Can a microwave be placed in a dishwasher?
Modern housewives are so accustomed to microwave ovens that they do not think at all about how dangerous the device is installed in their kitchen. Of course, it poses a danger not so much to humans as to the electrical, electronic and gas equipment that is in the house. Can a microwave be placed on a dishwasher or any other appliance? Let's figure this out.
Dangerous neighbor
Many people think that exposure to microwaves is limited to the depths of the microwave oven, but in fact, harmful radiation extends far beyond the microwave body. The more expensive and better the quality of the microwave oven, the better the internal shielding, but even from expensive equipment the radiation is very decent. It is enough to:
- disable microcircuits of control modules of household appliances;
- cause a short circuit;
- disable the electronic filling of gas equipment.
Gas meters especially suffer from the harmful effects of microwaves.
In this regard, the distance between the microwave oven and any electronic and electrical equipment should be at least 20 cm. Only in this case the influence of harmful radiation will be minimal.
Now let's look at the proximity of the microwave and dishwasher. Almost all modern dishwashers have electronic control modules. If you place a microwave oven on a dishwasher and then turn on two appliances at the same time, there is a chance that the dishwasher control module will malfunction. It’s good if the matter is limited to a local failure, which is eliminated by rebooting the machine, but what if it comes to a part failure?
Just so you know, this is a very expensive repair; the work of a master along with the part will cost at least $90-120. Does it make sense to take risks, especially if you also consider how much repairs cost, and how much do dishwashers cost (repair may not be practical). It turns out that you cannot place a microwave oven on a dishwasher, or place it next to any other equipment. But then the question arises: where should we put it?
How to install a microwave oven?
Indeed, if the kitchen is very small and the necessary equipment barely fits, then no matter how you try, the microwave will still have to be placed either next to the refrigerator, or next to the stove, or next to the dishwasher. And what then does a Russian person need ingenuity for? In fact, there is an option to place the microwave oven away from other equipment. It is suitable for any kitchen, even the smallest.
Intrigued? Meanwhile, there is no special secret here, do the following:
- purchase a special bracket for the microwave oven;
- make markings in a convenient place on the wall;
- use a hammer drill to drill holes for fasteners;
- Attach the bracket to the wall and install the microwave oven on it.
In appearance, the microwave will appear to be suspended from the wall, next to the kitchen furniture, but in reality it will be securely fastened. The advantage of this method of placing a microwave oven is not only that the device will be placed far from other equipment. The main advantage is saving space and aesthetics, because being on brackets, the stove does not bother anyone and looks great.
When you mount the microwave on brackets or special shelves, it is possible to install it at the height at which using the oven will be most convenient. The bracket securely fastens the microwave oven, preventing it from sliding onto the floor during operation, but microwaves sometimes “run away” from refrigerators and cabinets, causing a lot of trouble for housewives.
The conclusion of our story today suggests itself. Do not place a microwave oven on a dishwasher, refrigerator or any other large household appliance. This will not lead to anything good. It is best to mount the microwave on the wall using a special bracket, so it will not interfere and will not create problems for anyone. Good luck!
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