Where can I use the motor from an automatic washing machine?
Having bought a new washing machine, do not rush to get rid of your faithfully used “household assistant”. It is better to reuse the motor from the automatic washing machine. Taking an electric motor as a basis, it is easy to design various useful devices. We'll tell you what homemade products have already been assembled by craftsmen.
First let's start the engine
Before using the engine again, you should make sure it is working. It is important to start the engine and see if it has lost power and is able to maintain speed under load. To do this, you will have to connect the motor to alternating current. The algorithm of actions is as follows:
- prepare a multimeter - this is a special device necessary to identify the paired wires of the motor winding;
- connect the multimeter probe to a random wire and find its pair (the tester will indicate the correct connection). The remaining 2 wires will also be considered paired;
- measure the resistance of each winding (the one with a higher resistance and a smaller cross-section is the starting winding);
- connect the wires from different windings of the engine and connect them to the mains;
- watch the engine work;
- change the movement of the electric motor in the opposite direction by swapping the contacts of the starting winding.
When diagnosing an engine, it is important to follow safety rules. If the unit passes the test, then it can be used in a homemade product.
An electric motor can be used to make a lathe, an apple or feed crusher, a grass cutter, a concrete mixer, and an emery machine.
There are many options, your task is to choose a product that will really be useful in the household. We'll tell you how to design such devices yourself.
Universal lathe
You can use the electric motor from a washing machine to construct a metal lathe. In fact, making such a unit is very simple. It is only necessary to attach the adapter to the engine shaft of the automatic machine.
We recommend not to attach the adapter tightly. It is desirable that the nozzle remains removable. This will make the machine more versatile - it will be possible not only to turn products, but also to sharpen knives, garden tools, cut pipes, etc.
Various attachments can be attached to the base of the electric motor shaft: a grinding wheel, a cutting wheel, and others.
There is also no need to nail the homemade device to a fixed base. The portable design is more convenient. A thick wooden board is suitable as a base. To secure the machine, you can use brackets that are screwed to the wood with bolts from an automatic machine. To start the homemade product, use a standard switch or a cord from a washing machine.
Feed crusher
This homemade product is useful for preparing feed for cows, horses, pigs and other domestic animals. If you find a powerful enough motor, you can design a feed cutter, an apple crusher, a grass cutter, or a grain crusher. Moreover, devices assembled by yourself will be in no way inferior to store-bought devices.
To manufacture such a device, the electric motor from the activator washing machine will be rather weak. But the motor from SMA will do, it has just the right power. To make a feed crusher, you will need three main elements:
- engine from an automatic car;
- a metal container (ideally a case from an activator machine with vertical loading - it can be easily found at any metal collection point for pennies);
- metal blades (they will grind the food).
The blades that perform the function of knives should be slightly smaller than the metal body. They should scroll freely in it, but not reach the edges.
The algorithm of actions when constructing a feed crusher will be as follows:
- prepare the necessary components;
- cut a hole at the bottom of the housing to remove chopped feed;
- fix the first cutting blade at the bottom of the tank, the second at 45-50 cm above. To improve the degree of grinding, it is advisable to use two different shafts so that they rotate in opposite directions;
- secure the washer motor on top and connect it to the shafts;
- make a hole in the top panel where the grain will be poured;
- Connect the power cord to the motor.
After this, you can test your homemade device. This machine will grind grain no worse than a store-bought model. And in terms of money it will cost many times cheaper than the factory equivalent.
Emery machine
An emery machine would be useful in any household. This device is as simple as possible to manufacture. All you need to do is find an electric motor from a washing machine and buy a whetstone.
Sometimes the hole in the stone does not fit the engine shaft. In such a situation, you will have to prepare an additional adapter - it must be ordered specially. Any turner can make a spare part of a suitable diameter.
In addition to the adapter, you need to prepare a nut, screw and washer. The stroke of the motor directly depends on the thread on the coupling.In order for the engine to rotate from left to right, you will need a left-hand thread, and in the opposite direction - a right-hand thread.
If necessary, the movement of the electric motor can be adjusted by swapping the winding wires.
Next, you need to place the whetstone on the motor shaft and connect the working winding of the motor to a 220-volt power supply. Two trigger cables are connected to the coil.
Concrete mixer
A homemade concrete mixer will come in handy if construction work is coming up soon. It is quite difficult to manually produce large quantities of concrete mixture, and renting a device is too expensive. In this case, you can assemble the device yourself.
First you need to make a solid base - the concrete mixer will be attached to it. Wooden beams measuring 15x15 are suitable as a base. To fasten them together, use self-tapping screws and metal channels.
The motor shaft and the main tank shaft should be positioned at the same level. Guided by this, it is necessary to make a shelf on the frame in which the motor will be fixed. Next, you can begin installing the gearbox.
The engine and gearbox pulleys should be placed in the same plane. If you neglect this rule, the motor will be overloaded and eventually burn out. As a container in which concrete will be mixed, you can take a tank from the SMA. Next, a shaft is placed in the container, and blades are attached to it (they will mix sand, cement and water). It is important to ensure that the blades are positioned symmetrically. Then you need to put the drive belts on the pulleys.
To prevent concrete mortar from getting on the motor, it is better to hide it under a protective cover. Having finished your homemade product, connect the power wires to it.For convenience, you can provide “Start” and “Off” buttons.
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