Dishwasher door won't open

Dishwasher door won't openDishwashers are included in that reliable list of household appliances that can serve the owner for years and even decades. However, this does not mean they do not break at all. One of the most common problems is when the dishwasher does not open. This can happen either due to damage to the locking lock or due to the characteristics of the door locking system. Let's look at the main reasons why this can happen to PMM, and how to deal with it correctly.

Unusual situation

The first reason that the dishwasher does not open may be a simple power outage. If the power suddenly turns off, the dishwasher door will be locked. To open it, you will have to restart the work cycle and wait until it completes.

Under no circumstances should you use force to open the washing chamber door, as this action can further damage the equipment.

When the PMM is blocked due to freezing during washing, you can simply try to reboot the device and restart the program. However, if this does not help, then all that remains is to call a service center specialist so that he can help you carefully open the door manually.PMM blocked due to power outage

PMM lock failure

The next possible problem is damage to the door lock itself. This is a natural breakdown, usually caused by a long period of use, so there is no need to worry about this. In this situation, it is enough just to replace the damaged element, which you can do yourself, or call a specialist.

If you are not sure about the cause of the problem, contact an experienced specialist so that he can accurately identify the problem and know what to do about it.

It is much worse if it is not the lock, which is not very expensive to replace, that is broken, but the electronic control module of the dishwasher. If it is the intelligent PMM unit that has broken down, then you don’t even have to try to fix it or the electrical wiring yourself - in this case, only a service center will be able to restore the equipment’s functionality.

Can I remove the lock myself?

However, not only in the case of damage to the lock, you can solve the problem yourself. If the dishwasher does not open, then this is not a reason to call a specialist for repairs. First of all, use the following instructions and try to remove the block yourself.

  1. Disconnect the dishwasher from all communications.
  2. Check the wash chamber for liquid. To do this, you can gently rock the “home assistant” while listening to the splash of water.
  3. If the liquid has not drained completely, then most likely this is why the door remained blocked. This could be due to a clogged drain path, which can be cleared by disconnecting the drain hose and manually draining the water.removing the dishwasher lock

Also, in some cases, simply disconnecting household appliances from the power supply can help. If the machine is frozen and there is a malfunction in the electronic control unit, then rebooting can help open the lock. But you should understand that such an error can be repeated in the future, so there is a reason to check the control board of the dishwasher.

Finally, some PMM models have a special mechanism for emergency door opening.If the door is locked, then you should try to use this mechanism, which usually looks like a handle or a cable that you need to pull a little. You can read more about this additional feature in the manufacturer's official instructions.


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