Where to pour liquid powder in the Indesit washing machine?
For daily care of things, most housewives use loose powders, which do an excellent job of this task. However, sometimes liquid detergent is the best option for washing. And here the question arises: is it possible to use the gel in washing machines whose tray is not suitable for such purposes? Where to pour liquid powder in an Indesit washing machine, the dispenser of which does not have a special compartment for this form of cleanser?
Where will we pour the product?
The cuvette of a conventional Indesit machine has three compartments. The largest compartment contains powder for the main wash, while the slightly smaller one is used for additional washing. Another container is designed specifically for air conditioning.
Housewives often pour liquid product into the conditioner compartment, thinking that since the conditioner is liquid, then this section will be suitable for gel. This logic is erroneous, because the machine will put the composition into operation not during the main wash, but at the rinsing stage. So, the laundry will be rinsed in soapy water.
In this situation, the optimal solution would be to load the liquid product into the bulk powder compartment. However, this method has one significant drawback. Gel poured into the tray for the main wash will immediately flow into the tank and get on the laundry, while the fabric may deteriorate from contact with the concentrated composition. Clothes may become stained.
Then another question is tormented: if the gel does not linger in the powder receiver, but immediately flows down through the pipes, isn’t it easier to pour the product directly into the drum? In fact, this method has a right to exist.The sequence of actions will be as follows:
- the required dose of detergent is determined using a measuring cup;
- The loading hatch of the machine opens;
- liquid powder is poured into the drum. It is worth waiting until the composition drains into the tank;
- A glass of clean water is poured onto the surface of the drum. This is necessary to wash off the remaining concentrate from the walls;
- the drum is rotated several times, this will allow the gel in the system to partially dissolve;
- a batch of laundry is loaded;
- the hatch door closes;
- conditioner is poured into a special compartment of the cuvette (if necessary);
- the desired washing program starts.
The advantage of this method is that it eliminates the possibility of fabric damage from contact with undiluted household chemicals, but it still cannot be called ideal. Almost all programs recorded in the washer’s memory involve step-by-step withdrawal of product from the powder container. The composition is delivered to the tank in 2-3 passes, thereby achieving high quality washing. In the described case, the product immediately enters the system in full, thereby Indesit’s attempts to dissolve the gel piece by piece are unsuccessful.
If the Indesit washing machine does not have a compartment for liquid detergent, you can additionally purchase a special container that compensates for the absence of this compartment.
There are plastic cups or balls on sale, designed specifically for machines whose powder container is not equipped with a section for liquid products. The gel is poured into the container, after which it is placed in the drum. The ball has special holes through which the composition is gradually washed out during the washing process. Of the three options listed, this method would be preferable.
Gel dosage
The amount of liquid powder required for washing depends on the weight of the clothes loaded into the drum and the information written on the packaging. When using a new cleaning product, at first be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations until you have a clear understanding of how much powder is optimal to pour into the washer.
The cleaning program you choose should also be taken into account. When the mode involves a long wash with an additional rinsing stage, you can add more liquid. When choosing an express wash, it is important not to overdo it with the composition, otherwise it will not be rinsed out of the fabric well. Comparing loose powder and gel, we can say with confidence that the latter dissolves faster, penetrates better into the fibers of the fabric, and therefore is consumed more economically.
However, do not forget that today manufacturers offer a lot of dry concentrated powders with minimal consumption and high performance. It is necessary to make a choice in favor of one or another product based on personal preferences.
What are the types of liquid products?
The range of liquid products for automatic washing is huge. Some formulations are famous for their high efficiency, others provide average results, and others absolutely fail to cope with the task assigned to them. The selection of gel for the Indesit washing machine should be taken seriously, taking into account all the characteristics of the composition. Here is a review of liquid powders from different manufacturers.
- Universal liquid LOREMS. Suitable for cleaning both white and colored laundry. Copes with stubborn stains. Dissolves in seconds even in cold water. The concentrated product is economical, convenient to dose, and easy to store. The composition is phosphate-free, hypoallergenic.The price of a 3 liter bottle is about $9.
- Tide “Alpine Freshness” gel concentrate. Can be used for both automatic and hand washing. Suitable for all shades of fabrics. The composition has earned a huge number of positive reviews from users, as it provides high quality cleaning and removes the most stubborn stains. A liter bottle of the composition costs about $2.
- Persil Color gel is a concentrate suitable for automatic washing of cotton and synthetic fabrics. The composition includes a liquid stain remover, this allows you to cope with old, stubborn stains. Keeps things bright and gives them freshness. The cost of an almost two-liter bottle of Persil Color is about $11.
- Liquid composition Frosch “Apple” for colored fabrics. It has high cleansing properties and can not only preserve, but also restore the intensity of bright colors. The average price of a 2-liter package is $7.
- Gel MYTH 3 in 1 “Frosty freshness”. The concentrated product carefully cleans both white, light-colored items and colored linen. It fights dirt perfectly and gives clothes the freshness of a frosty morning. Contains conditioner and enzymes. To achieve optimal results, the manufacturer advises pouring the gel not into the powder receptacle, but directly into the drum.
- Universal Synergetic is a hypoallergenic, biodegradable composition, suitable even for washing baby clothes. Special additives help prevent re-contamination of fabric fibers. The gel rinses out well and does not settle on things. A pleasant aroma is achieved through natural essential oils. The average price of a 1 liter bottle is 320 rubles.
- PROSEPT Crystal liquid detergent concentrate is a phosphate-free product.Removes difficult stains and leaves no streaks on clothes. The cost of a 3-liter container is approximately $5.
- Gel Eared Nyan. The hypoallergenic composition is positioned as a detergent for washing children's clothes, as it is safe for the most sensitive skin. Suitable for cleaning white, light and colored fabrics. Capable of removing complex stains - from juice, chocolate, grass, etc. Affordable price - about $1 per liter of product.
- Ariel washing concentrate for sensitive skin. Suitable for cleaning delicate fabrics due to its mild formula. The gel is dermatologist approved. To ensure higher quality washing, the cap with the product is placed directly into the drum. The average price of a liter container is $3.
If the Indesit washing machine does not have a compartment for liquid detergent, it is advisable to pay attention to products that, according to the manufacturer’s recommendation, can be poured into the drum.
It is possible that in the search for the ideal liquid powder, you will have to test more than one composition. When choosing a gel, you should focus both on its characteristics and components, and on reviews from users who have already tried the product.
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