How to extend the drain and inlet hose for a washing machine?

How to extend the drain hose of a washing machineNowadays there are washing machines in almost every home. They are not perceived as expensive things at all. Rather, they are valued as a working tool that allows you to save time and effort. When buying a new car, people don’t always think in advance about where they will put it. And sometimes it happens that the machine turns out to be larger than the place that was intended for this household appliance. In this case, the washing machine may be quite far from the place to drain the water or from the pipe to which the inlet hose can be connected.

How to extend the drain hose?

Extend the washing machine hoseTypically, hoses are one and a half to two meters in size. There is an original version. Its essence is not to lengthen the hose, but to buy a new, longer one and replace it.

At plumbing stores or service centers that repair large household appliances, you can easily purchase a longer drain hose. But if suddenly it wasn’t there, then the Internet will come to our aid. Type the phrase in any search engine: “Buy a long drain hose”. And in the search results you will find what you need. To replace, you will need to partially disassemble the case.

And if you don’t want to disassemble the machine and tinker with it, then there is another option - simply extend the old hose by adding another one to it. We can also easily purchase it at a plumbing store or repair service center. We will also need special clamps and a connector for the drain hoses.

In general, you can do without clamps if the connector fits tightly. But it's better to be safe.Again, we will need them and a special tube if we do not find a normal connector. And if we bought a connector, then the whole process of extending the hose will be extremely simple. You will simply need to insert both hoses into this connector. And secure with clamps. That's all. You can use it.

Extend the washing machine hoseIf we haven’t found the connector, then a tube made of thin plastic or thick rubber and clamps will go into battle. The tube should be of such a size that it fits over both hoses. But it is desirable that it sits quite tightly.

We need to put this tube on both hoses so that they connect approximately in the middle of the tube. The resulting connection must be secured with clamps.

For normal operation of the washing machine, the hose should not be more than 3.5 meters.

If you wish, you can find a closer place to install household appliances. Or bring the drain itself closer using a pipe and the services of a plumber. By the way, if you have experience in plumbing, then this is not a big problem for you. Especially if your pipes are not metal, but plastic.

Video on how to extend the drain hose.

How to extend the inlet hose?

Replace the washing machine inlet hoseThe easiest option is to just buy a new one. It can also be purchased at plumbing stores. It is very easy to change and you do not need to disassemble the machine. Simply disconnect the washing machine from the water, then unscrew the old short hose and screw on the new one. Then open the tap and check if water flows at the connections. Usually everything goes fine. And the washing machine can wash without problems immediately after replacement.

If you haven’t found a hose of the required length, which is quite strange, because there are a lot of plumbing stores now.Then you can lengthen the hose by adding another one to it. To do this, you will need to buy a three-quarter inch brass nipple. It will act as a connector. Just screw both hoses onto it and the job is done. Wash for your health!


4 reader comments

  1. Gravatar Denis Denis:

    About the inlet hose: “If you haven’t found a hose of the required length, which is quite strange...”

    In Bosch with an anti-leakage system, this is not at all strange; this system is mounted on the inlet hose and there is only one way out - to extend it.

    • Gravatar Timur Timur:

      Bosch for everyone?

    • Gravatar Zhenya Zhenya:

      How to do it?

  2. Gravatar Vera Faith:

    And in the Indesit dishwasher, the drain hose mount inside the machine has a 90-degree bend and is larger in diameter than the standard ones :)

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