Why put a damp cloth in the washing machine when washing?
Experienced housewives know many tricks with which they can significantly improve the quality of washing in a machine. Some recommend pouring the powder through a special device, others praise mesh bags and tennis balls. There are still others who advise putting a damp cloth in the washing machine every time. The option with a wet napkin is the most intriguing, so we suggest you learn more about it.
Purpose of a wet napkin
Many people use wet wipes strictly for their intended purpose - as a means of hygiene. But housewives went further and expanded their scope of application to a washing machine. More precisely, they place a piece of cloth in the drum on top of the laundry to further clean things from hair, wool, fluff, threads and other small debris.
During washing, a damp cloth collects small debris, hair and fur.
For the first time, such news about the use of ordinary napkins seems far-fetched. But those who have tried this life hack confidently say: the method works. The fact is that during rotation, the cloth “travels” along the drum and collects small hair and lint. At the end of the cycle, most of the dirt remains on the fabric, and the clothes, on the contrary, become cleaner.
Which napkin should you choose?
The simple scheme has several nuances. To make washing with a damp cloth even more effective, you should consider several important rules. We are talking about the following points:
the napkin should be thick;
You should not choose scented napkins - things will absorb the smell;
rags are used one time;
It is advisable to choose packs with an antibacterial effect.
You cannot reuse a wet wipe - it is disposable!
The more napkins there are in the drum, the more garbage can be collected from things. Housewives recommend putting 2-3 pieces when the machine is fully loaded. It is also advisable to add conditioner to the detergent to “break” the aromatic impregnation of the shred.
How else can you improve the quality of your wash?
In addition to washing with a damp cloth, housewives have many more tricks and tricks hidden. Every day new secrets are being discovered, if followed, you can perfectly whiten or, on the contrary, restore lost color. Among the most popular life hacks are the following methods:
put 2 dishwasher tablets into the drum and run an “idle” high-temperature cycle, which will help disinfect the machine and remove all scale;
when washing white clothes, add 2 aspirin tablets to the powder receptacle, which will enhance the bleaching effect;
When washing down jackets, jackets and blankets, it is necessary to place tennis balls with the clothes, which will prevent the stuffing from crumpling;
to maintain the intensity of the black color, it is recommended to pour half a liter of freshly brewed coffee into the drum while rinsing;
3-4 ice cubes in the washing machine will remove wrinkles and creases from clothes;
if you throw crumpled aluminum foil into the machine, the clothes will stop electrifying;
By adding 2-3 balls of light woolen threads to the washing machine and starting automatic drying, you can soften the laundry several times.
A ball of foil placed in the machine will remove static electricity from items being washed.
In skillful hands, a wet wipe will become not only a means of hygiene, but also an assistant when washing in a machine.The main thing is to use the shred correctly.
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