Can rabbit fur be washed in a washing machine?
With the advent of washing machines, housewives are trying to completely abandon hand washing, entrusting this task to an automatic machine. But while most textiles and shoes can withstand intense rotation without problems, some types of fabrics and materials are prohibited from being put in the washing machine. In the latter case, the item deteriorates after the first cycle, so it is better to find out before loading it into the drum whether it is possible to take risks or not.
Today we will find out whether it is acceptable to wash rabbit fur in a washing machine or whether it is safer to refuse the procedure. All the pros/cons and possible alternatives are given below.
Is it possible to “introduce” rabbit fur to a machine?
The opinion of experts and manufacturers is the same and adamant: rabbit fur and a washing machine are incompatible. Even one cycle on the most gentle program will irrevocably damage the product - the soft pile will become crumpled, matted, and become hard and unattractive. Moreover, the rabbit should not be soaked in water at all; only dry cleaning is acceptable.
You cannot wash rabbit and hare fur in an automatic machine - only dry cleaning is recommended!
Dry washing rabbit or hare fur can be done in several ways. Methods with flour, sawdust and starch are considered the most optimal and effective.
One way to clean hare fur is to wash it in flour. The procedure occurs as follows:
- We find a dry basin commensurate with the product;
- pour flour into it;
- put a fur coat or hat on top of the flour;
- We carefully “wash” the fur with our hands, trying to process every section of the pile;
- then shake off the flour from the fur and ventilate the product.
Another effective method for safely cleaning a rabbit requires sawdust from coniferous trees - pine, spruce, fir or larch. The fact is that these breeds contain resins necessary for “washing” the fur. Clean shavings are poured into an enamel basin and moistened with clean gasoline. The fur product is carefully “washed” over the basin, and heavily soiled areas are treated twice. Upon completion of the procedure, the item is shaken out and combed.
It is advisable to clean white fluff using potato starch. Place the rabbit fur coat or hat on the bottom of the bath and sprinkle generously with powder. Afterwards, mix baby shampoo or soap with warm water, pour the resulting soap solution into a spray bottle and spray the pile until a dough-like slurry forms. This “dough” is spread evenly over the product and then left to dry completely. Next, shake off the frozen pieces with a clothes brush, dry the item and carefully comb the fur.
Home Remedies for Cleaning Fur
The options offered by experts are not always feasible at home. Therefore, experienced housewives adapted them, replacing detergents with more affordable ones and simplifying the cleaning procedure. So, you can wash a rabbit fur coat or a hare hat with talcum powder, vinegar, bran or semolina. We follow the instructions below and be sure to first test the selected substance in an inconspicuous area - then the risk of damage to the fur will be minimal.
- Starch. This powder perfectly absorbs dirt from fur, so just rub it into the pile and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then we remove the darkened substance and evaluate the result. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
- Vinegar.An acetic solution of water and acid, diluted in a 2:1 ratio, perfectly removes grease stains, eliminates unpleasant odors, and restores the softness, smoothness and shine of fur. The main thing is to remember safety measures: work in a ventilated area and wear rubber gloves.
For dry cleaning of fur, natural absorbents are used - starch, bran, talc, flour and semolina.
- Bran. If you spread a fur product on the floor, sprinkle it with this crumb and leave it for 15-20 minutes, the flakes will absorb dirt, leaving the pile clean. Works with fur of any color.
- Peroxide. For the solution, mix a teaspoon of peroxide, half as much ammonia and 400 ml of water. More suitable for light and white fur, as it eliminates yellowness and grayness that appears due to long-term storage or high humidity.
- Talc, semolina, baby powder or flour. Any of the listed powders is rubbed into the fur and left for 30 minutes. Afterwards the fur coat is vacuumed and shaken.
Dry cleaning uses natural absorbents that can absorb dirt from fur without damaging it. Their beauty is that they can easily be combined with each other for the best effect. For example, baby powder is often mixed with bran in a ratio of 1 to 2.
Advice from experienced housewives
Fur is an expensive, beautiful and very difficult to care for material. To maintain its original attractiveness, shine and softness, it is necessary to wear, clean and dry it as responsibly as possible. The following recommendations from experienced housewives will help you properly handle your rabbit:
- fur cannot be ironed;
- the pile does not tolerate drying with hot air, as it is deformed at high temperatures;
- when drying, it is important to set the correct direction of the fur, constantly combing it;
- after washing, the detergent must be completely removed from the pile, shaken out and vacuumed;
- leaving fur in direct sunlight is unacceptable;
- you cannot wring out the edge and fur lining - the water must drain naturally, which will take 5-7 hours;
- You can speed up drying by wrapping the fur in a dry terry towel;
- the fur edge is combed as often as possible;
- It’s better not to do home cleaning, but to immediately contact professionals.
Ideally, fur should be worn carefully and avoid getting dirty, so that washing is limited to combing and superficial cleaning.
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