Where to fill the air conditioner in the Atlant washing machine?
If you add liquid conditioner to the washing machine when washing, your clothes will become fragrant and soft. The result directly depends on what product you pour into the machine and whether it was used correctly. Where to fill the air conditioner in the Atlant machine? How to ensure that things are not damaged during washing?
Finding the right department
It seems that there is no difference in which compartment of the dispenser the liquid product is poured into. But in practice, the washing machine takes the substance depending on the mode. The air conditioner starts working after washing, when rinsing is in progress.
The Atlant washing machine tray consists of three parts:
main powder receiver;
rinse aid compartment;
pre-wash powder receptacle.
The liquid must be poured into the compartment of the tray that is emptied most recently. If you add it to the powder receptacle, the washing machine uses the product directly during the main process. This way, the conditioner will be wasted because it will be washed out during rinsing.
Important! It is necessary to load laundry detergents into the correct compartments of the tray, then things will not be spoiled.
In Atlant washing machines, the location of the dispenser compartment for the conditioner is different from the others. It is indicated by a blue color and a flower symbol, and not a number, as in other washing machines. The part of the tray intended for rinse aid is easy to distinguish by its size - it is much narrower than the other compartments. The product is poured here, and washing powder is poured into the powder receptacle marked II.
Purpose of other departments
We have already realized that it is impossible to confuse the air conditioner dispenser compartment with others. It is located between two larger ones. On the right is the part of the tray with the I icon, intended for soaking heavily soiled laundry. The detergent is added here if the mode requires pre-wash or this option is selected separately.
On the left is the dispenser compartment with the symbol II, in fact, this is the main compartment. Powder is poured here when selecting any program. If you do not put the product in the main powder receptacle, the machine will simply rinse the laundry in water several times without any effect. It is also impossible to confuse this dispenser compartment with others, because it is the most spacious.
Follow the instructions strictly
If you want to play it safe and do everything correctly, open the instructions included with the washing machine. It must be included with every Atlant washing machine. If you can’t find it, you can find recommendations on the Internet. Scanned copies of instructions for all models are posted on various thematic websites and forums. But it’s better to use the manufacturer’s official website, where this information is also publicly available.
Avoid contaminating the dispenser
It is necessary to monitor the condition of the air conditioning compartment. Sometimes the washing machine does not completely remove the product due to mechanical damage. Then part of it remains inside the dispenser compartment, forming a hard coating.
When there is too much powder build-up, detergents are not delivered in sufficient quantities, which affects the quality of the wash.
For normal operation, you need to clean the tray:
take it out of the washing machine, wipe the part off from plaque;
pour citric acid into all compartments of the dispenser and run the wash empty;
pour regular baking soda into all compartments, pour in a 9% vinegar solution and, after waiting 15 minutes, wipe.
After this treatment, the dispenser compartment will be cleared of plaque and will regain its previous appearance. The fact is that after prolonged use the tray turns yellow. The powder receptacle should be cleaned periodically to ensure that the washing machine operates properly.
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