Which is better: capsules or dishwasher powder?
Today, you can find a wide variety of detergents in hardware stores that have been formulated to clean dishes perfectly. Moreover, they differ not only in manufacturers, but also in types. This is why, most often, new dishwasher users cannot choose for a long time what exactly to buy – capsules or dishwasher powder. We will analyze in detail the types of household chemicals so that you can find the ideal detergent for yourself.
Bulk agent for PMM
These products look like a loose mixture, either homogeneous or with the addition of different granules. This chemistry consists of surfactants, abbreviated as surfactants, which are needed to actively break down food residues on the surface of dirty dishes. Most often, such household chemicals include various components.
- Enzymes needed to combat the most difficult stains.
- The enzyme subtilisin is designed to remove protein residue.
- Oxygen bleach.
- Water softening soda.
- Preservatives that can significantly increase the shelf life of household chemicals.
- Fragrances that give the product a pleasant aroma.
Also worth noting are phosphates and chlorine, which are sometimes added to increase dishwashing efficiency. Plus, among the additional components that can not be found in every product, we can highlight tensides, which facilitate washing in hard tap water, lipase, which can dissolve fat, as well as proteases, which serve for improved decomposition of protein residues.
But regardless of the composition of household chemicals, it is very important that dishwashing powder alone is not enough, because it should be combined with other household chemicals. We are talking about a special regenerating salt for PMM and a rinse aid.
It is better to add both of these products to the dishwasher separately so that they are not part of household chemicals for cleaning dishes. Salt granules will help cope with excessively harsh tap water, which can damage the heating element of the dishwasher. Conditioner-rinse aid is necessary for the final stage of cleaning dishes from detergents, as well as to give the utensils a bright shine.
Loose household chemicals are considered the most popular among dishwasher users. This is due to the fact that it has a relatively low price. And given the fact that combining powder with salt and rinse aid is cheaper than 3 in 1 capsules with the same effect, it is not at all surprising why buyers often vote for it with their dollars. In addition to this, there are a number of other advantages that need to be highlighted.
- If you use a mixture of detergents, most dishwashers will automatically control the consumption of salt and rinse aid, setting the settings in accordance with the hardness of the tap water.
You can find out the latest data on water hardness on the official website of your local water utility or using test strips - this will allow you to optimally adjust the consumption of salt granules.
- The powder dissolves very quickly, so it can be used for fast washing modes. In addition, it can be used in almost every dishwasher, so you can safely buy the product and not worry that it will not suit your “home assistant”.
- Finally, powdered products are easy to add in small portions, which is very important, for example, for washing modes with half loads of dishes.
But it cannot be said that these products are without flaws. Several theses can be highlighted as disadvantages.
- It is very easy to pour the powder while loading it into the tray, which is why some of the product will go to waste from time to time.
- When loading these household chemicals, its particles enter the air, so they can also penetrate the skin, as well as into the respiratory tract, which will provoke an allergic reaction.
- Powdered products, especially those produced in cardboard boxes, require special storage conditions. It's easy to accidentally spill them, and if there is high humidity in the room, as is often the case in the bathroom, the powder can cake and become less effective.
- With powders, you need to carefully monitor the dosage. If you add too much product per cycle, the machine will create an excessive amount of foam, which can cause not only leakage, but also damage to the dishwasher itself.
It is because of the presence of such a large number of disadvantages that manufacturers have developed an alternative to powder, which we will talk about in the next paragraph.
Encapsulated products
Household chemicals of this type look like transparent bags with different compartments, each of which contains a multi-colored gel. This appearance clearly demonstrates the peculiarity of a detergent intended for several procedures at once. Often, encapsulated products perform several functions in the dishwasher.
The most common type is a 3-in-1 capsule, consisting of a cleaning element, a special salt for PMM and a rinse aid. There is also a fairly popular 5 in 1 option, consisting of the following components:
- cleaning component;
- chemicals for protecting household appliances from scale;
- special regenerating salt;
- Dish protectant;
- rinse aid
In addition to the described varieties of capsules, you can also find chemicals in stores consisting of 10 or more constituent elements. These may include the following:
- special additives to make dishes shine;
- chemicals to eliminate unpleasant odors;
- protective components against microbes;
- catalysts for eliminating the most serious contaminants even in cold or slightly warm water.
The more components and special properties a capsule has, the more expensive it will be.
Such household chemicals have a huge number of advantages. Why are capsules so much more convenient to use?
- One capsule contains all the necessary means for one working cycle. There is no need to think about the dosage and be afraid of adding too little or too much chemicals, because you just need to put one thing in the dishwasher so that the dishes are perfectly washed and the machine does not break down due to increased foaming.
- All capsules have their own individual packaging, so they are convenient not only to transport, but also to store. In addition, the packaging prevents active chemicals from entering the environment.
- The stores offer a huge selection of capsules for dishwashers, which applies to both types and configurations.If you wish, you can find small packages of 10-15 pieces, which will help you test a previously unknown brand, or you can save money and immediately purchase a pack containing 100 or more pieces.
Of course, these household chemicals also have their significant drawbacks. They must be kept in mind if you are planning to buy such a product.
- Almost always, capsule-type chemistry costs significantly more than conventional powders. However, you can try to find less popular brands, the cost of which will be as close as possible to the price of dishwasher powder.
- When all the components are added to one capsule, they do not work as effectively together as if the components were loaded into the PMM separately. If powder and rinse aid enter the liquid at the same time, the conditioner becomes less effective.
- A number of capsules take a very long time to dissolve, so they cannot be used if the fast washing mode is selected.
- The capsules contain a relatively small amount of special salt, so it will only be sufficient for water of medium hardness. If your region has low-quality tap water with high hardness, then there will not be enough salt, which will cause the internal components of the “home assistant” to break down.
- If you have hard water, then even the manufacturer of household chemicals himself advises adding additional salt granules, even if you use capsules with added salt. In this case, automatic dosing of salt with rinse aid will not be available, because you will constantly have to add the product yourself.
- Phosphates are much more often added to capsules. In addition, the capsule cannot be used partially, dividing it into two working cycles.This is very inconvenient for modes that require a reduced dose of household chemicals, such as a half-load cycle.
- Some dishwashers are simply not designed to use encapsulated detergents.
As a result, one cannot immediately say that capsules are better than powder, because in addition to a number of advantages, they also have a huge number of disadvantages.
Which remedy is preferable?
It is difficult to say unequivocally that you need to use this or that type of household chemicals, because there are so many people, so many situations with opinions. Most often, the choice of detergent is based on user preferences. Statistics say that dishwasher owners are more willing to purchase capsules, because even though they are more expensive, they are much more convenient and economical than powders.
At the same time, one cannot fail to note the advantages of bulk products, which are extremely convenient for half-loading. Plus, powders can help out in situations where you need to quickly refresh dishes on one of the short operating cycles, during which the capsule may simply not have time to dissolve.
To ensure that your dishes are always crystal clean, without food residue or white residue, you need to follow a number of simple recommendations. The most important thing is to study the official PMM user manual, as well as instructions for detergents, which describe in detail the process of properly washing dishes. It is also worth highlighting the following points:
- if you use a powder rather than a capsule, then it is better to buy salt and rinse aid of the same brand as the bulk product;
- It is prohibited to use household chemicals designed for washing dishes by hand in dishwashers.Such products are characterized by increased foaming, which is why the “home assistant” may fail;
- if you choose a working cycle in which the machine heats the water to 40-50 degrees Celsius, then it is better to use capsules with enzymes, which wash dishes better;
- household chemicals with alkali and acid perfectly clean dishes with serious stains, but sometimes they have a strong bleaching effect. This must be taken into account if you need to wash dishes that are decorated with elegant paintings.
Thus, it is impossible to say with certainty that one type of household chemicals is definitely better than another, because each product helps in a different situation. That's why the best option is to keep both products at home at once, so that you can use them depending on the selected working cycle.
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