Where can you profitably put an old washing machine?
Washing machines, unfortunately, sooner or later become outdated and fail. And what to do with large household appliances that have already served their purpose? There may be several answers to this question. Of course, first we will look at the most profitable ways to get rid of the machine. And these can only be considered those methods that:
- They do not require our special efforts.
- They do not require our money to be spent.
- They will bring us some benefit.
Profitable ways to get rid of your washing machine
The first profitable way to part with once-loved, but no longer quite suitable equipment for us will be... you’ll never guess! Return it to the hardware store!!!
We return the machine to the hardware store!
How come? – you ask: After all, after so many years of work, no one will definitely take her back!
That’s right, at the price you once paid for it, they won’t accept it from you. And in general, they are unlikely to accept it for money in a store. But quite often one or another chain of household appliance stores holds various promotions. In these promotions, handing over your old washing machine can be an excellent reason to get a significant discount on a new one!
Typically, discounts are provided for both working and broken household appliances. And even for the one that was made many years ago. But just in case, we recommend calling before going to the store and clarifying all questions about the promotion and rules.
Most likely, in this option, you will have to deliver the machine to the store yourself. Therefore, this method can hardly be called very simple. Especially if your old washer is heavy.
Hand over to scrap metal collection points
This option promises you some money. Exactly how much money you will receive will depend on how much special institutions accept such items. And it depends on what kind of machine you have.
Yet again, Before going to scrap metal collection points, we recommend calling them. You can also check whether they carry out independent removal of old household appliances. If you are lucky and find an organization that picks up the equipment itself, then you risk making money without straining)
You can search for similar companies using the Internet. or through various newspapers with advertisements.
Free removal of household appliances
These services are provided by various companies in large and possibly small cities of Russia. In order to find a company that is ready to get your old washing machine “beaten in battles with an unequal enemy” for free, you can again use search engines on the Internet.
For example, if you type in Yandex the phrase: “Free removal of household appliances in Moscow,” you will see a lot of sites that offer this service. In other cities, you can also find similar companies.
This method of getting rid of the machine cannot be called profitable. After all, he won’t bring you money. But it can be considered the simplest. And all you need to do is just call and wait for the washing machine with loaders. They will take out the household appliances on their own, and you will only have to watch as they leave.
What's the catch? Yes, there is no special catch. It’s just that your old machine is also worth money:
- Firstly, it contains various parts that can be used to repair other washing machines or sell.
- Secondly, it contains metal, which is also accepted as cash.
That's why many organizations will be happy to relieve you of the problem of having boring old equipment.
Sell your washing machine through message boards or newspapers
This method will be most suitable for those who have an old washing machine in working condition. What should be done?
- Visit the site
- Create an advertisement for the sale of your washing machine.
- It's better to take a photo (ads with photos attract more attention).
- Write a description of the machine (its condition, functions, programs, etc.) and its price.
- Post an ad.
In the same way, you can try to sell faulty household appliances. However, you should not deceive people. Write immediately that the machine is faulty. Also indicate what exactly broke in it (if you know). It is possible that some master might buy your washing machine and use it for spare parts.
By the way, through this bulletin board you can sell not only household appliances, but in general any new and used items. By the way, about how to buy a used washing machine on Avito we already wrote.
Just throw it away
This option is not at all profitable and, moreover, can become costly. Since in order to throw out the washing machine you may need the help of loaders and transport. In addition, separate special containers should be provided for this kind of large garbage, which, of course, are simply not available in most garbage dumps.
We can only recommend this method to those who enjoy spending extra money and carrying heavy loads. For everyone else, we recommend the methods described above.
And if you are a creative and inventive person, you can figure out how to use an unnecessary machine and turn it into an original piece of furniture or a practical household device.
2 reader comments
Our janitors are responsible for recycling household appliances. Unofficially. You will most likely have to pay to get out of the apartment.
I bought a new machine at the store with free delivery, and they immediately offered to pick up the old one for free.