If the LG washing machine does not drain water or spin clothes, what can be done in this situation? Users who mercilessly exploit their Korean “home assistant” may one day encounter such a problem. You can immediately call a specialist and this will be the most correct decision. But if you have the time and desire to figure out the problem yourself, take note of the information we present in this publication.
What caused the breakdown?
A specialist, relying on his experience, is able to quickly determine the reason why the LG washing machine does not want to drain and spin clothes, and then quickly fix the breakdown. It is much more difficult for the average user to do this, primarily due to the lack of experience and relevant skills in working with equipment, but if you show patience and spare no effort and time, everything will work out. First you need to decide on an algorithm for finding a breakdown.
Knowing the approximate procedure for finding the cause of a malfunction, you can greatly simplify your task.
First, we check for dirt plugs and stuck objects: garbage filter, pipes and pump.
Then we look at the pump in more detail for mechanical and electrical breakdowns.
Next, remove the pressure switch and check whether it is clogged, and then test the water level sensor using a multimeter.
Lastly, we check all the wiring inside the body of the LG washing machine and the control module.
By following this plan, you will most likely be able to detect a malfunction. But as they say, remember to keep your eyes open and notice any oddities when disassembling your washing machine.In this case, you will more likely gain experience and be able to solve this and other problems, because this is not the first and not the last time equipment breaks down.
The washing machine is clogged with dirt
Most often, the LG washing machine stops spinning and draining water not even because of dirt blockages, but because foreign objects get into the pipe or garbage filter. Even if a foreign object does not immediately plug the drain path, over time small debris will settle on it and the partial blockage will turn into a solid plug through which water will barely seep through.
The drainage path of the LG washing machine is made in such a way that 90% of foreign objects that accidentally get there settle on or near the garbage filter. This is a huge plus, because getting to the garbage filter is incomparably easier than getting to any other internal parts of a Korean washing machine. Let's start with the filter.
In the lower right corner of the LG washing machine, find the small plastic cover and open it.
Under the lid you will see a large black plug, next to which sticks out a small hose plugged with a plug.
Place a shallow container under the hose to drain any water remaining in the tank. This is done like this: open the cap, fill the container, close the cap, pour the water out of the container, and then fill the container again until all the water has been removed from the tank.
To avoid getting the floor wet again, place several highly absorbent rags near the front of the LG washing machine.
Unscrew the garbage filter. You need to turn it to the left half a turn, and then pull it towards you. If you haven’t pulled out the filter for a long time, it may stick, but this is not critical, pull harder and it will pop out.
Inspect the filter itself and the hole you removed it from. Pull out any foreign objects and dirt that are stuck there.Often, when cleaning the filter, users pull out stuck things: socks, bra wires, coins, paper clips, pins, buttons, swimming trunks and much more.
If you find something like this in the garbage filter, consider the problem of difficult draining solved. But if the filter turns out to be clean, or almost clean, and there is nothing stuck there, the search must be continued.
Drain pump faulty
In the next step of the inspection, we will continue to look for blockages in the washing machine. To do this, we will inspect the pipes, drain hose and, of course, the pump. We will focus on the drain pump, since it really needs to be checked with all possible care. We unplug the power cord of the washing machine from the outlet, turn off the water, disconnect the inlet and drain hoses, and then carefully pull out the washing machine to a place where it will be more or less convenient to work with it. Next we do the following.
Remove and put aside the powder tray.
Carefully, without sudden movements, place the washing machine on its left side.
Having gained partial access to the insides of the LG washing machine through the bottom, loosen and move down the clamps securing the drain pipe coming from the tank.
We remove the pipe and see if anything foreign is stuck there.
We clean and rinse the pipe, then put it in place.
Next, disconnect the drain hose and check it for blockages.
Lastly, unscrew the pump mount and remove it to check.
To begin with, the pump body is disassembled into two halves and the impeller is inspected for contamination. You can often find wound threads, human hair, and even scraps of thin fabric on the impeller.All this makes it difficult or impossible to rotate this moving part, which means the pump simply stops functioning. If the impeller rotates normally and nothing foreign is wound on it, it is necessary to check the functionality of the electrical part of the pump.
This is not difficult to do. We take a device called a multimeter. We turn its toggle switch, setting the resistance test mode. Let's start checking. If, as a result, the device shows a large number, then the problem is not with the pump; if the numbers 1 or 0 are displayed, the situation is bad, the pump must be replaced.
Also inspect and call the chip and wires connected to the drain pump; a burnt-out wire or a melted contact may well disrupt the functionality of the “home assistant.”
Level sensor or control module?
Washing things in an LG automatic washing machine is impossible if the water level sensor is malfunctioning, and if the sensor is completely burned out, then this is a problem that requires immediate resolution. To check the water level sensor, you need to find it. This is not difficult to do; you first need to remove the top cover of the LG washing machine. Under it, in the right front corner of the case, right behind the panel, you will see a chip-shaped round thing with a sensor attached to it - this is the pressure switch.
We will not separately describe the process of dismantling and checking it, since we have already done this within the framework of the article Spin and water drainage does not work in Samsung washing machine. In LG washing machines, the pressure switch is removed and checked in the same way.
If everything is fine with the water level sensor, but the LG washing machine still does not drain the water and does not spin things out, this most likely means a breakdown of the electronics, specifically the control module. There are more than enough reasons why the electronics of a washing machine breaks down:
various types of power failures;
poor-quality soldering of board tracks;
moisture entering the electronic module;
user errors, etc.
Whatever the cause of the breakdown, it is better not to look for it yourself. Even if you have experience working with electronics, the risk of breaking an expensive part is too great. For our part, we cannot advise you to repair the module yourself - contact professionals!
To summarize, we note that if your LG washing machine refuses to drain water after washing and does not spin clothes, you can try to cope with the problem yourself, but remember, if the malfunction has affected the electronic part of the “home assistant”, it is better to delegate the repair to a specialist.
Thanks to the author for the useful article! The machine stopped draining water and spinning. I cleaned the garbage filter and the washing machine works as before.
The machine also stopped spinning, I read this article, unscrewed the filter, and there was dirt and a piece of rag. Cleaned it up and everything worked. Thank you for the article!
Thanks for the article, my sock got stuck.
Thanks for the information, it was very helpful! 🙂
Thanks to the author for the useful article! The machine stopped draining water and spinning. I cleaned the garbage filter and the washing machine works as before.
Thanks for the article, there was a cotton swab in the filter. Cleaned it up and everything worked!
The article helped. The garbage filter is clogged. Coins and stuff. Cleaned it up and everything worked. Thank you!
The machine also stopped spinning, I read this article, unscrewed the filter, and there was dirt and a piece of rag. Cleaned it up and everything worked. Thank you for the article!
Thanks for the useful article. Everything is very clear.
Everything is very intelligible and clear, even for me. Thank you!
Thank you 🙂 I cleaned the filter and everything works!
Many thanks to the author. Helped.
Thank you. I cleaned the filter and everything worked.
Thank you!
Good evening! The machine does not spin and only drains once. The filter is clean and the drain hose is also free. What could it be?
Thank you!!!
Hello. So what could it be?
The condom is wrapped around the pump... thanks for the article!
Thank you, the household members raked up the trash in their pockets! 🙂
Where is the filter located?
Thank you! Cleaned the filter and it worked. At the same time, I gave her a “bath” at 95*. I am very happy! I don't like man-made stress.
Thanks author! I took it apart and cleaned the pump. Now the flight is normal.
Thanks to your article, the pump and filter were cleaned, and the drain hose was washed. The girl worked like clockwork.
Thank you very much!
Thank you. It helped a lot!
My pump is working. The drain hose is clean. And everywhere is clean. But it doesn't drain the water. The pump is running
Thank you
Cleaned the filter and it helped, thanks!