How to sterilize jars in the dishwasher
In summer and autumn, housewives do homework. It goes without saying how tedious this process is, so many are interested in somehow simplifying it. Recently, the Internet has suggested sterilizing jars in the dishwasher. When we first learned about this, we thought that such a proposal was nothing more than stupidity, but after thoroughly studying the issue, we reconsidered our position.
Process description
After considering different points of view, we decided to try this method ourselves. There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is that during washing all microorganisms that live in glass jars die. Well, of course, you cannot use detergents, since even their insignificant residues can ruin all your work. What are we doing?
- We prepare jars for sterilization. If the jars are very dirty, they need to be washed. If a little dust has settled on them, you don’t have to worry, the dishwasher will wash everything away. Also check the dishes for chips.
- We clean the cuvette from residual detergents so that they do not get on the dishes being sterilized.
- We put the jars in baskets tightly with their necks down.
If there is salt in the dishwasher reservoir, there is no need to remove it. In salt water, microorganisms will die faster and at a lower temperature.
- Close the dishwasher door, select the program that provides washing at the highest temperature, and start the process.
- At the end of the program, we take out the sterilized jars and begin preparing the preparations.
What dishwashers are suitable?
Everything seems to sound simple.However, it must be understood that the success of the sterilization process will depend on the capabilities of the dishwasher. Some Bosch dishwashers capable of washing dishes at a temperature of 70-800C. This technique is quite suitable not only for washing dishes, but also for sterilizing jars. But not all washing machines have such capabilities. Electrolux, Leran, Flavia, Indesit and others machines are mostly capable of heating water to a temperature of 600C, and this is clearly not enough for sterilization.
Open the instructions for your dishwasher and find out whether it can be sterilized in it. If she washes on intensive or any other mode at least at 700C, feel free to place the jars in the baskets. If the washing temperature is 10 degrees or more lower, use old proven methods to sterilize jars.
There are also dishwashers with a sterilization function. Their instructions directly state that this technique can sterilize jars, baby glass bottles and dishes for allergy sufferers. But I would like to note that such dishwashers are very rare on the Russian market, so you will have to make do with ordinary ones.
Pros and cons of this method
We have already mentioned that we tested this method of sterilizing jars, and we found it quite good. Maybe, of course, not ideal, but not bad. This innovative sterilization method has a number of advantages.
- The effect of sterilization is amazing. The jars were completely disinfected, so the ingredients in them survived the winter well. Out of 40 jars of cucumbers, only 3 became cloudy for unknown reasons.
- The sterilization process occurs automatically without the involvement of manual labor. While the jars are sterilizing, you can do something else.
- High performance.A whole mountain of cans and jars fits into the dishwasher. They are all sterilized at the same time.
- Be careful with dishes. When you sterilize at least one jar with your hands and crack it while “juggling” over a boiling pan. The dishwasher sterilizes without a fight, and this is some kind of savings.
This method also has disadvantages and we will, of course, mention them. Firstly, it takes time. If you need to sterilize 7-10 jars, it is better to do it manually. Spend less time. But if you need to sterilize large volumes of glass containers, then it’s better to give the “palm” to the dishwasher.
Secondly, this method is not feasible on every machine. We have already talked about this and this is an absolute minus. And thirdly, how to sterilize in a dishwasher if you do homemade preparations in the country? Of course, you can bring equipment to your dacha, but if there is no running water, connecting it will be problematic.
So, what conclusion did we draw from this story? Sterilization in the dishwasher, although not in all cases, is possible, and it can really make life easier for the housewife. To master the process, you need no more than 10 minutes, and if you plan well, you can save from 40 minutes to 1 hour. So try it boldly and share your impressions in the comments. Good luck!
1 reader comment
Any dishwasher dries dishes with steam, this is true sterilization, so any machine will do, not just one with a 70-80 degree setting.