How to properly dry a down jacket after washing it in a washing machine?
When washing a down jacket by hand or in a washing machine, immediately be prepared for the filling to fall off - this is normal. The fluff inside the product gets wet, sticks together and forms a lump that settles at the bottom of the stitched cell. If you properly dry your down jacket after washing it in a washing machine or by hand, the item will quickly return to its original shape and serve you as before. Let's look at all the intricacies of the process of drying a down jacket.
Easier to dry naturally
The easiest way to dry a down jacket is to dry it naturally. This implies the absence of any artificial conditions and special tools for drying the product.
It would be great if you have a mesh clothes dryer. Lay the down jacket on it, having previously turned out the pockets, unbuttoned and straightened the product, in a ventilated space, immediately after washing. If you have a loggia where it is warm and at the same time quite dry, this place is perfect. This way you will reduce the drying time of the product by 2 times and prevent the filler from “fading”!
What does it mean to "fade" when we talk about fluff? If you do not immediately remove the product from the washing machine after the end of the program, there is a risk that the fluff will simply lock in. This is fraught with the appearance of an unpleasant, basement smell that will not disappear even after complete drying.
However, it’s too early to relax, while the down jacket is drying in this way, you will have to take direct part in the process more than once. From time to time you need to turn the product over, smooth it, and try to manually distribute the filler into the cells through the fabric.You can even resort to light whisking. But don’t overdo it: don’t hit too hard, don’t make sudden movements, so as not to inadvertently tear the fabric. Repeat these approaches until the product is completely dry.
Attention! After the down jacket has completely dried, you can lightly beat it with a clean beater to further fluff the filling.
Automatic drying of down jacket
The faster the pace of life becomes, the more actively people strive to shift as many household responsibilities as possible to technology. This also applies to drying. Modern housewives resort to using automatic dryers to dry down jackets. Balls are placed in the pockets of the product and then sent to the dryer at a temperature of no higher than 30 degrees: the result is quite satisfactory. However, you should prepare for a lot of noise from the balls.
Manufacturers are against this practice: on any down jacket there is a symbol prohibiting automatic drying. This is due to the fact that the thermal insulation properties of the filler are lost under strong heating.
In addition to automatic dryers, drying dummies are common. They are a design similar to a hanger. The down jacket is put on her like a mannequin and dried from the inside with air with the established parameters.
The drying time of a down jacket on a mannequin is limited to a few hours, which relieves the user of any problems caused by the slow drying of the down jacket.
How to save a down jacket that won't dry?
It happens that the down jacket just doesn’t want to dry out. If you have been trying to dry it for more than two days, you need to take emergency measures, since if you delay, the filler will quickly begin to rot.Experienced housewives recommend several time-tested methods for resuscitating a rotten down jacket:
Wring out the down jacket in an automatic machine, not forgetting to put the balls in your pockets. This is done strictly once;
smooth the product with a hand-held massage device without sharp edges. The pressure should be smooth and smooth;
If you have a vacuum cleaner with a reverse mode, that is, one that blows air rather than sucking it in, put the crevice nozzle on the tube and turn on the softest mode. Blow cool air over the inside of the down jacket. This will help speed up drying without harming the feathers.
Important! Instead of a vacuum cleaner, you can use a regular fan, garden blower and other devices that circulate air without heating.
Another extraordinary way to resuscitate a down jacket is extremely low temperatures. You can either leave the down jacket in a spacious freezer for a while, or hang it outside in the cold. The fluff will be compressed into ice lumps, which will then need to be carefully broken up with a small beater or simply with your hands. This will help distribute the fluff evenly throughout the cell. Next, you will need to dry the product in natural conditions.
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