What is the power of the heating element of a washing machine?
Only a few can provide ideal conditions for operating a washing machine. More often, the machine has to work in a potentially dangerous environment: with hard water, with “jumping” power supply and under excessive load. As a result, key components of the equipment suffer, including heating elements. The heater is one of the most vulnerable elements of the system; it often deteriorates and requires replacement. It is not difficult to dismantle and install a new device - the main thing is to know the power of the heating element of the washing machine in order to choose the right analogue.
Is power really that important?
Operating power is one of the key characteristics of the heating element. Some washing machines are equipped with 2-2.2 kW heaters, while others need 1.8-1.9 kW. The difference is noticeable: the higher the indicator, the faster the water heats up, and the more electricity the equipment uses.
The higher the power of the heating element, the faster and stronger the washing machine heats up!
Experts recommend selecting a replacement analogue so that the new heating element matches the old one in power. But fluctuations are also possible: many modern machines are ready to “accept” an excellent heater model. The main thing is to keep within the difference of 100-300W - such a “reserve” is initially included in the starting relay. Thus, a “native” 1.9 kW device can be easily replaced with a 1.6-1.8 kW device, if it is suitable for other parameters.
More often than not, users are concerned with the question of whether it is possible to install a heating element of higher power. Many people specifically ask service technicians to “pump” the heating system with a stronger device. This request is usually granted as long as the new element does not exceed the 300W maximum.If the difference is greater, then the replacement will be dangerous: the load on the contacts will be unbearable, the device will overheat and fail prematurely.
Knowing the power of the heating element, you can check its serviceability. It is only necessary to calculate the normal resistance of the element using the special formula R=U²/P, where:
“U” – voltage in the electrical network (usually 220 V);
"P" - heater power.
Data about the heater's power is printed on its body.
We remember the resulting value and measure the real resistance. Set the multimeter to ohmmeter mode, set it to “200 Ohm” and apply the probes to the heater contacts. If the number displayed on the display corresponds to the first, it means that the heating element is fully operational. Do not forget that a deviation of plus or minus 3 ohms is permissible. Is the difference much greater? Then the element must be replaced.
What else matters when choosing a part?
In order for the washing machine to last for a long time after replacing the heating element, it is necessary to correctly select a new heater. The ideal solution is to dismantle the old device and bring it to the store as a sample. Consultants will carefully examine the device, clarify its power and other parameters, and find a suitable analogue.
It’s another matter if it is not possible to pick up a replacement part in the store. Then you will have to order a new heater via the Internet, independently evaluating the heating element model. When purchasing, you will have to specify several key parameters at once: seat, presence of a collar, dimensions, shape and coating. Let's look at each point separately.
Seating place. It is important that the new heating element “sits” into the provided “socket”. Almost all modern heaters are fixed in the same way.If the washer was produced 10-15 years ago, then it is necessary to clarify the type of tip of the element - it will differ from the standard.
Presence of a collar. This is a reinforcing nozzle located next to the seal. If you install a heating element without a collar when it is needed, then during the washing process the heater may fall out of its socket.
There is a hole for the thermistor. If the washing machine involves connecting a heating element to a temperature sensor, then you need to look for a part with a “hole”. The option with a hole is considered universal, since it can be easily closed with a special plug when not needed.
Heating elements vary in power, seat, size, shape, coating, presence of collar and hole for connecting a thermistor.
Dimensions. All heating elements are divided into short, medium and long - depending on the length of the element. If a larger heater was previously installed, a smaller one can easily take its place. You can’t put a “maxi” instead of a mini version, as there won’t be enough space.
Form. There are straight and curved heating elements.
Coating. It is not important when selecting an analogue, since it does not greatly affect the design and fixation of the heating element. But the wear resistance, strength and reliability of the heater depend on it - it is better not to save money, but to choose models that are more protected from scale and overheating.
When looking for a new heater, you should also pay attention to the manufacturer. It is not recommended to save money and buy Chinese fakes - it is important to select original spare parts. Thus, components from the Italian company “Thermowatt” are considered to be of high quality. Heating elements with a fuse from IRCA, another company from Italy, also showed excellent performance in operation.
Examples of heater characteristics
The modern market offers a wide range of heating elements that differ in a number of characteristics. It is problematic to consider all the options for heating elements in one article - there are too many of them. But if difficulties arise with the selection of a new heater, then you should pay attention to several recommendations and examples:
a classic universal option is a direct heater with a power of 1.9 kW, a length of 17.5 cm, a shoulder and a hole for a thermistor;
The “classic” includes a 1.9 kW, 173 mm heating element with a collar, but without a hole for a temperature sensor;
A 1600 W heating element, which has a length of 180 mm and a hole for the sensor, is considered universal for Samsung;
A straight heating element with a length of 17.5 cm and a power of up to 1.9 kW is considered universal.
among long heating elements, a 305 mm heater with a power of 2 kW, complemented by a thermistor, sealing rubber and collar, has proven itself to be excellent;
for LG, a 305 mm heater with a thin cuff, a collar and a power of 2 kW is suitable.
Before purchasing a heating element, you should once again check its key characteristics - it must fully correspond to the old one. Only a slight deviation in power is acceptable, but not more than 300W.
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