Is it possible to place a dishwasher next to an oven?
When planning space in a small kitchen, the owners try to ensure that every centimeter of the room is beneficial. Sometimes it is incredibly difficult, but many succeed. In pursuit of the need to fit more useful equipment into a small kitchen, people forget that some household appliances cannot coexist painlessly with each other. That is why the question arose that we want to answer today, namely: is it possible to place a dishwasher next to an oven and how can this affect these two appliances? We'll figure out.
What does the manufacturer say?
What does the dishwasher manufacturer tell us? Is it possible to place such equipment close to ovens? There are a number of rules regarding the installation of dishwashers, violation of which may result in loss of warranty.
- It is unacceptable to place the dishwasher under the sink or close to the sink.
- Do not place the dishwasher under the hob.
This means any hob, even one that has a heat-insulating substrate underneath.
- The dishwasher cannot be installed in the outermost drawer of a furniture set.
- It is unacceptable to place the dishwasher in close proximity to the oven.
The last rule answers our question very clearly. It means that the oven should not be placed above the dishwasher, under it, or on the edges of it. The required technological gap that will separate these household appliances must be at least 40 cm. Not all manufacturers indicate that the distance between the dishwasher and the oven should be exactly 40 cm, but for example, the pedantic Germans prescribed exactly this distance. So if you were careless to put Bosch dishwasher next to the stove, then say goodbye to the warranty. The service center masters, if something happens, will not allow you such freedom.
Conditions for the proximity of household appliances
Rules are rules and you can’t argue with them. But you also need to take into account the fact that these rules can only be observed if you have a room of normal size. If your kitchen resembles “Papa Carlo’s closet” in size, then you can forget about following such rules, since there is nowhere to get these 40 cm. What to do? There are two options here: follow the rules and refuse to install a dishwasher, or break these rules and install an oven and machine together.
If you take a risk, what could potentially result from this other than loss of warranty? A heated oven will act on the body of the dishwasher for a long time, causing overheating of the electronic filling and drying out the rubber seals, which will eventually crack and become unusable. According to statistics, in such a situation the risk of a dishwasher breaking down increases by 1.5 times. But it is worth taking some precautions and such risks can be minimized.
- If it is possible to leave a gap of at least half a centimeter between the oven and the dishwasher, this must be done. Push a small piece of foil-coated polyethylene foam into the gap, and you will reliably isolate the two household appliances from each other.
- If you had to place the stove and dishwasher close to each other in the same cabinet, do not turn on the two appliances at the same time.A heated oven can cause a short circuit in the electronic circuits of the dishwasher if it is working.
- If you still have the opportunity to choose a dishwasher or oven, choose a model with good insulation. The main task is to reduce the heating of the walls of both devices standing closely.
It would be better to plan the approximate placement of household appliances in the kitchen, even before purchasing such equipment.
How can they not install this equipment yet?
The number of options for placing a dishwasher will directly depend on the size of the kitchen and the amount of equipment that will need to be crammed there. Often now people place a dishwasher next to a washing machine, justifying this by the ease of connecting two similar appliances. They say the washing machine, as well as the dishwasher, must be connected to the water supply and sewerage system. This is actually a very big mistake.
These two devices standing close together have a very detrimental effect on each other. During the spin cycle, the machine vibrates strongly, swaying from side to side, hitting objects on the right and left. It is not difficult to guess that the vibration is transmitted to the dishwasher standing next to it, gradually destroying it from the inside. If you turn on the dishwasher and washing machine at the same time, the vibration from the washing machine will harm the dishes in the baskets in the washing chamber. If the dishes are fragile, then they will end.
It is relatively safe to place a refrigerator next to a dishwasher, even if the refrigerator has a self-defrost function. Its walls do not heat up so much, so they cannot harm the dishwasher. Another thing is the microwave oven. Any item of household appliance containing electrical or, especially, electronics should be avoided in its proximity.Ideally, the microwave should be kept at least half a meter away from any household appliance, but this is not always possible.
To summarize, we note that it is not advisable to place the dishwasher under, above or next to the oven. Do this entirely at your own risk if there are no other options, but be sure to take into account the recommendations that we have described in this publication. Also remember that before you buy and install a dishwasher or oven, find out how they will roughly stand in your kitchen and what kind of heat and sound insulation they have. If this is not done, problems will increase. Good luck!
1 reader comment
What does the “close to the sink” rule mean?