How to wash a terry robe
How to wash a terry robe so that it becomes like new, and does not turn into something like a washcloth? Many housewives seriously ask this question, because there are similar terry things in almost every home. The main thing that housewives fear when washing a dirty terry robe is that it will come apart, lose its shape or fade. This could very well happen if you do not adhere to the rules that we will talk about in this article.
Rules for washing such items
A terry robe is a large, voluminous item with a lot of fibers. As long as the fibers hold their shape and color, the robe has an excellent appearance. A lot of fibers give the robe volume and splendor, and bright colors only emphasize the beauty of the terry product.
White terry robes have always been considered the most spectacular and attractive. White color emphasizes cleanliness, so throwing on such a robe after a bath, sauna or regular shower is especially pleasant.
After some time, a large amount of dust and dirt collects on the villi. Moreover, the fibers of the robe attract dirt and dust much better than any other fabric. The fibers of a terry robe stick together, causing the product to lose volume and become more faded and unattractive. Before you know it, your robe will turn from a pleasant and cozy piece of home clothing into an outfit for a garden scarecrow.
Especially for heavy smokers, we note that tobacco smoke makes the robe lose its appearance even faster.Because when you smoke on a balcony or porch, dressed in a terry product, cigarette smoke is perfectly absorbed into it, so in addition to the disgusting appearance, the robe will also acquire an unpleasant odor.
It's probably time to end the prehistory here. Everyone knows how to ruin a terry robe, but how to later return it to its original appearance is a more difficult task. There are general rules for washing such items. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with these rules first.
- Wash your terry robe in plenty of water.
- Do not put other dirty laundry into the washing machine along with your robe. The terry robe “loves solitude.”
- A terry robe is very difficult to rinse, and like a sponge, it absorbs detergents, so for such washing, take the most rinsable powders and gels.
- If you decide to wash or rinse your terry robe by hand, remove the rings and rings from your fingers, catch the lint, and tear the robe.
- Pay special attention to rinsing your robe. It is better to use double or even triple rinsing.
- You cannot wring out the robe at high speed, since the perforated walls of the washing machine drum act like a grater at speeds of 1000 or more revolutions, causing serious damage to the terry fabric.
- There is no point in washing a terry robe in cold water, since it does not stretch, but boiling water is also harmful to lint. You will have to choose the optimal water temperature.
- Be sure to add a little fabric softener when washing, otherwise your freshly washed and dried robe may feel like stubble.
Washing product and mode
So, you have firmly decided to wash your robe in an automatic washing machine, read the above rules and began to actively prepare for the process. Although you don’t yet know how to wash a robe in a washing machine.
Based on the rules we have formulated, it is necessary, first of all, to choose a good detergent, since a terry robe is difficult to rinse. It is better that it is not a washing powder, but a gel, since the gel dissolves better in water and is less retained in the fibers of the fabric. For our part, we recommend the following remedies.
- Weasel Shine of color. Suitable for colored terry robes. Thanks to active substances, it helps restore color after 4-6 washes.
- Frosch Universal. Ideal for colored robes. Thanks to the conditioner included in the gel, the robe will be soft and pleasant to the touch.
Lately, there have been a lot of complaints from consumers regarding Frosch, since a lot of counterfeits have appeared on the market. Be careful, purchase only the original product.
- Meine Liebe. Washing gel. A very good Danish product that allows you to wash even stubborn dirt from a terry robe.
- Power Wash. White washing gel. If your robe has turned from white to gray, use this gel. Thanks to the optical brightener, the whiteness effect will appear after the first wash.
Now about the washing mode and in general about how to wash a robe in a washing machine. This is where the dilemma arises. On the one hand, a terry robe requires delicate washing, since any intensive mode will definitely damage the delicate fibers. On the other hand, in the delicate mode it will be impossible to wash, much less rinse and wring out stubborn fabric. We propose the following scheme:
- choose a gentle mode, for example, “bulky items” or “hand wash”;
- set additional rinse;
- turn off the spin;
- start the wash and wait for the machine to complete the program;
- then separately start the spin cycle at a speed of no more than 800 rpm.
Some recommend setting the spin speed to no more than 600 rpm, but practice shows that such a spin cycle is extremely ineffective. Set it to 800 - this is also not critical for the fabric. At what temperature should I wash a terry robe? It has been experimentally proven that the optimal temperature for a cotton terry robe is 600C, for bamboo 400C. Some housewives ask whether it is possible to wash a cotton terry robe at a temperature of 90 degrees. The answer is obvious - undesirable! This will almost certainly ruin the thing.
We have more or less figured out how to wash a terry robe in a washing machine. But what if you had to wash your terry robe by hand? What to do? In such a situation, you can sympathize. However, there are advantages to this. Hand washing is much gentler than machine washing, unless, of course, you are too zealous.
Along with a terry robe, you can hand wash other terry products, such as towels.
Soak the robe along with towels in a basin with washing gel. There is no need to keep the robe in the basin for a long time, it’s even bad, 15-30 minutes is enough. We fill half a bath of water and put a robe and other things in it, and then rinse thoroughly. Do not rub the fabric too much to avoid damaging it. We take the robe out to the edge of the bathtub, and then apply the gel to it by hand, foaming the detergent a little at the same time for washing. Next we rinse the robe again.
Now we need to drain the soapy water and refill with half a bath of clean water. We rinse the robe and other products as thoroughly as possible, and then drain the water. We leave things at the bottom of the bathtub so that excess water drains away. Do not try to lift the soaked robe; it is very heavy. Next, all we have to do is squeeze out the product and then dry it.
Spin and dry
Wringing out a robe in an automatic washing machine is much easier than doing it by hand. If you are a fan of hand washing, you can rinse the robe, put it in a basin, and then place it in the drum of the washing machine to spin. In principle, this is the best option, just let the excess water drain first, otherwise the robe will be completely too heavy to lift. Some housewives prefer to do without the classic spin altogether. They simply lay out the robe on the bottom of the bathtub, and then, section by section, gently squeeze the water out of it.
The advantage of this method is the delicate attitude towards the fabric of the robe. The downside is that it takes a lot of time. Having wrung out the robe, we begin to dry it. If you understand how to wash a terry robe, then there should be no problems with drying at all.
You can dry it either in a drying cabinet or the drum of a washing machine with a drying function, or outside, as you wish. There are no serious features here. However, there are some points worth considering:
- do not dry the robe in direct sunlight, this will damage the terry fabric;
- Do not dry this item in conditions of heavy gas or smoke;
- do not overdry the item, this will make it unpleasant to the touch;
- and, finally, do not hang an unwrung robe on a line to dry, it may stretch out and lose its appearance.
So, how to wash a terry robe in a washing machine? As it turned out, there is nothing complicated in this matter. These products, of course, have their own characteristics, but they can be washed either by hand or in a washing machine, the main thing is to strictly follow the rules. Happy washing!
1 reader comment
Thanks for the detailed advice on washing a terry robe. Everything is clear and understandable.