Why do you dream about washing powder?
Human dreams are one of the most mysterious phenomena of nature. Since ancient times, people have tried to unravel the secret meaning of their dreams and understand whether it exists at all. Be that as it may, certain patterns were still discovered, for example, why do you dream about washing powder? You'll never guess what the dream books say!
It's time to change something in the near future
If in a dream you see how you or someone else is pouring powder from a package into a basin or other container, this means that you simply need some changes in the near future. Moreover, they must be conscious and initiated by you. Perhaps you need to reconsider your relationship with your loved one or friends, or maybe engage in introspection and change something about yourself.
Attention! So if on the eve of the dream you had thoughts about starting or changing something in your life (go dancing, change your hairstyle, buy a new car), powder in a dream is a sure sign that you need to decide and do it.
Fateful twist
Global changes in life await you if there is a lot of powder in your dream. For example, if you carry it in bags. Moreover, it is unknown whether the fateful turn will be happy or tragic; it remains a mystery.
Washed clothes also have a double meaning depending on the dream. If you washed clothes that became perfectly clean after washing, it means that you will have good luck in some endeavor or monetary profit. But if the powder did not cope with the task and stains remained on the clothes, then everything is less rosy: most likely, stress, some kind of difficulty or illness awaits you. A woman washing something by hand is a symbol of a successful acquisition or an expensive gift, but a man washing clothes is a sign of an unpleasant conversation in the near future.
The path to self-criticism
Miller's dream book interprets powder in a dream as a precursor to overly harsh and categorical introspection. People who tend to constantly digest the events of the past, be tormented by doubts and overthink themselves may often dream of a detergent.
Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to understand yourself, but self-criticism should not lead to stress, lowered self-esteem and the emergence of serious complexes. Be honest with yourself, but loyal.
We buy powder
If you dreamed of buying washing powder, there can be a great many interpretations. The main thing is to remember the dream in the smallest detail in order to decipher the message. For example, if the emphasis in the dream was on the process of buying powder itself, then there are two options.
- If you, without hesitation, chose the powder and immediately took it to the checkout, this means that you will soon become the object of heated gossip and gossip.
- If shopping takes a lot of time and you can’t make a choice, either you or one of your loved ones will soon get sick.
If in a dream you clearly saw what product you were buying, you need to interpret the dream based on this:
- powder for white laundry - good news;
- powder for black - to minor problems;
- powder for colored laundry - new horizons;
- hand wash product – problems with personal life;
- machine washable powder - to changes in life;
- a cheap remedy promises immediate guaranteed failure;
- expensive - pleasant little things, luck.
Important! In a dream, you may see a combination, for example, too expensive powder for black underwear. This means you need to pay attention to all the details and try to assemble the interpretations into a single picture.
Avoid scandal
If in a dream the housewife spilled washing powder, which provoked a negative reaction on her part, this is a warning that some kind of scandal awaits the woman soon. Moreover, it is unknown whether he will be at work or at home. Such a dream suggests that you need to try to avoid conflict at all costs, since it will die out on its own if it is not rekindled. If you give in to rage and allow conflict to develop, it will have a bad effect on your future.
Did you dream that you were washing your underwear with spilled powder? Such a vision promises a protracted serious illness. But if dirty underwear lies not far from the spilled powder, expect dirty conflicts.
Good news
When in your dream you inhale the smell of powder and enjoy it, this means that soon you will experience success in business, a successful deal, etc. Moreover, the undertakings will most likely be of a financial nature.
If you are not involved in business or do not foresee any business, then such a dream may be a sign of the disclosure of some kind of deception or secret. In some cases, the smell of powder in a dream can mean a quick resolution to a problem that took you a long time to resolve, or a pleasant surprise from a loved one.
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