It happens that organizing the drainage of waste water from the tank of an automatic machine becomes a real problem for users of the equipment. In cases where the washing machine is installed at some distance from the main house communications, and moreover, they cannot be quickly converted, the owners have no choice but to look for non-standard ways to connect the drain hose to the sewer system. One of the unusual options is to fix the hose in a tee through a special cuff for draining the washing machine. Let's figure out how to connect using this principle.
How is the connection made?
If your apartment is equipped with a modern metal-plastic sewer system with a pipe diameter of 40 or 50 mm, then there will be no problems connecting the drain hose. It is necessary to purchase from a specialized retail outlet an appropriate tee with an inclination angle of 45° (if it is intended to be installed under a sink) and a seal for it with an internal ring diameter of 25 mm.
When installing a cuff into a purchased tee, it is important to follow one rule. Do not remove the sealing ring from the pipe cavity; it will serve as a guarantee of the reliability and tightness of the connection being created. If you cannot insert the cuff, try heating it in hot water for 2-3 minutes. Having been exposed to heat, the elastic band will become softer and more flexible, so it will freely fall into place.
After installing the cuff, only a thin limiting edge of the seal should be visible from the tee outlet.
Got a non-standard tee
There are cases that a tee with a diameter of 50 mm simply does not fit on a modern sewer pipe of the same size. The free installation of the tee is hampered by a couple of extra millimeters, due to which it does not fit into place. This is explained by how long ago the structural elements were produced, and by the fact that in the recent past there were certain other standards in production that differed from the current ones. A standard cuff, therefore, is also not suitable for organizing this connection.
If you find yourself in this situation, the problem can be solved in two ways:
Having removed the sealing ring, fill its seat with waterproof sealant, and also treat the part of the surface of the tee that enters the sewer network. This way the part will easily enter the sewer system a couple of centimeters.
By purchasing a tee with a diameter of 40 mm and a transition collar having dimensions of 50 * 40 mm. Connecting the outlet and the pipe in this way will be very easy.
The first method is suitable in case of vertical mounting of the outlet. The tee will fit very tightly, and together with the sealant, it will never let water through. If the structure is horizontal, preference should be given to the second method.
In the vast majority of cases, the diameter of the corrugation connected to sinks is no more than 40 mm. This suggests that the use of a tee of the appropriate size will in no way affect the ability of the pipe to pass water. When there is a branch with a diameter of 50 mm at the end of the corrugation, you can cut it with careful movements. The bell is quite fragile, so you should not press hard on the cutter; cutting is done with light circular movements.
Which cuff should I buy?
When organizing drainage into the sewer yourself, special attention should be paid to purchasing the basic necessary elements. When purchasing a cuff, focus on its diameter. In 90% of cases, a rubber element measuring 50*25 (outer and inner diameter, respectively) is required, however, on the shelves you can find cuffs with an inner diameter of 32 mm. It is quite difficult for a non-professional to distinguish such a discrepancy, so it is necessary to inform the seller not only of the outer diameter, but also to clarify the internal dimensions.
We advise you not to succumb to the persuasion of managers who insist that a cuff with a diameter of 32 mm is ideal for attaching a drain hose to the sewer. It is not true. The drain pipe will fit into it very freely, which in the future may lead to its “flying out” of the cuff. Therefore, in order to prevent an unpleasant situation, you should purchase an elastic band close to the hose - the tighter it fits into the cuff, the more reliable and airtight the organized connection will be.
Thus, it is quite simple to organize the drainage of waste water from the washing machine into the sewer pipe using a special tee and cuff. It is important to select all the necessary parts correctly, to focus on the diameter of the components, then the work will go quickly and efficiently.
Thank you, it helped :)
O-ring, plus hot water. I already wanted to cut it.