What is imbalance control in a washing machine?

What is imbalance control in a washing machine?While the housewife calmly waits for the end of the cycle, inside the washing machine the drum with laundry rotates at thousands of revolutions per minute. And if outwardly the machine only hums slightly and vibrates slightly, then in the machine itself the centrifugal force subjects the device to significant overloads. The negative effect of high-speed rotation is imperceptible due to the imbalance control function built into the unit. What it is, how it works and why it is important to monitor balancing, we will tell you in this article.

Purpose of this function

In short, imbalance control in a washing machine is a timely response of the system to an imbalance occurring inside the machine. A special sensor detects uneven distribution of things in the drum or other reasons for deviation from the norm and sends a threat signal to the control board. The unit tries to solve the problem on its own, and if unsuccessful, stops the wash to avoid damage. Otherwise, the laundry crumpled on one side will cause jumps, which will lead to strong vibration, shock and mechanical damage to internal parts. The result will be failure of the bearing assembly, shaft cross and drum surface.

imbalance control on modern machines

With functioning imbalance control, this will not happen. The sensor will immediately detect a deviation from the norm, reduce the rotation speed, reduce vibration, stop the cycle and give a warning sound. Afterwards, the owner will have to independently eliminate the cause of the imbalance, for example, open the door and evenly distribute things in the drum.

All modern washing machines with a spin speed above 1000 rpm are necessarily equipped with an imbalance control function.

It is better to carefully read the factory instructions after purchasing the machine and before starting the first wash. It describes recommendations for eliminating imbalances on a specific model, and also provides basic rules for operating the washing machine. For example, the main nuance that provokes excessive vibration is failure to comply with the permissible load. Do not forget to take into account that the capacity in kg indicated on the marking refers to cotton fabrics. Synthetic materials and wool products are somewhat heavier, so we strictly monitor the weight of the laundry we wash.

Possible causes of imbalance

Most often, an imbalance appears due to exceeding the maximum permitted load and crumpled laundry. As a rule, this problem is easily solved by opening the hatch, pulling out the excess, or evenly moving the clothes along the walls of the drum. It is more difficult if the cause of the imbalance of the tank is an installation error or breakdown.

  1. Unremoved shipping bolts. Starting a cycle without removing the transport bolts is a serious violation of the operating rules. It is worth understanding that these clamps are designed to protect the tank during transportation, so the drum compressed by the screws will not be able to fully rotate, but will begin to shake, bounce and upset the balance in the washing machine. This is extremely dangerous, is not considered a warranty case and occurs due to simple carelessness when installing the machine yourself. There are only four such bolts and they are located on the rear panel of the unit.forgot to remove the shipping bolts
  2. Uncorrected position. The more stable the machine, the weaker the vibration and the lower the risk of imbalance. Ideally, the machine should stand on a concrete or tiled floor and be leveled to the building level using adjustable legs. Special devices will also help - an anti-slip mat made of thick rubber or vibration-neutralizing attachments on the legs. It is not recommended to place the machine on wooden floors, linoleum and carpets.
  3. Faulty shock absorbers. To reduce the risk of imbalance, the machine is also equipped with shock absorbers. They help smooth out the drum's jumps and dampen the vibrations emanating from it. If the gaskets are worn out or the fasteners are loose, then the dampers will not cope with the task. It’s easy to check their functionality: remove the top cover of the housing, press on the tank and evaluate the result. If, instead of a sharp jump of 2-3 cm and stopping, chaotic swings and jumps begin, then there is a problem - an urgent replacement is necessary.
  4. Counterweights that don't work. Suppresses the centrifugal force from the drum, dampens vibrations and plays the role of shock absorbers and a massive artificial load - a counterweight. There are several of these in the machine and they are located on the top, side and bottom of the body, securely fixing the tank on all sides. When they are destroyed or deformed, an automatic imbalance occurs: the vibrations are not restrained, the machine begins to jump, and cast iron ingots or stones made of concrete and plastic loudly hit the other elements of the machine. Therefore, we remove the top or back panel and carefully inspect the condition of the counterweights. The retaining bolts may become loose and chips and cracks may appear. If replacement is required, then we act extremely carefully - concrete is very heavy, and if it falls, it will easily bend the washer’s spare parts.

Cracks in a concrete counterweight can be easily repaired by covering the holes with cement mortar and PVA glue.

  1. Failure in the bearing unit. If one of the bearings is destroyed, then along with the imbalance, slow rotation of the drum and clanging noise will appear during washing and spinning. We do not recommend figuring out on your own what a bearing assembly is and how to repair it. It is easier, more reliable and cheaper to contact the service department for a faster and more reliable solution to the issue.

It’s not for nothing that imbalance control is called the “self-preservation instinct” of a washing machine. Only by being able to sense the approaching danger, the machine will be able to stop operation in a timely manner, minimize risks and last at least 5-7 years.


3 reader comments

  1. Gravatar Iuri Iuri:

    In theory, you only need to level the machine when you install a dryer drum on the washing machine. And so you need to align the legs of the washing machine so that it does not swing. The drum doesn’t care what plane it rotates in. And with proper balancing nothing will happen

  2. Gravatar Valery Valery:

    Apparently, a citizen who believes that there is no need to level the machine considers the engineers who produce the washing machine to be stupid.

  3. Gravatar Valery Valery:

    Yuri, you're wrong.

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