How to properly wash white clothes?
Probably every woman has had to deal with washing white clothes at least once in her life. When washing clothes that are white, you need to be extremely careful and take into account some nuances. If you violate the washing technology, things will change their color or simply “stain.” This raises the question not only of how to wash white clothes, but with what.
A few rules for washing clothes that any woman should take note
Free white items from all metallic objects. How to wash white clothes, a woman will decide for herself. It can be bleach or white. You can use a special powder. What kind of washing is complete without water. We take 10 liters of water, in which you need to dilute 20 grams of the detergent you took. Dip the items you have prepared for washing and immerse them in the resulting solution, then heat them up. If you wash items made from artificial materials, the washing temperature should be no higher than 50 degrees, heating should be no more than 20 minutes. After this, all things must be rinsed thoroughly in water.
If you choose to bleach cotton or linen clothing, you will need a higher water temperature. But under no circumstances let the water boil.
After these steps, the items must be rinsed in lukewarm water, and then rinsed again, only in cool water. If after the first bleaching the laundry is not washed, then the whole process will need to be repeated.
To wash and bleach linen, cotton and synthetic items, you will need a disinfectant.
One of the important factors when bleaching things is soaking.
If the item has turned yellow, you should use a Clorox solution. Before putting laundry in a solution with Clorox, it must be wetted and then soaped.
The Clorox solution is diluted in the following way. Take 1 liter of ordinary water and dissolve a tablespoon of the substance in it. 3-4 hours after the items have been soaked, they are taken out and washed with laundry soap. After this, all things must be rinsed thoroughly.
When all the laundry has already been washed, it must be placed in water with Clorox added in advance. We also add a spoonful of it to 1 liter of liquid. After all manipulations carried out with things, they must be rinsed thoroughly.
One way to whiten things is with hydrogen peroxide or hydroperite. You will need 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. It can be replaced by using hydroperite tablets, of which you will need 9 pieces. Then the desired substance is dissolved in a bucket of water. White items must be soaked in this solution for half an hour, and then rinsed.
To keep things always white, you need to dry them properly!
One of the first rules It is recommended to dry white clothes in the sun, it has the properties of whitening clothes. Probably many of us remember that our grandmothers used bluing to whiten things. Even in our
time, this method does not lose its relevance. Blue comes in different forms of release. It can be in the form of a powder, or it can be in the form of a solution. Powdered bluing is placed in a gauze bag; it is made from 3-4 layers of gauze fabric. The prepared bag is placed in water heated to a moderately warm temperature.
When the blue is already placed in the water, you will be able to notice how the water turns into the corresponding shade. When the liquid has acquired the color you want, you can take out the blue and mix the solution. Now you can put white things there.
If white things are starched, they get dirty less!
If you decide to use this washing method, you will need starch and water. Take 600-700 ml of cool water (about 3 cups) and add half a glass of starch. Mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. Then quickly drain the prepared solution with water, which we first bring to
boiling. We will need about 3 liters. And immediately rinse things in this solution. You need to know that things washed in this way should only be ironed damp.
Often in life situations arise when the collar and cuffs must be starched, for this purpose “Starch” is used. Making such a solution is quite simple. To do this, we need to dilute 2 tablespoons of powder in 1 liter of water. And only then we boil the resulting solution. After boiling, white linen is placed there and washed. Then, you need to remove the clothes from the solution and straighten them. After washing, things need to be dried, but not completely. They should remain moist.
Remember, clothes after this method of washing should only be ironed while damp!
Now, you shouldn't have any problems with bleaching your clothes.
All of the above methods for whitening clothes are good, but you decide for yourself what is the best way to wash white clothes and which method to use!
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