.


1 reader comment

  1. Gravatar Vladimir Vladimir:

    If the drum flaps of the Ariston vertical are closed and the lid cannot be opened, what should you do?

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