How does the Malyutka washing machine work?
Activator type machines are popular among buyers. Basically, washing machines are purchased by summer residents or students, since such equipment is quite inexpensive. “Malyutki” is also chosen by small families where the volume of laundry is small. Such equipment compares favorably with its price and compact size. The semi-automatic machine does not have to be connected to communications; it is easy to carry if necessary. Let's figure out how the Malyutka washing machine works and how to use it.
The principle of operation of the technology
“Malyutka” is a small-sized activator-type washing machine. In general, this is not just the name of a specific model of machine, but a general designation for all washing units that are small in size. Such equipment is endowed with minimal functionality, regardless of the manufacturer brand and production series.
The design of any “baby” is primitive. The semi-automatic machine consists of:
- tank for clothes. The container is made of plastic and is usually designed to load from 1 to 3.5-4 kg of items. The most spacious “babies” are capable of washing up to 6 kg of clothes at a time;
- activator This is a rotating disk with blades; it can be located on the bottom or wall of the tank. The device ensures mixing of laundry in a plastic tank;
- motor. It is the electric motor that starts the activator;
- capacitor. This is a special module necessary to protect the electric motor. It smoothes out voltage surges, thereby preventing engine failure;
- control module. Any “baby” has a knob for setting the time and a relay for selecting the washing or spin mode.Due to this mechanism, it is possible to adjust the cycle parameters, focusing on the degree of soiling of the laundry.
The basic package of the Malyutka activator machine includes a hose for draining water, a lid and a stand.
Let's look at the principle of operation of the “babies”. To start the cycle, you need to load laundry into the tank, pour water inside, add powder, connect the equipment to the network and set the washing time. The electric motor will start the activator, it will begin to rotate, mixing things inside.
When the main wash process is completed, the waste liquid will drain through the hose. The “baby” can also be used for rinsing - just fill the tank with clean water and start the cycle again.
How to prepare equipment?
The vast majority of “babies” are designed as simply as possible. They just have a storage tank, an activator and a turning handle to start the cycle. However, there are also “double” washing machines, which have 2 tanks at once - the first is designed for washing clothes, the second is for spinning.
Regardless of the “Malyutka” model, the semi-automatic machine must be prepared for the first use. To begin with, you should place the washing machine in such a way that it is convenient to work with it: put things inside, fill and drain water from the tank.
Very often, compact machines are placed on a wooden or metal grate above the bathtub. Then, at the end of the cycle, you can simply remove the plug from the bottom of the washer, and the dirty water will pour out without any effort. When using the “Malyutka” in the country, it is installed on the floor, and a hose is connected to the drain hole.
There are several options for filling the tank of “babies”:
- take water into a basin or other container and pour it into the washing machine;
- put a shower head into the semi-automatic watering can;
- put a hose on the valve and throw the end of the tube into the tank.
Cold water should be heated before pouring into the machine. “Baby” ones do not have a heating element, so the user will have to achieve the desired washing temperature independently. It is not recommended to use hot tap water - it often contains many impurities, sometimes it has a reddish tint.
After filling the tank, pour the required dosage of powder into the semiautomatic machine. Even hand washing detergent can be used. The most important thing is to achieve complete dissolution of the granules. And, of course, you need to properly prepare your laundry. It is important to remember the following recommendations:
- wash colored items separately from light and black ones;
- Clothes should be loaded in small batches to avoid overloading equipment;
- Things with zippers or buttons must be fastened and turned inside out before putting them into the tank.
Also be sure to check the pockets of your items. When the laundry is loaded into the tank, the powder is poured in and water is added, you can start the cycle. Let's figure out how to do this.
Activating the technique
Starting the washing machine is very easy. To activate the wash, just close the tank with a lid, plug in the Malyutka and set the timer to the required cycle time. The duration of the program usually varies from 1 to 6 minutes - the user can set the desired value.
If the laundry is very dirty, it is better to first soak it in the Malyutka tank for 15-20 minutes, or spin it in the machine twice.
When you need to start a semi-automatic machine twice in a row, be sure to give the machine a “rest.” The interval between washes should be at least 5 minutes. This will give the engine a chance to cool down.
After finishing one wash, you can wash other things in the soapy liquid.For example, first underwear, then jeans or T-shirts. After a couple of cycles, the water in the tank should be replaced. Rinsing is performed in the same way as the main process. If your “Malyutka” does not have a centrifuge, then you will have to wring out the clothes manually.
There are “Malyutok” models that allow you to wring things out automatically. It is necessary to drain the water from the tank, place a centrifuge there, put laundry inside and turn on the spin relay. In two-tank washing machines, you just need to transfer things from one tank to another and activate the function.
Ending the process
After washing and rinsing is completed, wring out the items and hang them up to dry further. Next, take care of the machine. First, drain the waste water from the Malyutka. After emptying the tank, unplug the power cord of the washing machine from the outlet.
Then the tank must be rinsed with clean water and wiped dry. Leave the “Malyutka” open for a couple of hours so that it is completely dry from the inside. If you neglect this rule, rusty smudges or mold may appear in the semiautomatic device. It is also better to wipe the outside of the case with a damp cloth.
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