How to wash a Teflon tablecloth
No matter what fabric the tablecloth is made from, it is still susceptible to stains. Even a practical Teflon tablecloth will still have to be washed. How to wash a Teflon tablecloth correctly so that its properties are not lost, this is what we will talk about.
Step-by-step instruction
To make washing the tablecloth easier, do not remove it from the table, leave it flat, and then:
- Use a sponge or cloth to clean up spilled liquid and crumbs.
- If there are dried stains on the surface, moisten them with water or a solution of water and dishwashing liquid.
- Use a wooden spatula to scrape off the soaked dirt.
- Wash the tablecloth with a sponge, rinsing the sponge in clean water to remove any foam.
- Dry with a dry table towel, let dry and roll up the tablecloth.
If washing the tablecloth does not help, then you will have to wash it by hand, for this you need:
- dissolve the powder or liquid detergent in water at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees;
- immerse the tablecloth in water and leave for 20-30 minutes so that the dirt is properly soaked;
- gently rinse the tablecloth with a sponge;
- rinse in clean water, you can use the shower to wash off all the foam;
- Without twisting the product, let the water drain;
- lay out on a drying rack and let dry at room temperature; excess moisture can be removed by placing an old sheet under the tablecloth.
Features of the tablecloth
A Teflon tablecloth can be made from any fabric, for example, linen, cotton, polyester or acrylic, only the top layer of such fabric is coated with Teflon.
For your information! Teflon coating is sometimes also called fluoroplastic.
Thanks to this coating, the tablecloth acquires a number of properties:
- does not absorb moisture, and therefore spilled liquid collects in a puddle;
- does not absorb fat;
- easy to clean and dry;
- retains a bright pattern and does not fade;
- “afraid” of high temperature;
- It does not tolerate exposure to sharp objects and abrasive particles, so it cannot be cleaned with powder.
Before providing a list of means with which you can wash a Teflon tablecloth manually or in a machine, it is necessary to indicate the characteristics of such means. Firstly, they should be soap-based, and secondly, they should not contain unnecessary chemicals, including optical brightener. It is best to take either soap or powders for washing newborn clothes that are suitable for the washing machine.
You may ask, how to wash a Teflon-coated tablecloth, because the powder can ruin the item? We answer that soap and soap-based powder will not spoil the item. On the contrary, it will acquire its original rich color, becoming attractive again. A tablecloth washed in this way will not be embarrassing to lay on the table. Well, enough philosophy, here is a list of products that can potentially be used for hand and machine washing of a Teflon tablecloth.
- Laundry soap “Eared nanny”.
- Atopalm baby soap.
- Soap powder for newborns Tobbi Kids.
- Baby powder “Our Mother”.
- Mako Clean and others.
If you have other baby soap or soap-based laundry detergent on hand, feel free to use them. If the products are of high quality and do not contain unnecessary chemicals, they will not spoil the tablecloth.
Is it machine washable?
People often ask: how to wash a Teflon tablecloth automatically? Although we are not supporters of this method of caring for a Teflon tablecloth, because we believe that 2-3 such washes will kill the item. But still, we will tell fans of automatic washing machines how to do laundry with the least damage.
- We set the most gentle washing program, for example: delicate mode, hand wash, etc.
- Turn off spin.
- Set the thermostat to 30-40 degrees.
- We put 2/3 of the norm of soap powder, which is suitable for washing in a washing machine.
- We start the wash and wait for the result.
For your information! When washing a new Teflon tablecloth, be prepared for it to shrink a bit, especially if it's made of cotton. Products made from expensive fabric have a reserve length for this case.
To summarize, we note that you should wash a Teflon tablecloth in a machine or by hand only if necessary. Despite the long service life that manufacturers claim, the Teflon coating wears out and loses its properties. Treat the product with care and it will last you a long time.
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