Choosing and using a bag for washing sneakers

shoe washing bagWashing shoes in a washing machine, including sneakers, has its own characteristics. After all, not only sneakers are tested, but the drum of the machine also experiences certain loads.

To reduce all the risks of unsuccessful washing of such shoes, you need to use a bag for washing sneakers. Choosing one is not difficult, and we, in turn, will share recommendations on which bag to buy and how to use it correctly.

Recommendations for selection

The choice of a bag for washing sneakers should be taken seriously, otherwise the bag may become a useless thing, since you will not notice any effect from it. When purchasing a bag, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • failed washThe material is made of it, it must be dense enough and allow water to pass through well; a bag made of thin fabric can tear after just a few washes. If the bag is made of mesh, then the holes should not be too large so that if small parts are torn off from the shoes, they will not jump into the drum of the machine;
  • be sure to check the quality of the seams, they must be strong and reliable, there should be no protruding threads;
  • The presence of stiffening ribs is also important; this is how a shoe washing bag differs from a simple carrying bag. Moreover, foam inserts should be around the entire perimeter of the bag; they protect the sneakers from impacts against the walls of the machine drum;

    Important! For this reason, you should not use a pillowcase instead of a laundry bag in the washing machine, because it will not save either the sneakers or the drum from impacts during rotation. When making a bag with your own hands, be sure to take this into account.

  • Do not confuse a bag for washing shoes in a washing machine with bag for washing delicate items, the difference is the same - in the shock-absorbing inserts.

Bags overview

A laundry accessory such as a sneaker bag is not as popular. Therefore, you can only buy it in large household chemical supermarkets, where you buy powders, gels and other laundry and household products. Even if such a bag is not available in stores in your city, you can easily order it in the online store. These bags are mostly made in China, but you can find others. Here are examples of the most popular products:

  1. Metaltex mesh is a shoe bag with a zipper, made of white polyvinyl chloride. This bag measures 32x42 cm and is made in Italy. The average price is $8.
    Metaltex shoe bag
  2. Rayen Shoe Net – This bag for washing shoes in the washing machine is also made of PVC material and has a zipper, but is made in Spain. The dimensions of the bag are 34x16x19 cm. The average price is $9.
    Rayan shoe bag
  3. EVA shoe washing bag - this bag is not much different from the previous ones, it also has a three-dimensional design and inserts for safe washing. The size of the bag is 39x23x17 cm. It is produced in Russia, so the average price is $2.
    shoe bag Eva
  4. Java shoe washing bag is another Russian-made bag made of mesh material. Has dimensions 42x22x14 cm.
    java shoe bag
  5. mesh bag for shoes with round shockproof inserts made in China, the bag has a square shape, is made of mesh, and closes with a zipper. Average price $3.
    shoe washing bag

Be sure to read the instructions before use!

Instructions for use

Using a shoe wash bag in the washing machine is very simple.Just put the shoes in the bag, close the zipper, put the bag in the drum, pour in the powder and select a short mode without spinning with a water temperature of no more than 300S. But that was not the case, each of the listed stages has its own nuances that are worth remembering, since neglecting them will shorten the service life of both the sneakers and the machine.

  • Firstly, before putting your sneakers in a bag, you need to clean the soles of dirt, or better yet, wash them.
  • Secondly, before washing shoes in a new bag for the first time, you need to check it for shedding ability. The bag is not always white; if it is colored, then soap it and rinse it under water. If the water is clear, then you can safely wash white sneakers in such a bag. Otherwise, colored marks may remain on white shoes.
  • Third, For one wash, you can put no more than two pairs of shoes in the drum of the washing machine, placed in different bags.
  • Fourthly, it is best to use gels for washing, as they dissolve faster and leave marks on the shoes. Moreover, you need to wash it on a short cycle so that the shoes do not deteriorate.

    Note! You should wash sports shoes in a washing machine only from trusted manufacturers; as a rule, Chinese sneakers cannot withstand such washing.

  • Fifthly, laces and insoles need to be removed and washed separately, preferably by hand, this way they wash better.

After washing, the sneakers must be taken out of the bag and dried. Drying in a bag is not recommended as it will take longer. The best way to dry sneakers is to hang them with the soles up, so the water drains out of the shoes faster, and then turn the sneakers over. The bag for washing shoes in the washing machine must also be dried thoroughly.

So, a bag or net for washing sneakers in the machine is a very useful thing in the household. It is especially useful for those who do not like to bother themselves with hand washing their shoes. And if you take good care of your shoes, you won't skimp on the bag, especially since it doesn't cost as much as a good pair of sneakers from a well-known brand.


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