How do you translate “Koch” on a washing machine?
It would seem that in the modern era, any word from any language can be translated into Russian in a matter of seconds, but in reality it is not so simple. When it comes to inscriptions on the panel of a washing machine, especially in German, the user may have difficulties, since online translators often translate such terms incorrectly. How, for example, is the German inscription Koch on a washing machine translated?
How to translate "Koch" into Russian?
The main difficulty with the Koch label is that the exact meaning of the term on a washing machine depends on many nuances. In general, this is a high temperature wash. But some programs with this name allow washing at 60 degrees, others only at 90. In addition, sometimes Koch does not directly describe the washing parameters, but designates the type of fabric that can withstand high-temperature washing.
Important! When you see the Koch inscription on the panel, remember that choosing it for washing delicate items, shoes, silk or synthetics is strictly contraindicated. Only cotton and linen can withstand high temperatures without the risk of deformation!
Translation of basic programs
There are many other terms on the panels of washing machines from German manufacturers that confuse Russian-speaking users. German words are usually very complex and long, so bothering with translation from German every time is energy-consuming. It's better to have a ready list somewhere nearby:
- Hauptwasche is a basic, “everyday” washing mode, suitable for all types and types of fabrics.
- Kochwasche - as mentioned above, wash in hot water.Suitable for washing natural thick fabrics, moderately or heavily soiled. As a rule, this program can be used to wash newborn clothes, bed linen and other items that can be washed intensively. The program involves washing at temperatures above 60 degrees.
- Buntwasche - washing colored items made from durable natural fabrics (linen or cotton), quite intensive. The temperature limit is 60 degrees, it cannot be set higher, so heavy stains may not be washed off, but small and medium stains can easily be removed.
- Mix – washing colored fabrics of mixed composition. The program is similar to Buntwasche, but more delicate.
- Jeans – washing program for denim products.
- Pflegeleicht – easy mode. Suitable for synthetics, various types of underwear and other items that do not require ironing (shirts or blouses). Capable of removing medium stains.
- Feinwasche – typical “hand wash”. Very delicate mode for the most demanding and delicate fabrics. This program does not provide spinning; if you need it, start it yourself after washing. It is also recommended to load the drum halfway in this mode. Some washing machines have an analogue of this program “Wolle, Seide” (in Russian - silk and wool), which has absolutely the same washing parameters.
- Leichtbugeln – “no folds” mode. Involves gentle spinning to reduce the number of bruises.
- Dessous - women's underwear, even made from natural fabrics, must be protected from deformation. This mode is designed specifically for this.
- Sport Intensiv - sportswear requires washing more often than any other, this intensive and at the same time fast mode is designed specifically for this.
- Outdoor – a program for washing items with a waterproof coating (usually autumn outerwear). There is a special drum operating pattern that promotes better impregnation and cleaning. Only used with additional detergent.
Regarding the duration of washing, the Germans have two modes for this parameter:
- Blitz, 30° 30min – express wash program. 30 minutes, and for some manufacturers - only 20. Suitable for products with no contamination. The load is extremely low - only 3 kg.
- Schnell Intensiv is also a blitz program, but more intensive, for dense natural fabrics that have contaminants.
The next three keys are designed to independently activate a certain washing stage if it is not provided for by the selected program or in some emergency.
- Schleudern – spinning for cotton or linen products. A key for activating the spin cycle independently if necessary.
- Schonschleudern – soft spin. Presses out delicate and “capricious” fabrics without damage (in particular, silk and wool).
- Pumpen or Abpumpen – a special program for draining water.
And finally, the “special” Energiesparen mode - literally translated as “energy saving”. It is interesting because the savings occur due to less heating of water. If you want to wash heavily soiled items, but are afraid to use ultra-high temperatures, this mode is suitable. At a temperature of 60 degrees, it will provide the same level of cleaning due to the special operating mode of the drum and the high cycle time.
The notorious meticulousness of the Germans is even evident in the production of their washing machines - they are truly rich in the variety of different washing programs for all occasions.A Russian person cannot deal with all this at once, and in most cases it is not necessary. It is enough to place the translation of the names somewhere at hand and gradually remember the meanings in Russian.
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